
Saturday 6 September 2014


Was the passing of Simone Battle predicted. You decide, sorry, my question mark-key isn't working, on my keyboard anymore.

In this video of African-American singer, Simone Battle she is wearing a cap with Ethiopia on it. In recent days I have been sharing information about the Garrett Hardin Society, and HEMLOCK. 

Garrett Hardin wrote against helping Ethiopia. Hardin who committed suicide with his wife in September 2003, supported de-population and suicide. 

In 1992 there were over 10 million Americans involved in Hemlock, and the name ranges from fashion designers, metal music bands and locations in the USA.  I have asked for a serious discussion on the topic.

In recent days on this blog, it was shared that Jesus had spoken. He gave various messages that included. 'They are getting the ammo ready'. 'This is intense'. 'War'. Earlier today, Jesus was so hot with me that I felt like I had a temperature. Jesus asked for Elijah's Fire, so I did as he asked, and updated the post on why Americans won't help the poor.


Last week I received the 'Breakfast is on' message while posting about the JIFF dog story, now there is news that the 25 year old singer, and actress from L.A. California, has passed over at 8am in the morning. 

Some are saying that its suicide, her profile on Wikipedia, says the death is under investigation, and so does the Daily Mail.  I would like to see their evidence.

Her name, BATTLE and Jesus had spoken about the war when I sat down to paint. Prior to the 'Intense War', painting. There was also the diamond shaped painting with the brown in it prior to that. I called the painting 'Gap Man', due to the painting coming in prior to the 'Gap Man' experience, when I woke up.

29th August, 2014

3rd September, 2014

4th September, 2014

6th September, 'Day of Fate'.

Simone Battle featured in the photographs on the BBC website, features her with an L shape in diamonds on her face. L for Lotus. L for the Lamed from the ancient pictographs, Lam, and it is the shape of the shepherds staff like a J.

And where is Obama, Stonehenge. This is what they call, 'Reign Deer Entertainment'.

The crystal from Africa that was posted.

May the LORD and his Son, bless her heart.

Son's Opportunity - Healing Hearts

Simone was born on June 17, 1989. June 17 is the 'Day of Force'.

Passed over on 5th September 2014. 'Day of Idealist'.

Just 25 years old.

Condolences to her family and friends.

UPDATE 8th September, 2014.

Simone Sherise Battle

They say she hung herself.

Remind you of what they said about David John Green.


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