
Tuesday 21 October 2014


The Russian plane crash was predicted. On the 7th October, 2014 in the public domain. People that know about the prophecies that I have delivered, and the predictions that I have made. Know that when I write that I've had 'water up the nose', it indicates a plane crash. Many prophecies and predictions have been proven to be accurate including prophecies about shootings in the USA.

7th October, Mashiach Kum report. 'Water up the  nose'. 'Keep and eye open for it'. At the time, I also posted, 'definitely smelt the chlorine this time'. It was like when you can smell the chlorine at a swimming pool.

10:40 on the 7th October, I wrote, 'Feeling Russia'.

Russian Plane Crash at Moscow airport, TOTAL boss involved. Russia calls, 'Criminal Negligence' due to the death of the Total CEO.

Chlorine is used in petroleum products.

Correct again. She reigns for the glory of our God and his Son. The wondrous woman from heaven, dressed in the sun with the moon under her feet. The water pours from Zion, to help that which grows upon the earth.

The earth signs like to be 'adored' don't they, well have some water instead, from the Aquarian water bearer for the Aquarian Age of the humanitarian, so that you can grow.

Shall we 'unlock', 'adoration' and those that like to be 'adored', by women. Putin likes to be 'adored' doesn't he. Well the prophets and the Mashiach don't 'adore', men that build nuclear facilities on the water of the oceans.

Best you close down those facilities at your earliest convenience, because we all know what happened to Solomon that liked to be 'adored' by his harem. The way of Solomon, was a short term solution, and we all know what short term strategies and tactics co-create. Boom and bust of the freemasons and their stock markets.

Remember how the Christians 'enticed', elderly women to invest in the stock markets, and in so doing, the corporations that 'create carnage wherever they go'.  Was it the will of God for women to invest in the stock markets and the corporations. If you read the true Christ teachings you will discover that the will of God is for the worthy to fund the worthy healers, that help to raise humanity and their vibrations up. He didn't say, raise up the rich, and for the poor to make rich men, richer.

You know what Jesus said to the rich man don't you. Jesus certainly did not 'adore' him or wash his feet. Remember, remember, they have to give, and be givers in a merciful way in the true power of love beyond measure.

Mashiach KUM as spoken, righteousness arrived in perfected wisdom. Do you like wisdom Russia. Did you know that one healer became a thousand in the hand of wisdom on this land of Joseph.  The noble woman of character. Did you like wisdom's fast.


What was the importance of the 7th of October, the day of the prediction, the TOTAL lunar eclipse.

The 7th of October was the 'Day of Defiance', so what was the Total CEO 'defiant' about. How about Russia. 'Feeling Russia' was posted at 10:40, the numeric of ten is about the spiritual law in the New Testament. 40 is a numeric that is associated with the prophets, and specifically Moses. Remember the 40 years in the wilderness. Psalm 40 is about doing the will of God, and funny that it is the verse of the day. 'Your law is within my heart'. 40:8

Psalm 40:10, 'I do not hide your righteousness in my heart, I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly'. No coincidence then that King David predicted that the Harp of Faithfulness would arrive at night time.

Prophet Hosea also predicted that the LORD would betroth his people to him with a woman. He would send them his love, his mercy, faithfulness and righteousness to show them exactly what it means to be love beyond measure in doing his will in a charitable way. The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy. HESED! Did you get that Islam, how about you Russia.

The LORD sent his Mashiach Kum to Israel in 2006 and in 2007. Did you get the message humanity, biblical prophecies were fulfilled, and the scroll of remembrance was given on Israeli soil to yours truly, in May 2006.

10+40 = 50 and 50 is associated to the signs of the Jubilee as mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. When there were 50 signs in a year, it was a jubilee year.

I had a lovely mandala come in last night, autumn leaves, and it has four golden fish with white tails. I must get the scanner sorted so that I can share the new paintings. I now have a new blog for the Mashiach Mandala Artist paintings.

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