
Thursday 16 October 2014


This post is really for the unlocking of the potential of the earth signs, prior to the forthcoming solar eclipse. Due to the sheer power of their potential, to manifest for good. Most people have some earth in their birth charts, so find out how much earth, you have in you, check out your chart. The star seeds tend to be earth sun signs, and they don't usually start to reach their full potential until the age of 50.

However, wisdom knows due to life experience, that she can 'unlock', the earth signs much younger than the age of 50. All they have to do is say, YES! As Jesus said, let your yes, be yes. Its a definitive yes for the gong ceremony.

Awesomeness, Gong ceremony at the hill of Tara, Ireland. Summer Solstice, 2014.

So we are still with the green tara energy and the green cross. In Hebrew-Aramaic tara means 'doorkeeper'. Hence, this timeline is also about the 'unlocker' and unlocking the potential.

The star seeds are very grounded people, they have to be, they are physically strong vessels for grounding the light energy into the planet's earth. 

They are rarely viewed as spiritual people, or get involved in spirituality, due to the industries that they tend to go into. So for instance you find star seeds working on farms, construction sites, plumbers, electricians, builders. You can find them in schools, universities, libraries, and hospitals. 

In many ways they are like the 'spiritual apprentice', in other ways they are like the pilots and people that work at airports, serving others. Helping others, providing for others. Star seeds are great providers and love to provide for their families and loved ones.

So you do also find then running NGO's after the age of 50. They come in all shapes and sizes, all types of personalities, you can even find them on car lots, or bouncers on doors and clubs.

Some Star seeds like the golf course, or other ground sports like cricket, football and rugby.  They also like their beer and propping up the pub! Some like hiking, walking, camping, and traveling, some have caravans and or mobile homes. They come from all walks of life. 


So the question for those that live on this land of Joseph, are you going to save the camps of the nation. Are you going to save the caravan sites, how about your golf courses, and the travelers. 

Did you know that  property developers have taken the prime land that our hospitals have been on, that means that the people have to travel further to get to a hospital. I saw one grandmother at hospital with a child that had been taken to hospital in an ambulance, then afterwards, they had no money to get home. How were they meant to get home in the middle of night. Do you have any comprehension of how the changes being made are impacting on the poor of the nation. 

Paramedics are leaving the NHS in droves. The British government is costing the people billions and billions, and now the property developers have got their eyes on the golf courses. No more green land for you, so what are you going to do about it.

Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. Psalm 112:4

David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them. Psalm 78:72. Now that Gemini, David Green was found hanging on an oak tree. Do you know what they did to the man that had been honored as the nations leader of ecological sustainability. 

Now read Psalm 89. 

What exactly did Madonna do when she was living on the land of Joseph in England. What did she do to help the children of the land. 

For the anointed one, arrived, and the flame of Joseph is living and active on this land of Joseph. 

Come on Star Seeds, show the world what you can do.

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