
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Transformation -v- Conform

1,000 years is like a day, and a day is like a thousand years in the spiritual law, so make sure that every day is worthy to be lived. 'A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night'. Psalm 90:4

I have seen the latest news from the Vatican and what the gay community are co-creating within it.

It is over for the Vatican, and what the Lord Jesus called an 'anal society', in 2009.

He was also speaking about America, at the time of receiving visions of the eagle over the White House. Four visions of the white house were received altogether during 2009-2010. The information and messages received in that timeline, can be viewed on our archive blog.

In the last vision of the white house, there was a single coffin on the lawn of the white house, and it was covered in an American flag. When an ex-military person, who was transgender committed suicide, it did remind me of that vision.

Its over for the Vatican, people shall not be hidden under the cloak of its city. While the poor and the rich have funded the Vatican, its priests have enjoyed a great life, pensions, retirement homes and medical care. Our local priest and bishop were as camp as they come.

It is a parental choice whether their children should be made aware of the gay community and to what level. Parents are the guardians of the souls of their children that they've birthed from their flesh.

As such, it also a parental choice, whether they permit their innocent children to comprehend the 'gay community', to love all people, does not mean that you allow vulnerable children to be handed over to the 'gay community'.

What adults choose to do in their homes and bedrooms is up to them, do not bring your sexuality into schools or in the public domain, where children can read what is written. It is not up to schools to teach children about sexuality, it is parental responsibility to do so.

Jesus taught his followers to accept, he didn't say that people have to embrace the 'gay' community.

Embracing as I have done, is different to the acceptance that he asked for, I went the extra mile, in the same way that my parents did.

I embrace human rights and equality. However, there is boundaries in the heavens, and there is a place that is holy, where the line is drawn.

Today, we have been sharing Romans 12:2, that mentions the 'conforming' and how the scripture encourages people not to conform.

Being an Aquarian water bearer, with the key word being freedom, I have never been a 'conformer'.

'Do not be conformed to this world, be TRANSFORMED, by the renewing of your mind. so that you may prove what the will of God is. That which is good, acceptable and perfect'. Romans 12:2 NAS.

The Greek word translated as 'renewing', means 'renewal', 'renovation', 'complete change for the better'.

Did you experience that, I remember the timeline fondly.

Transformation can happen in many ways, for many different reasons. In recent years, I have been working with the transformation of the 'physical' and it is having a powerful impact. Even the skin on my right arm has cleared up 90%, and it has been aided by a transformation of my diet, and its contents that are specific for the health conditions that I have encountered.

The recent dream about the cosmetics that I was offered, was also a reminder about those that try to get others to conform to their physical world. In the dream, I was happy, just being natural, just being me.

The transformation that happened in my life, was also about understanding, what created what life had created and the reasons why. When the first transformation, renewal, renovation and complete change for the better was completed. Clients then asked me to write a book about what I had been teaching them over the years.

So when I was offered the opportunity to go to Australia, (1998-1999) I then wrote a book about the transformation, that had taken place after a lot of soul searching.

After I had been transformed, my spiritual life and divine experiences also changed. My vibration had been raised, I had been raised up. 

Blessings in abundance was the reward, for putting the effort into the transformation, healing and self-development of self.

The spiritual community knew, that wisdom (Proverbs 3) did not have any aspiration to be a teacher, it was a natural progression and the will of God. That seems like a lifetime ago now, when it all began.

Hold the vision, hold the love, just be in your resplendent peace. This is a great Sade song.

Love beyond measure


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