
Friday 5 September 2014


Jesus is hot for this song. While I was writing on the blog today, and up dating the 'Gap Man' post, he said, This is intense'.  

I saw the news about the 82 year old lady that passed over in her garden in Nightingale Road, Edmonton, London. It is no coincidence that I've been shown the vision of the Nightingale in the past, it was posted on the previous blog. I think I also mentioned it on the 'Night Nurse' blog post, on this blog earlier in the year. The age of 82 also reminds us of when he spoke of 'bubba', also Psalm 82.

8+2 = 10 = wheel of fortune and new cycle of time for October. 

Life is changing, my son let the energy company through the front door today, he didn't ask my permission to let them come in. So now there will be times when I will not be on-line, due to our financial situation. It is intense, and it is a financial crisis, while others are posting pictures of pink ponies and chickens. Children are being sent to war, and there is no food in the cupboard of those that have the least amongst us.




5th September, 2014

I carry on being faithful to the word of the Lute of Lovingkindness, and continue to post it while I still can.  I say war, because as I sat down to paint that is what he said.  So I shall call the painting, 'Intense war' for it is a war against the realities of the poor, and it is intense. Sometimes, I wonder how I manage to stay so calm, and peaceful, then I am instantly reminded of who I am. The anointed. Psalm 89.

I remained positive, and had hoped that people that I have helped for years, would come to realize the importance of what the biblical prophecies say about yours truly. How the truth shared, especially in recent years, impacts on their lives, countries and nations. Prophet Malachi warned the people in advance about what would happen when I arrived. People have known for awhile now, that the financial crisis was deepening, some also know the reasons why it is happening.  

Some cannot afford to give. However, they do type, and they do speak. So they can ask others, to give to a cause greater than the self. The Spirit of justice defends daughter Zion's cause, because salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.

I cannot do what others would like me to do to solve the financial situation, the people must do the will of the LORD, in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of the cosmos and its prophets.

Otherwise, humanity face the consequences for not doing so. I can only do, what the LORD instructs, and compels, as I am his instrument for his will to be done, for as long as he chooses it to be so.

My courage continues, heart and Spirit strong, and I am fully prepared for what could happen in these circumstances. MMM, never gave in, and nor can I, we both helped the poor as much as we could.

We are dauntless. Although, in the past, I have wondered how some people can sleep at night, when they know how much the empaths and children are suffering due to the sensitivity to the intensity.

The flour and the oil, Elijah saves the child, that is why the people, must turn their hearts to the children. Each time the child is saved, heaven is saved. After the child is saved, she doesn't stick around. 60 pounds of flour of the spiritual law of giving and the oil.


Compassion seen and experienced by children is essential. Even as they grow into young men. They have to appreciate the consequences of their actions, in thoughts, words, and deeds.

Last night my son's friend, Chris came and he brought a bottle of rose wine as a gift. That always reminds me of the time shared with Omar, the mystical poet, that came into my life in 2000.

When he arrived, I was in a location where there are some Catholic nuns who had trained in Reiki.

One of the nuns, was a fantastic artist.

He has a beautiful Spirit, great humor, especially in regard to relationships. He looks just like the toby jug, and he did sing little brown jug to one of the students, when he was working with us. He brought great laughter joy into our lives.

Today, the verse of the day, is John chapter 14.

The chapter mentions the Advocate, the Holy Spirit and how the Lord did not intend to show himself to the world. However, he did show himself to yours truly many times, truly blessed.

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. 

These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. John 14: 23-24

As you can see even at the end, Jesus was advocating that his followers live in spiritual community. Many spiritual people have already left, and there are many spiritual communities around the world.


It is.

The church are in 'sorrow', they know that they are responsible for what has happened.  The righteous came, and were sent, to transform the 'way of sorrow' to the 'way of love'.

The way of love, the way of the mashiach.

A cause greater than the self.

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