
Wednesday 15 October 2014


While listening to this lovely Buddhist sound tonight. It reminded me of the days when I was working with vibrational medicine and flower essences. It also reminds me of how I feel, the resplendent peace, when I am cooking healing foods and herbs. In addition to when I am painting mandala.

I love to spread the paint, and my recent painting is for a new born baby. His name his Rupert. I was led to a cork board for him, and it is the first time that I've spread the paint on cork. 

The painting is A3 in size, and the mandala is on a tree of life. It is uniquely for Rupert, his life and soul journey. It is quite different to all of the other mandalas, and it is the first time that I have been compelled to put a mandala on the tree of life. All of wisdoms paths are peace.

Green Tara also reminds me of the series of mandalas with green leaves, and that includes, Elijah's Fire and the Green Cross that appeared when I woke up in the morning. As we know the leaves are for healing the nations in the biblical timeline. 

As far as healing foods are concerned, this month the Kale soup was posted, and the herbs that I am eating are mainly oregano, basil and dill. Dill for increasing my appetite, its wonderful in sandwiches and on salad. I was first introduced to dill on a beautiful Greek Island, so its flavor and taste, also has a signature of happiness, bringing forth happy memories and carefree days in the sunshine. 

Oregano always reminds me of Pizza and Italy. Again, the body remembers its signature, related to joyful times. Ella and I cooked great Pizzas, and I recently had an Ella dream, a superb creative cook, both professionally and at home. 

The body carries many memories, and its important that people understand what is good for the body, and what the body remembers; in connection with being healthy and happy. In this context we are really talking about the physical. As the density of herbs, is more suited to the physical, than flower essences, that have a much lighter vibration, as far as I am concerned. Flower essences are ideally suited for the mental and emotional realities, the herbs are far better suited to the physical.

Of course, you can work with both types of vibrational medicine at the same time. It isn't an either, or, its about what is the best vibrational frequency, and signature, to work with the reality that you are experiencing. Some are much more powerful than others, just like the souls and Spirit of the people themselves, differ in strength.

It is written that Green Tara is the 'Mother of Liberation', and represents success in work, and achievements. The Buddha of enlightened activity. The biblical 'overseer of souls', is really the equivalent of the Buddhist Tara, as far as the vibration of the energy is concerned, in regard to the quality of the capabilities. 

It is written that Tara became known for the 'perfected wisdom'', and in the bible wisdom is also feminine. Proverbs 3.

She vowed, "I have developed bodhicitta as a woman. For all my lifetimes along the path I vow to be born as a woman, and in my final lifetime when I attain Buddhahood, then, too, I will be a woman."

Apart from the mercy and compassionate action, one of the feminine principles of Tara, is playfulness, and that is one of the ways, that people can recognize the tara energy. Tara energy makes it easy, and comprehensible, for seekers to understand the pathway of enlightenment. 

Tara energy works on the planetary energies, especially the earthly energies, earth sun signs and on a soul level. As such the unlocking of the earth signs, and their potential is also strongly Tara manifestation, due to the immense level of life experience required to be able to do the unlocking. It is interactive, and active involvement, for compassionate and merciful purposes.

It is the energy of caring fully about the people, and their health, that can be helped with the good energies of the earth.  Hence, it is ecological and about sustainability, that includes healing, with that which grows on the planet, in a natural and organic way.

When you are at this level of attainment, you can find herself being compelled to wear the color green. Aspects of it may come in and out at various times in your life, touching your life in a gentle and tender way. Until you are ready for the final stage of your incarnation, and its mission in a physical sense.

That's when the whole of your life experience and its perfected wisdom comes to the fore; to help those that are open enough, to accept the help that is offered.

In Hebrew, Tara means 'doorkeeper'. Hence, you can appreciate how important the 'unlocking' is to the doorkeeper. In Aramaic it is Tera'.

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