
Wednesday 22 October 2014

SOLAR ECLIPSE 23rd October, 2014.

Well a lot has happened hasn't it since the total lunar eclipse.

I felt like crying tonight when I read about the four newborns that were found in a locker in Winnipeg, Canada.  Then there has been the young British couple found in a hotel at the Taj Mahal, the lunar eclipse of romance that has been.

The Russian plane prediction coming to fruition, the floods in Tenerife, and the passing of Dr Emoto that came after the 'water mole' dream.  Now we have the partial solar eclipse that comes right after it.

Being the 22nd the eclipse energies have already began, although it is written that it will be seen over North America on the 23rd. The 22nd is the 'Day of Allure' and the word 'allure' is mentioned in bible in connection with God. 22 is also a Master number, of Angels, Leadership and charity.

This evening I wrote to the guys about charity, and every woman requires a man to do something for them. The guys just have to find out what that something is, if they are to attract romance into their lives. If not romance, at the very least, good company with a good woman that can feed them well and help to keep them healthy physically.

To ensure that they remain healthy and well fed in these last days of the end times. They're are so many wonderful female healers, and complementary medicine therapists that live alone. Where are all the wonderful guys, for all of those lovely ladies of all ages. Do you know that spiritual women outnumber spiritual men, by ten to one. So a good spiritual man, certainly has a good choice.

Anyway, lets get back to this partial solar eclipse and the 23rd October. I am not an astrologer, so I tend to look at the numerics. The 23rd October is the 'Day of Conflict', 2+3=5 is also physical world.

The eclipse comes in the astrological week of 'drama and criticism'. I've also been given 2016 a couple of times. You can be sure that the next two years is going to be the hardest yet for North America, and yet another, presidential election.

With a partial solar eclipse it looks like the moon is eating the sun. The words that I have received in recent days is 'Expedient', and that word can be found in the Lotus Sutra chapter 11. Hence, there could be some more conflict with China over the Buddhists and Christians. In addition, with Malaysia and other countries that have been traditionally Buddhist.

If I think of the words 'Drama' and 'Criticism', I immediately think of Islam and Americans and I have travelled to many countries. However, Muslims that I've met have usually been peaceful. (that doesn't include some of them in Israel)

Even in Egypt, they were lovely to yours truly. Both the Egyptian Muslims and the Egyptian Christians.  In fact, the Egyptians are more like the Greeks. Not surprising really, when you look at their history.

Both the Egyptians and the Greeks love their historic cultures, they have real roots, and wonderful historic sites to defend. I received a lovely mandala last night and there is four gold fish in it. Goldfish with white tails. There is beautiful crystal blue water, like you see and experience in the Greek Islands. There are autumn leaves in the painting and what looks like Lotus flowers. Four of them, symbolic of the blossoming around the world, in the four different directions.

The art is on white and the circumference of the mandala is brown. That always reminds me of the monks, St Francis of Assisi and the sons of the rich men that gave up their rich way of life, to pursue a spiritual life with St Francis.

So we can anticipate that more people will be making decisions about where they're going to live, who with, and where. More spiritual communities springing up in different parts of the world.

That then led me to a prophecy that St Francis apparently gave, prior to his passing. A prophecy about the last days of the end times. While I was posting it, I was given the words,

'Ladies and gentlemen please sit down'.

To sit down, can mean many different things. It can mean 'SIT INS', where people simply down tools. Sit ins like they happened in the hippy days, over the war with Vietnam, or like it happened with the children during the last transport strike in the UK over the price of oil and petrol. Within days, there was no food in the shops, and no petrol at the garages.

You ask people to sit down, when you are asking people to listen to what a person is saying. When people are being asked to be peaceful in their actions.

So shall we call this the 'Sit Down' or 'Expedient'' partial solar eclipse. Sitting down is what people do when they go to a show, criticism is often what people read in a newspaper or on the internet. It feels like, its all planned out in advance. Its already known what is going to happen between now and 2016.

Its already known what 'conflicts' are going to be co-created, and the reasons why. So why even get involved in any of it.

My advice is help any individual that you can. Be as charitable and as merciful as you can be, think global, act local. Its in the tenth month, and 10 is also new cycle of time, that also links in with the transformational waters and my earlier post on 'Transformation -v- Conform'. Psalm 40 is also about doing the will of God, and the numeric of 10:40 links us to the Russian plane crash.

The book of Deuteronomy mentions 'sitting at home' and teaching the children.

Eli sits on a chair, Elijah sat on the top of a hill. I've just raised the banner on my new blog for the paintings. Everyone will sit under their own vine. Micah 4:4 Zechariah 3:10, and as we know, Joseph is a fruitful vine that climbs over every wall.

I will look at the saros number of this eclipse when I am rested and make a different post on it.

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