
Tuesday 2 September 2014


It was about 3 in the morning when I saw a large amount of energy appear before my eyes, between myself and the screen. I have a lot less paint now, I have tried to paint what I saw with the colors that I have. The pink energy was much lighter than it appears in this painting. It was a lighter pink. The yellow that surrounded it was a golden energy, and around that the energy was brown.

1st September, 2014

The brown and gold together do remind me of 'Sacred Words'.

The collected sayings.

Wisdom to inspire and move the soul into the Kingdom of Love.

The pink from the painting, being symbolic of the love shared.

Jesus predicted that wisdom would come in the last days of the end times.

If it is the LORD's wish for yours truly to update and re-launch this book.

Then it is up to Yahweh to give me his direction, instruction and his command.

If it is the LORD's divine plan to ensure that this book is made available

to a wider audience, then he will bring the money required to make it possible.

He will bring the house,

the secretary and housekeeper, that he requested for yours truly.

May the will of the LORD be done.

This bodhisattva is contented,

 with every choice that the LORD makes for his divine instrument.

The righteous Harp.

So bring it on, breakfast is on.

Breakfast at 9.30 will be great.

As the LORD said '9.73 is what really counts'.

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