
Thursday 2 October 2014

Escalator Nightmare

I rarely have a nightmare, and last night I had another one. That makes the third. The first was about Eastern Europeans, the second was about models ''attacking" after sundown. The third nightmare was in a large location.

Last night I had another nightmare. It was in a very large location and it was at night. There were escalators going up and down, and the people were sparse. It was like the inside of a large cinema complex, or shopping mall that looked deserted. 

As I was leaving two men came towards me, and I could see their rough, weather worn faces, they came up behind me in an 'intimidating' fashion, they were taller than I.  They were following the person, that was in front of them, and one of the men grabbed hold of my right arm. 

Then the night mare ended, and it clearly indicated a planned 'attack' on a person. Forewarned is forearmed.

In the nightmare, one of the men was slimmer and younger, than the other man, that looked like he was in his late 50s. The other man was in his 40s. I would definitely recognize the older man, if I saw him again, as he and I were looking each other straight in the face.

To see escalators in a dream or nightmare, can indicate that a situation is escalating, and the actions of others are also escalating. All three of the nightmares were about 'attacks' and as we know, Obama has sent his "Iron horse" tanks into three Baltic states and Poland. 

Prior to the Santa Barbara event, I did issue a public warning to people, to not go shopping after sunset. I had also received a dream with Barbra in a kitchen shop prior to the event, and it was published on this blog.  

The fact that the man grabbed my right arm, indicates a serious situation for gentle spiritual people, and the feminine wisdom. Mashiach Bodhisattva.

It is written that the verb 'escalate' originated in 1922, and has two uses, the primary: "to climb or reach by means of an escalator" or "to travel on an escalator", and the secondary: "to increase or develop by successive stages; spec. to develop from 'conventional' warfare into nuclear warfare'.

Wisdom is a tree of life and all her paths are peace. She is worth more than rubies and nothing can compare to her. Proverbs 3. Daughter Zion does exist, wisdom does exist, the wondrous woman from heaven does exist. The one that gets wisdom loves life, and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper. Salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.

Interesting that after I had written this blog post. I went to the door, two of the same leaflets had been put through the door, the leaflets were from an estate agent, they both have a bunch of keys on them.

In the biblical texts it also mentions the estate of the uncle. Estate agents, and property ownership, also leads to the building industry, construction and property developers. That then links to MMM who passed over in 2010, the probate of his estate, and the lawyer that contacted Lotus Feet on this blog, asking for information related to South Africa. He was asking if I knew the information on any relatives  in South Africa, that were related to Michael's father.

Michael wrote to me about people in America, that had done their utmost to drive him out. They had impacted on his properties, both private and commercial. He shared with me that the property developers, were trying to get the land and properties for the corporations. He made me fully aware of Marion Still, and how he felt about her husband, politics, deeds and actions.

Months prior to Michael's passing, Marion Still was sending me emails, in regard to her daughter that had breast cancer, in fact, the Christian woman passed over with it.

However, she left Michael in a dire situation, time and time again, and did not respond to his call for help. Michael had been dead for three weeks, prior to anyone finding him, no food, and all his essential services had been cut off again.  It is what is known legally as 'Criminal Negligence', and 'Corporate Manslaughter' by the so-called Christians in America.

Florida, and a CT internet location, that is owned by people who live there, also involved in construction. Men that support nuclear war, against other nations, the men in Florida involved in a particular website, are responsible for the deaths of many. They surely could be brought before the court of human rights.

The prophecy of Nostradamus was correct about the people involved.

The co-founder of another website passed over, Omega, and I explored hearts again, why does the site have the crescent moon as its symbol. When they know full well that the wondrous woman from heaven as the moon under feet.

Chicago, photograph sent to me by a Mr Smart

Remember the dream of the cowboy, and I was given the name Sue after I saw the man on the horse. A  man based in Holland started to become concerned about Islam, he then gets a new mod with an Islamic name, on a website with an Islamic symbol. Did you get the picture guys. The mod then says her name comes from two different names, one of which is Susan. Big smiles. 

Did the new mod caress people back to life with love beyond measure. We all know what she wrote about the Tao Peach that Jesus called Lotus Feet. Can the new mod stand in front of the flame of Joseph, in a court of human rights in integrity. Can any of the owners of the forums in the CT community do so. Come, bring your facts, lets see what the lawyers have to say about it


  1. Durban shopping mall shooting, man and his ex-girlfriend. Is this it.

  2. As we know the 'ebola' is escalating, especially in Africa. Come black Buddhas, come.

  3. It has come to light that America has the patent for ''Ebola", that's no surprise it. Especially when you read how when they created 'Ebola', they thought it could be used as a 'biological weapon of mass destruction'. Not funny, hey. Bright sparks those Americans, hey.

    The other news today, is another ''attack'' on women, and it happened at night time.

  4. Another update from Durban. There was another man with the man that went to the shopping mall.

    However, the two men that I saw in the nightmare were white skinned.


    Journalist Allum Bokhari, a writer for TechCrunch, has said there was credible evidence that at least one well-known trolling group was "working to provoke both sides against each other".

    It looks to me like the guys are trying to keep the women out of becoming leading developers in technology.

    The dreams that I received in respect of 'attacks' upon the feminine would certainly indicate that.

    It isn't just happening in IT, it is happening in other realities as well, and we have witnessed how some people are recruited to become 'trolls' of other people and that includes women.

    I used to say to them, its not your feeding time.

    However, the case of Zoe Quinn and others like her are being looked into..

    She also mentions the sheer depth of the public scrutiny that she has had to endure. Public scrutiny that not even politicians have to go through.

    The conclusion in the article is that it is to obtain a consumer boycott of the developers work. However, there is a bigger picture isn't there, and those that know, know what it is America.

    The same can be said about alternative media as far as censoring the truth is concerned. You only have to look at who is running alternative media. Men
