
Friday 3 October 2014

FLORA Message

The LORD said 'Flora', and I see that there is a location in America with that name.

Latest news is that there are now cases of 'ebola', in DC, USA, and the plagues are mentioned in the biblical prophecies. I did write, do let me know when the plagues are over, this temple is looking forward to it.

The most recent floral painting was this one.

Apparently, the word 'Flora', comes from Latin, 'Flora', the goddess of flowers and plants from Roman mythology. Interesting that the leaflets that arrived through my door yesterday, had bunches of keys on them, and keys are mentioned in connection with the flora. Unlocking the flora are we.

'Master of Flora - Triumph of Flora'


No surprise then that it happened at the same time as the Hercules film,
and Hercules prophecies that we shared.

There is also a ballet, 'Awakening of Flora'.

No surprise then that the American government own the patent for 'Ebola'.

Flora is also given to describe 'gut bacteria'.

My advice, increase your magnesium, melon seeds, pineapple, and coconut milk.

Its written that it impacts on the liver and kidneys and that means it impacts on the adrenals.

Drink plenty of fresh water, eat fresh celery, and celery soup.

You could even make a celery soup with coconut milk.

Make sure your stomach lining is as healthy as it can be.

Plenty of fresh, preferably raw garlic.

Boost those immune systems.

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