
Monday 20 October 2014

Lotus Pure Master Essence

Angels of the LORD come down to raise people up, if and when they are sent in the power of love. Divine gorgeousness. 

Who can touch an Angel of the LORD. Who can touch a saint. The saints judge the angels in the name of the LORD, as chosen by him to do so. 

Saints that have integrated patience beyond measure, become masters in divine gorgeousness of the love that they're empowered to be. They can be identified by their divine conduct, that emanates the experience, that they live in the integrity of the heart. 

The Master essence of the Lotus flowers that have blossomed; spreads its beautiful fragrance and sound wherever it goes, once experienced, never forgotten. 

The saving of lives is pre-eminent, and the saviors are chosen to be expedient in integrity of the heart. 

In supreme pre-eminence, expediency, and divine gorgeousness they reign in the kingdom of God. 

Wisdom is a tree of life and all of her paths are peace, the actualization of her potential, living in her enlightened nature of Lotus Feet. 


Reigning over all that require saving from themselves; in the power of magnanimous love that has been victorious and overcome. That is why people pray to God, and why the saints receive the incense of their prayers, the prayers that are directed to the saints for compassionate and merciful action. 
In which heaven do the saints reside, do you know. 

Do you know what the wondrous woman from heaven was defending in that timeline. The Masters know and serve the divine plan for humanity.

May you always hold this message in your heart.

For as the saints know, only the pure can see purity. Who can touch a true Angel, who can touch a Saint or a Master in the holiness of the spiritual being, that crossed the new frontiers, in the power of magnanimous love together. 

Who can heal human dignity, who can raise humanity up, who can deliver the people, who can unlock the potential of children and adults, only the divine, the refined, the purified. As each petal unfolds, each and everyone, is seen in its divine gorgeousness of its gentleness, and fondness for all that is divine. 

The Lotus flower that a woman wears in her hair, a crown of divine gorgeousness. The essence of the divine gorgeousness that impacts on everything in the life of wisdom, and the enlightenment that wisdom conveys. A treasury of experience, that is pre-eminent and unsurpassed. 

It is a level of the heart that only those at the same level, can understand, and appreciate, in the fulness of its existence of the glory of being noble in holiness. In the spiritual law of righteousness, justice reigns supreme, and it impacts on many lifetimes and generations.

When the Lotus is seen, so too does the spiritual law manifest in the most incredible ways. 

They say that the Tao peach only comes once every 3,000 years. Some gain their lives and some leave their lives, all is in harmonic concordance of the spiritual law of righteousness, and its supreme justice of the LORD, and his spiritual Lords of perfected wisdom. 

Whether wisdom walks or whether wisdom sits, her noble character is in the divine gorgeousness that the LORD chose to bestow upon her, when she was teaching souls to fly divinely. 

Its no coincidence that the prophets predicted that the LORD would betroth his people to him with a woman. A woman that is faithful in her honor of the divine, a woman that is truly righteous, loving, merciful and proven to be charitable. 

God sent the power of his love to his people; to show them the power of his love and that it really does exist. He kept his promise to humanity, he kept his promise to Israel, he kept his promise to the spiritual all over the globe. Only those that are true and faithful to the divine, truly honor it, and divine will. 

That is why wisdom was honored, she was honored in many countries of those that could see the purity of the light, and its love. Her paths of peace are honored, so is the tree of her life. 

Can you take a petal of her purest essence from her head, can you take a petal of her purest essence from her heart. When the clear, fresh water pours from Zion, they ask where did you come from, from where does the water come. Where does your garden grow, where are your flowers, where is your fruit. She smiles graciously, in the divine gorgeousness, and its playfulness that she bestowed to raise them up, as she had been raised up, divinely. 

Lotus Feet gave water when they were thirsty, she fed them when they were hungry. Those that were truly sincere in their hearts, were honored immeasurably. Wisdom truly honors all that is sacred, holy and divine. 

As one became a 1,000, the petals of awesome love blossomed, so too did her arms that were reaching out to those that could be reached, with the power of healing, that showers people in the divine love. 

Every soul that she touched with her hand, voice, or written word, became souls that had been blessed to walk in the immeasurable power of love. 

People were inspired, compelled to come in the power of love, their hearts called out for her wisdom, her righteousness was pursued, the rainbow of her hope for humanity was prayed for. Her justice was integrated, and understood, due to the balance that was given. The unification, the unity, and peace of supreme love of the Aquarian water bearer. The merciful, charitable humanitarian for its golden age.

Now the mashiach is happy to spread the paint, a life well lived, in the joyousness of the given that was sent. What more could you, or would you ask of her, what would you give.

Would you visit her in hospital, would you feed her, would you wipe her brow with a beautiful fragrance. Would you give her a home, with a housekeeper. An office with a secretary, a healing room, and an art studio, would you love her, as she loves you beyond measure. Would you live ecologically with her, would you be willing to live in the divine will of her life on the planet. 

Would you give to her, as she has given during her life. Do you love the sunshine of the lotus flower, do you love the sweet dew on her petals. Have you seen her little feet, the petals there, and the petals in her hands. Did you see her vase, did you see her rice or her tibetan bells, did you touch her drum, or hear how she tunes up the instrument of vibrations. 

Did she cover you in a special blanket with a specific color for your healing. Did she select the flower essences for you divinely, did she give you flower essence combinations to aid you with your ascension. Did she give your children crystals when they came to speak to her, did she gift her students on their training courses. Did you stay in touch with wisdom. Did she continue to guide you for a decade.

Did she speak to you from her heart, did she write to you from her heart, did she respond to your questions, did she appear to you in your dreams, did she appear before you in the fulness of her personality and its divine Spirit that is truly holy. 

Did you feel and see how real she really is. Did you comprehend why she manifested the realness for you. The LORD chose to show you what is possible in the power of love that is magnanimous, in the magnificence of the wisdom that he blessed for humanity. 

He took a child from a poor family, in London, a little groom that loved to ride horses in the country. He raised her up for the poor, to defend the poor, spirituality, and their love in his mercy for humanity. 

The LORD chose to show the poor, that enlightenment is possible, and that it is not beyond your capabilities to become enlightened. In his hand he gave her, he offered the holy Spirit to humanity, she appeared in the heavens, and wherever he sent his Lotus Feet. 

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