
Wednesday 3 September 2014



I had to rest, and when I woke up from rest, a man appeared before me.

These words were spoken, 'I'm sorry', he replies, 'It is I, that am sorry'.

The humility of the feminine, that even in the suffering, she finds it in her heart, to apologize for her suffering that man created. Even children say sorry for their suffering, when they don't have to, due to their innocence.

I saw the man smiling in the 'gap', he was in a place, and it was pitch black, night time, and he said,

'I can't go back'.

Thank God for that.

Man between realities and different paradigms.

I had spread the paint prior to rest, so I have called the painting 'gap man'.

Sometimes you wonder, why.

Why do you keep on appearing before me, why, do you even come to look, and talk.

What difference do you make gap man.

Can and does the 'gap man', fill the gap between the different paradigms.

Is that why he is smiling and happy.

He said, 'I can't go back'.

That indicates that he has made a breakthrough. However, he was with me when he said it.

I looked to see if the word 'sorry', is in the bible and we find it in 2 Corinthians 7.

It mentions those that were comforted, and I posted the cushion of the lifeboat, that saved the life of the child that jumped into the river.


'At every point you have proven yourselves to be innocent in this matter', and I had shared previously, the words of Jesus and what he said about innocence.

That chapter is about affection, encouragement, confidence, being godly and perfecting holiness.

Its also about what is written, and the reasons why.

I remember the times when I would go out socially, and on the way home, I would feel like that,

'I can't go back'.

Its a time when you can be in a place surrounded by people, that live in a different world.

Its a world that doesn't exist for you anymore, once your eyes and heart have been opened to the truth, you can't go back, to who you used to be.

Jesus is hot for this song.

Amethyst my birthstone.

The birthstone of the age of the Aquarius healer.

Featured in the painting of gapman.

Its power is gentle and soothing.

Amethyst is the crystal geode that I've given to people. when they're in hospital, or have just come out of it, for their healing recovery. Its a blessed healing crystal. The color of the sweet dew of purification, the purple dew of the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy. 

People often see the power of this purple energy on Reiki healing training courses, as the spiritual energy of purification washes over them. It is often the case, that it is on Reiki healing courses that people experience and see this energy for the first time, while being blessed by the holy Spirit.

It is wonderful to witness the awakening of the people in front of your very eyes. 

I have gifted the 'Cushion' mandala to a couple, a man that was blessed with miracles from the reiki community. He was blessed with the power of love that saves lives. May the two people prosper together in the sight of the LORD, may the divine plan for them both, manifest in the most beautiful way.

May the LORD hear my prayer for the couple cushion, may they always be a lifeboat for other people and involved in the divine rescue operation. May they always give each other, and other people  Reiki hugs in the power of love. May his journey, be safe and sound, may he be the power of love with every step he takes.

He said, 'This is intensive'.


In 1974, an article was published called 'Lifeboat Ethics'.

It features a case against helping the poor.

It is time, that we teach the psychology and ecology academics, about the morality of a true lifeboat.

Do you remember the other day, the story of the child that jumped into the river due to peer pressure.

How that 16 year old child was willing to risk its life, so that his friends could make a you tube video. As the biblical prophecy predicted. 'The poor making many rich' 2 Corinthians 6. Thank God for the cushion of the lifeboat that saved the child's life.

So shall we re-write the 'Life Boat Ethics' based upon the true Christos teachings.

Based upon the truth, with the evidence of experience.

Surely, man has made a shift in consciousness since 1974.

The 21st century was born in her wisdom.

The fact of the matter is this, Garrett Hardin provided the analogy of Joseph in Egypt, as an example, to make his case for not helping the poor. When in truth, in the story of Joseph, Joseph interpreted a dream   for the King, after the dream was interpreted about what was coming upon Egypt, the King gave the power and authority to Joseph to ensure that the people avoid the famine that had been predicted. 

In other words, the rich Egyptian man, gave authority and everything that was required to the poor Jewish dream interpreter, and Joseph became the governor to help the people to avoid the famine.

Joseph was given a home, a life partner, and everything that was required to do the job. That then blows the theories of Garrett Hardin out of the ocean, as poor nations live on the land, not in the sea as he suggested. 


Thursday when I woke up, I saw the light pink energy again.

Who can hold her, who is strong enough to live in the light.

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