
Saturday 4 October 2014


Following on from the 'escalator nightmare', then the shooting at a shopping mall in Durban, South Africa. Apart from the American created 'Ebola' that is escalating with Obama's wars. Such, bright sparks those Americans, aren't they.

What else is there on the escalator. Forbes share the latest on what is happening in the health arena, Forbes have called it the 'Glass Escalator, a new obstacle for professional women'.

new analysis by the New York Times today shows that more men are entering female-dominated professions like teaching and nursing, in an effort to achieve job stability, financial security and more time for family life. This employment shift has accounted for nearly a third of men’s total job growth from 2000 to 2010. However, while it’s good for men and potentially good for families, it’s a bit more complicated for thewomen in these fields.
The historical difficulties for women’s success in the workforce are well documented. First there was a closed door. Once it was opened and women started flooding the labor market and taking on the male-dominated corporate world, they then hit a glass ceiling—the unseen barrier that keeps them from rising to senior-level management.
Now, they must contend with yet another advancement obstacle, the “glass escalator.” While women climb the ladder in female-dominated professions, their male peers glide past them on an invisible escalator, shooting straight to the top.

How's the flora going folks.

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