
Saturday 4 October 2014

Joan Littlewood Tribute

'A two-day celebration of creativity is taking place in more than 120 pop-up "Fun Palaces" to honour visionary theatre director Joan Littlewood. In the 1960s, Littlewood wanted to build a Fun Palace, a radical venue offering culture, science and education to people from all backgrounds. It did not happen, but now artists and actors in the UK have revived the idea to mark the centenary of her birth. Events are taking place in theatres, museums and other venues across the UK.'

Where science and art come together in mutual reception. 

As the LORD said, 'TAP ON WOOD'.

'Better the little that the righteous have' Psalm 37:16

I can smell wood as I am writing this. 

Its lovely to walk in the woods.

The smell of wood is her signature.

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