
Friday 5 September 2014


From 'Gap Man', to the 'Lifeboat Ethics' of an American ecologist, that supported suicide and stood against helping the poor in Africa.


Garrett Hardin who committed suicide with his wife in September 2003. That was the month that I was in Assisi, Italy, teaching Reiki Master Teachers.

The Garrett Hardin Society, then took us to the American Hemlock Society, and they shall not put a padlock on my hem. Remember what you did to Japan, Vietnam, and Iraq.

The Hemlock Society support suicide, and it is written that the American organization was inspired by Socrates who committed suicide. However, given the choice to live as a free man, and be the philosopher that Socrates was born to be. He would've chosen to have lived.

However, the government was responsible for the death of Socrates, basically, what was done to Socrates is known legally as 'Procurement of Suicide'. They basically put the Hemlock in the hand of Socrates to drink.


So check out the Hemlock Society, and how deeply embedded it is in American politics and academia.

Remember this, Garrett Hardin was basically supporting genocide. Hence the name, HARD IN.

Yes, the American ecologist has passed over. However, his legacy has lived on, and we now see the results of his work, activated in British politics.

Ready to tap on wood yet.

Mashiach has a better offer than Hemlock

So you ready to unlock it.

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