
Thursday 16 October 2014

Aladin and the Lamp

After wisdom had given the best return on investment, after the least amongst them, had been found worthy to be helped, by the one that was worthy of them. After one became a thousand, after the wandering to Australia, writing the book and more healing.

After Jesus came to get the noble woman of character, (his gentle and tender hearted lamb) wisdom returned to England with her son.

After 'living out of a suit case' wisdom's fast, and homelessness was integrated.

Then the divine request for the hair cut was given, and the hairstyle was given divinely. Hence the photograph on this blog was taken in 2000 after the divine request had been carried out. The photograph was gifted by the photographer. After that I was gifted with a five day training course, a few months later, I was gifted with the meditation of the heart - divinely. The divine blessings were pouring in for the giver.

When the meditation was recorded, the producer decided to gift his time and effort. Sheer awesomeness. Yours truly was being continually gifted, and prophecy predicted that Joseph is gifted at midday.

Due to the fact that I was being gifted, it then enabled wisdom to gift others, and pass it forward. Many healing meditations given divinely, were given freely.


In 2000, I was also given a divine lamp, while I was working with a Persian mystic and poet. He said that I could rub it anytime that I wished to do so. Just like Jesus had said to the disciples, to ask in his name. Jesus also spoke about people being lamps, and its mentioned in scripture. Clearly, touching, and rubbing the lamps was important. Hence, another reason that the Islamic text mentions the caressing. Jesus knew about the lamps and what they contain. Hence, the importance of the bodywork.

However, some people are sometimes 'unwilling', to be 'unlocked' to enable the people to gain their freedom and liberation. When you have worked with many clients, you come to appreciate and understand, those that don't like to be 'unlocked' by others.

Some people like to do it themselves, (if they can) some people think they've already done it, some are 'afraid'' of what you might discover. Due to past life experiences, some are also 'afraid' of their potential and what that can manifest.

Jesus understood that very well indeed. The Gospel of Thomas mentions how he responded to his companions in his spiritual community, in that context. And he did predict that they would become astonished.

He also predicted that those that he trained, would do things that were greater than he did. Why did he say that, he was empowering them to be the miracle workers, and the saviors that they were born to be. He was giving them the confidence and courage to do what he was able to do, the will of the heavenly Father, to become the healers that they were anointed to be.

Few appreciate the sheer treasure that can be 'unlocked' when a person has the heavenly keys to the doors and gates. I am not just talking about what people hold within themselves, I am talking about the world that a person lives in. The outer realities that impact on the inner realities, that then impact on the inner realities, in a never ending spiral on the inner and outer earthly realities of the different grooves.

A decade ago I was blessed to be working spiritually at a farm in middle England. While I was there a beautiful thoroughbred foal was born. We were up and down, all night, it was exciting, as it was the first time, that I had seen a foal being born.


I have been a horse lover since a child, Jesus was correct, the groom. I also loved to ride. So when I was given the opportunity to name the horse, I viewed the opportunity as a great honor, that had been bestowed upon me. Another blessing and a gift.

If I remember correctly, the horse had some Arab heritage, so I chose the name Aladin for the horse.

In hindsight, I can see how the horse and the lamp go together and the reason for it.

Were you given a divine lamp, what did you do with it. Did you rub it tenderly, what did it manifest for you. Did one become a thousand, or even more. The 1000 that is immeasurable.

I also had a china buddha that my mother gave me, I used to rub its belly. I have a little laughing buddha that sat in my healing room. Hands stretched up to the heavens, stretching time when you have flat feet.

Stretching time is a good time, its a happy time, a challenging time, stretching your physical capabilities, to enhance your abilities and potential. Now the client that owned the horse, that I was blessed to name, also provides a therapy that includes stretching the body. The inversion table is also for stretching the body, and its a new adventure, in utilizing and enhancing skills and talents in a healthy way. As Jesus said, 'Feet Over Head'.

On the farm there were also two white shetland ponies and last week, I was blessed to stroke a little black shetland. So we are definitely with the ponies and horses in this year of the horse, a year that is usually a success for yours truly. This year is also the year of the wooden horse, as the LORD said in 2013, 'Tap on Wood'. LORD keep us.

This post is really for the unlocking of the potential of the earth signs, prior to the forthcoming solar eclipse. Due to the sheer power of their potential, to manifest for good. Most people have some earth in their birth charts, so find out how much earth, you have in you, check out your chart. The star seeds tend to be earth sun signs, and they don't usually start to reach their full potential until the age of 50.

However, wisdom knows due to life experience, that she can 'unlock', the earth signs much younger than the age of 50. All they have to do is say, YES! As Jesus said, let your yes, be yes. Its a definitive yes for the gong ceremony.

Awesomeness, Gong ceremony at the hill of Tara, Ireland. Summer Solstice, 2014.

1 comment:

  1. “The LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Your sun shall no more go down, or your moon withdraw itself; for the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of mourning shall be ended.” (Isaiah 60:19)
