
Wednesday 22 October 2014

American Apartment Dream

I went to rest and sleep, and I went straight into dreamtime. During the dream I could only remember the second part of the dream. I was in a very large American apartment, like you see in American films.

A large open space. I was laying down on a couch, all of a sudden I saw loads of white birds, like seeing the birds in a vision. The white birds looked like doves, and they were afraid, as they were flying towards me for help. They were trying to get away from something, or someone that had frightened them. The flock of birds looked like they were crying out for help.

As I was looking at them, trying to reach out to help them, trying to get to the birds, I couldn't move, I was in a hazy state, it felt like I had been drugged.

As I pulled myself out of it, enough to move myself, I looked at the staircase, and at the top of the stairs, I saw the back of a man leaving, and he was carrying a white duvet. I wondered what he was doing with the duvet, I didn't remember him having the duvet, when he was in the large room, lounge area.

Then I got up, walked to my left, and I saw there was an old electric fire with bars. I wondered what the fire was doing there, who put it there, and why the fire was on. I was conscious of the fact that this type of fire was very 'expensive' to use, and it was also 'dangerous' to have in a house, or an apartment.

Then I saw the fireplace, and someone had put a large log of wood on the left side of the fire. I left the fire alight, as that didn't cost anything. I realized at this point that this was a recurring dream. I then went to the electric mains to turn the electric fire off, and the dream ended.

I then asked what this dream was about, the reply that I received was 'Romance'.

In dream interpretation, the dreamers dictionary; to dream of a fireplace with an appropriate fire burning, can forecast peace and contentment. It can also indicate an exciting romantic adventure. A roaring big fire can signify new hope after a time of 'discouragement'.

A flock of doves can predict sudden travel, or the return of an old friend from a distance. A large apartment can indicate a steady increase in prosperity. The doves were 'afraid'. However, in dream interpretation it means that they will recognize the difficult situation that they are in, and they will find their courage to overcome those difficulties. They know where they would like to go.

If you dreamed of being 'drugged', to the extent that it impacts upon your normal movement, it is a warning dream that there is 'active jealously around you'. The advice given is to be extra careful of your actions following this dream.

I've just been given the name of a woman, four letters, and it begins with F. It is a well known fact how 'F' feels about the reality of sharing the truth with the flock.

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