
Wednesday 15 October 2014


It is written that the tao peach only comes once every 3000 years. It was in 2006, after my return from Israel that Jesus came into my presence and spoke of where we were going next. He also called me Lotus Feet for the first time.

While I was in mystical Safed, Israel 2007, the heavenly Father, known to Israeli's as HaShem, spoke and he explained that the name Lotus Feet expresses my true nature of enlightenment.

Much has been written about these Lotus Feet of this feminine woman, and yes, I do have little feet, and the Chinese in ancient days, knew that when I incarnated again, I would have little feet. Until recent times, I always had a high in-step, in recent years my feet have become level.

This figure was found in the remains of the same Greco-Buddhist city, where they found a bust of what is a perfect depiction of Jesus. It is written that the first statues and busts of the Buddha were made in Gandhara.

In the 1970's, tribesmen in the area of Gandhara, now Kandahar region of modern day Afghanistan were still talking about the holy man that came to them from Israel.  When I was led to look into linguistics, I found that there was a significant overlap in the linguistics of Hebrew-Aramaic and Sanscrit in the written word.

Flat-footed, and it is written that level feet are a sign of Buddhahood, the wondrous woman from heaven also has the moon under her feet, the scar can be clearly seen. It happened when I was a child, and I stood on a broken glass that was in a river in Kent. I was just seven years old at the time. Now that reminds me of a passing of a man whose life was saved, after I saw his eyes all fishy.

His daughter is a healer and after I saw her dad's eyes, I shared with her immediately, that she must get her dad to the doctor as soon as possible. Sure enough, perfected wisdom was correct. He lived for many years after that, and when he eventually passed over, a Carlsberg glass exploded in my kitchen cupboard at the exact time of his passing. Energetic hearts were also dancing in front of my book shelf in front of me.

I left the sparkling glass that had shattered like a crystal, the kitchen cupboard was closed, and I couldn't work out how the glass managed to get on four different levels of the shelves. When a healer came to visit me, she shared the fact that the man had passed over, the date and timing of it. It matched perfectly when that glass exploded. Wonderful evidence and proof of life after death.

The Buddhist energy of the 'doorkeeper' and its 'unlocker of potential' is also being shared with those that are interested in being 'unlocked'.

While posting today, the LORD spoke he said the word 'Expedient'. Then when I was viewing the Lotus Sutra chapter 11, to post in response to a person that had posted in the public domain, I saw the word 'expedient' written.

To be expedient means to do something easily, and when you have a life of healing experience combined with the perfected wisdom to share, helping others is easy for the giver. Unlocking the doors is easy for the doorkeeper, the key holder, that knows where the doors are.

In recent years, I was shown a vision of doors, the first door was pink, the second was gold, both of the doors were open, and there was a beautiful tree of life in front of me. A tree that was fully grown. In the  biblical texts, wisdom is a tree of life, wisdom is feminine, all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3.

Following that I did return to a place where I used to work as a healer and spiritual teacher, a place where the tree is. There I had some wonderful sound healing for the nervous system.

Its wonderful that both the biblical texts, and buddhist texts honor the feminine. Jesus also honored the feminine, and defended Magdalene, as an example of his loving, embracing, and exalting the feminine in the presence of his male companions.

The biblical prophecies also predicted that the LORD would betroth his people to him with a woman, and it is written exactly where he would plant her in Northern Israel. Prophet Hosea delivered a prophecy for the feminine and how the LORD would send his love, his mercy, faithfulness and righteousness to Israel. That happened in May 2006, and a holy gathering was called to honor the star gate opening.

How awesome life is, when you allow it to unfold in your patience of a saint, love and devotion to God. For truly there is a divine plan for humanity, including my flat feet.

The Lotus Feet sutra also mentions other words that the LORD and his Son have spoken of in recent years, and it includes the 'unsurpassed'.

It was predicted that Mashiach is a 'Leper to the house of study', that is so true, I do not read lots of texts, I do not recite, I do not chant. I did not go to college or university, yours truly was sent to work at the age of 15.  The life of wisdom is based upon life experience of living it, the tree of life.

Did you pursue righteousness, did you pursue wisdom, did you pursue healing. Wisdom gives the best return on investment, that's why one became a 1000. The immeasurable 1000, and in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1,000 is the numeric associated with Joseph. Joseph the fruitful vine that climbs over every wall, the flame of Joseph in this land of Joseph. Last days of the end times.

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