
Saturday 6 September 2014


Today, the verse of the day, is John chapter 14.

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. 

These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. John 14: 23-24

The chapter mentions the Advocate, the Holy Spirit and how the Lord did not intend to show himself to the world. 

However, he did show himself to yours truly and to others,  many times, truly blessed we are. 

He is so hot with me as I am writing this, I feel like I have a temperature, and all I feel like doing in this moment, is sleep.

As you can see even at the end, Jesus was advocating that his followers live in spiritual community. Many spiritual people have already left, and there are many spiritual communities around the world.


It is. 

Jesus asked for 'Elijah's Fire', so let us post the painting again.


The church are in 'sorrow', they know that they are responsible for what has happened.  The righteous came, and were sent, to transform the 'way of sorrow' to the 'way of love'.

The way of love, the way of the mashiach.

A cause greater than the self.

This video was recommended to me today. 'Flying Lotus, Never Catch Me', big smiles.

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