
Tuesday 2 September 2014


The debate and discussion on sexuality continues in the social networks, due to what is happening in America and other nations. The latest discussion was on Alfred Kinsey, the men and their planks of wood.

As this comment was published in the public domain by JIF, in response to people writing about Alfred Kinsey, let's pick-up on the discussion when he makes his main point in response to posters.

'And this exposes how little factual information you actually possess.

The point of my comments to Loris was to ascertain whether any of you have actually read the Kinsey Reports, or merely watched you tube videos and read short paragraphs and excerpts or critical essays denouncing the work.

For Starters, Kinsey was not a psychiatrist. He was not a psychologist. He was a Biologist, Zoologist and Entymologist. In fact, much of Kinsey's work actually was an attack on Freud's theories. 

One of the major contrary facts of Kinsey's work that disputes your assertions was that Kinsey's work and interviews focused on the behaviors, not the motivations behind the behaviors. That method is completely in contradiction to the methodology of psychoanalysis.

Corwin, just from the manner in which you discuss this subject, it is clear that you have little first hand knowledge of your topics. In other words, I strongly suggest that you actually read both of the studies instead of reading alternative webrags and watching you tube videos. Then perhaps you will be able to step back and have an objective view of your topics.

Of course, you always run the risk of having your mind poisoned by illicit material if you read it. That is of course if you are so weak willed and weak minded that you could actually be corrupted by reading or view material that is outside your comfort zone.'  Written by JIF, on LOP.

1st September, 2014.

That was an excellent response. However, as far as the last comment is concerned. Jesus had a good reason for talking about the planks in the eyes of the men.

I am sure that you are aware, Jesus and Plato understood consciousness and what impacts upon it, and how. Sometimes people are not consciously aware, of what is impacting on their consciousness. The evidence of experience of it, is backed up by cutting edge science that supports the Christos teachings.

Jesus did not make sexuality his main focus, as a way to help Israel, to overcome the sexuality of Rome and the 'oppression' of its nation. He knew what Rome was offering the people. However, Jesus had a better offer. The power of love that can heal nations and its consciousness.

Rome knew how to keep the people under the order of Rome, male sexuality, was a key to keeping the door locked, on the true freedom of the people. A lot of men fought for Rome didn't they, that is why Jesus spoke about how the truth would set them free. 

Its no surprise that Jesus was a carpenter. He knew what he was doing, when he called out the men, about what they had in their eyes. It is written in scripture that he told Mary's husband that he had cut the plank to short. Was he speaking about giving, charity, or circumcision.

Carpentry 2,000 years ago, a trade of men and its builders. As we know wood is a natural resource, the question is, does humanity utilize it wisely. In fact, do men embrace their own bodies as a natural resource due to the proteins in the male's sperm.

Do they know what those proteins are for, and why they are important to the health of the inside of a woman. Making love is not just about enjoyment, or making babies, it is about the physical health of the two people, that love each other, in the making of two becoming one.

Who cut the plank too short, who made the plank too long, who got it just right, a perfect fit. Why do men spend their lives discussing their planks of wood. This is why Jesus was calling out the Rabbi's about the planks, they made sexuality the big issue, due to it being a male issue.

Interesting that talking sticks are made of wood. Big smiles. My talking stick is a solid round one, I used to give it to my students to hold, if they talked too much.

Those that write that the orthodox Jews are sexually 'repressed' should take the plank of 'repressed' out of their own eyes. You only have to look at how many children they have, to see that sexuality is an important aspect of the lives of the Jewish people.

'Repression', is an interesting word and worth discussing further. The word, 'repressed' doesn't come into my consciousness. Probably, because I don't read texts upon it.

So why do they have so many children, making love is enjoyable. However, IMHV, to the Jewish orthodox, it is also about the continuation of the existence of orthodox Judaism. In their eyes, from their perspective, the more children they have, the more opportunity for survival, of where they are coming from.

Its similar to the reason why Muslims have lots of children. However, in Judaism it is about survival of their existence. Hence there is the root of their motivation, and the root is the access.

Whereby, in Islam, it is to out-birth other nations. Islam and its Muslims have long term plans, and sexuality is involved in their strategy. As such, Jesus would say exactly the same to the Muslims as he said to the Rabbi's.

Rabbi Moshe Sofer

Jesus didn't focus all of his beautiful loving energy on men and their sexuality. He concentrated on being the spiritual teacher in the community, that elevated people to remove the planks from their eyes.

Jesus loved the people back to spiritual life and living in spiritual community. He knew that healing with his love, had to be the main focus of his mission in Israel. For him, the root cause of Israel's issues with Rome, could not be resolved by facing the nature of its sexuality head on. Due to the politics, and military aspects involved in it.

Jesus knew that the only way to solve the root cause of it in consciousness, was through healing it. It is clear, that begins with what and how people think, and what they are looking at, impacts on that. For what people are looking at impacts on consciousness and memories held within. Whether they are aware of it, or not. Sometimes those memories relate to a past life, or many of them.

Plato was fully aware of this as well, Jesus understood Greek philosophy and he found a way to bring some of the Greek philosophy teachings into his work. Jesus particularly likes 'Ergon', a cause greater than the self.

If you think the passion of Jesus was being crucified on a cross, think again. If you think his passion was sexuality, think again. The passion of Jesus was the heart, the seat of intelligence, for that is where compassion is found, in intelligence of the seat of mercy.

It is the power of love in the heart that compels a person to do what is upright in integrity. Jesus understood energy, and how it works. Remember Joseph, coat of many colors, another man's wife offered herself to him. He refused it point blankly. Clearly, Joseph didn't have a plank of penis in his eyes, and where he was going to put it.

The same thing happened to a man in the community, when he was sharing about a married woman that he had met, and how she had offered herself to him. Wisdom gave him the testimony of warning and afterwards, he said that he was very pleased that he took the advice and insight on board.

Men what can you do with them. Some think that passion is all about sex, when in fact, it is about energy, and what a person does with that creative energy. Energy that is a natural resource. If you look at the house that you live in, under the wooden planks that create the floor, the electrical wiring is put.

Wiring for the energy. So then in modern times, you can ask why are men looking at the planks when they should be looking at the wiring and the energy that goes through it.

You can ask them is your light switched on, or not.

How can people see the light, how can they see the truth, if they have planks in their eyes all of the time. Do you look down all of the time, do you look straight ahead of you, or do you look up.

Can you see energy manifest before you, if not, why not. It is the quality of your consciousness that allows a person to see beyond the veil. Jesus could see Elijah and Moses, because he was vibrating at a very high level of consciousness of being love, as such, he could be blessed by the viewing of the Spirit of Elijah and Moses that stood before him.

Who can hold her, who is strong enough to live in the light.

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