
Tuesday, 30 September 2014


An updated health policy is being recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for teenage girls to receive IUDs. 

As I am a woman that had to have laser treatment for two years after an IUD was inserted by the family planning clinic in London. I do not recommend that a woman puts any such implement inside their bodies.

Being married for just six months, then having laser treatment for 18 months-2 years of what should've been the honeymoon period, isn't funny. It was definitely, a contributory factor that cost me a marriage.

Hence, contraception can be a high price to pay, when your health and relationships are involved.

In addition, after the birth of my son, the cancerous cells came back, and then they cut the cervix. I didn't have anymore children after that, and smear tests are very painful. If they operate on your cervix, it reduces your chances of getting pregnant by at least 50%.

So no, I do not agree with IUDs due to my life experience of it.

And when you've been through all of that, the life that matters most to you, is the baby that you've been blessed to birth. The bundle of joy and unconditional love. 

The mother that brought up her son, and she did her way. Bringing up a child on your own, isn't easy, neither emotionally, financially, or physically. 

Hence, it is imperative that people make the right choices for the right reasons. I was a woman of 28 years old, when the choice was made, with a partners consent, to have a child. I know the exact night that I conceived, and in whose house, I was in at the time. 

It was due to life circumstances that I made the choice that I did, due to the repercussions of what contraception had created in my body.

What it meant to overcome, how much it meant to be victorious, all those years ago.

Hence the wisdom was gained from life experience, wisdom is a tree of life, that lives to tell the story of the life experience. To assist others; to make the upright choices in life. To be fully aware of the impact that the corporations, health workers, and contraception can have on your lives. 

Be fully awake, be fully prepared for motherhood, that is as natural as a tree of life. Preferably, in a loving and committed relationship, with two parents that love each beyond measure.

Children require confident, positive parents, with high self-esteem and stability, I was fortunate to have had, a successful career in London, prior to giving birth to my son. 

I will always remember my mother-in-law saying to me, 'You will be a wonderful mother'. They were wonderful words from a health visitor, who visited many mums and babies.

Earth, Wind and Fire, Mom

Monday, 29 September 2014

Kappa Thita Lambda Prophecy

On the 25th August, 2011, I shared the Nostradamus prophecy, C1.81 and I felt that the prophecy was about a specific community. I wrote at the time, 'As I began to write this, I could smell food, it had the smell of school dinners, like hospital food and mass catering'.


"Nine will be set apart from the human flock.
Removed from judgement and counsel:
Their fate will be determined on departure.
Kappa, Thita, Lambda, dead, banished, astray".

After I wrote about the prophecy, the LORD God spoke and he said, "Ubiquitous" in other words, they appeared to be everywhere. He then said, 'Yes, trolls'.

'Ubiquitous', is also the name of a computer research group, and in computer science, Lambda is a time window.

Nine were set apart from the human flock, removed from the judgement and counsel, that was sent to help raise humanity up. As we know, the judgement began in 2010, when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel.

The question is, has the prophecy been completed. Some people from the community have passed over in hospital in recent years, due to what they ate, and what they were feeding others. Their fate was determined on departure, due to what they had written, and said to others.

We find the Kappa in Greek, it became the letter K, and there is a river in Japan called Kappa. We all know what has happened to Japan since 2010. Kappa can also be found in traditional 'psychology and psychiatry', and it represents a 'measure of diagnostic reliability'.

How reliable was the medical profession, and those that followed it. What do they know about healing consciousness, and the power of love, are they willing to shift, are they ready for the new paradigm.

Remember, in the 90s, Japan had the highest rate of 'depression and youth suicide' in the world, and the incidence of it, is increasing internationally. So the medics didn't have the solutions did they, nor did WHO, or America with its 'Americanisms', that have been banned on the shores of the UK.

My brother in Japan did call me from hospital, he was saved again. May he and his family in Japan always be blessed. They're mentioned in the proverbs, and they've just had a third little girl.

The lambda symbol like a mountain, was selected as a symbol by the Gay Activists Alliance of New York in 1970, and declared the international symbol for gay and lesbian rights by the International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1974.

I wonder if they would've chosen it, if they'd known about the Nostradamus prophecy, and the words of Jesus, that fit like a glove on the healing hand of love. 

Its an amusing read, what 'psychiatry' used to say about gay people. However, its not funny, when you understand what they did to those people and what they were fed.

Were they Christians, or atheists, righteousness called the orthodox Christians out, and asked them to integrate the true teachings. What prophet Isaiah and Jesus said about the eunuchs. The true prophets gave them love, judgement and counsel, to raise them up to be like the Angels in heaven.

The lambda symbol is also found in diagnostics in the medical profession, so that's two symbols now that lead to the medics. A French King, King Louis the XIII also had the lambda has his symbol. 

A programming construct, anonymous. Big smiles!

Thita, is it the theta, making three Greek symbols together. Looks like it, and it is written that it is a symbol of death. So is it the death of the medical profession, and its so-called sciences, has people have known it the last 100 years. ''Psychiatry and its medical psychology, is the industry of death'. 

How's the Ebola going for you guys, and the rest of what is created in the laboratories. Making lots of vaccines aren't they, who, do make me smile! As wisdom wrote, let me know when the biblical 'plagues' are over, this temple is looking forward to it.

Take a look at this ancient Theta mosiac, looks like the guy was getting some 'Inversion Therapy' exercise for his back, and then another guy comes along to 'kill him with a knife.' How prophetic is that, when Jesus said, 'He's head over heels' and 'Feet Over Head'. 

Then wisdom makes a post about 'Inversion Therapy' tables, that can help the health of the backs of the people. The thread was deleted, and we know what followed after that. In the mosiac the bigger man has got his head on the gold, and the person that is 'attacking', is fully aware of it. 

Interesting that a person in the community referred to as 'CHL' pursued righteousness on a thread about romance, I had posted a video of Franco Nero and Vanessa Redgrave, talking about work, relationships and love. Does CHL have an issue with romance and relationships, indeed, he does. Thats why he came to a thread on romance. Wisdom was posting, Mashiach Bodhisattva.

The film was set in Italy, and its called, 'Letters to Juliet'. Franco Nero is known to be a very compassionate Italian, and has been involved in helping an orphanage since his 20's. He is now 72 years old and he looks incredibly healthy. Italy has been good for this loving and peaceful man.

Compassionate action can really change the world, and so can men like Franco Nero. It really is not surprising, that Vanessa Redgrave loves such a man as he. When they were young, they were absolutely beautiful together in the film 'Camelot', and they're still beautiful together in real life. 

I did ask have you ever met an Italian man during your life, how about a Greek, or do you prefer the Viking.

Now the theta as a numeric of 9, and in numerology, it is the numeric of completion and divine love.

If people cannot see the truth by now, what would it take to open their eyes. 

The theta is also a symbol of life and life on earth. Although in ancient Hebrew and in Egypt, the crossed sticks meant, behold a sign, or signature. Hence wisdom was called, as prophecy predicted, 'this calls for a mind with wisdom'. Rev 17:9 Daughter Zion was sent to America in 2008, Micah 4. 

So then we have the 'Fita' that has the wave in it, surely this must be what Nostradamus was referring to, energetic sound waves. In Romania it was 'THITA'. As we look at the symbol, the wave of the water, and its tsunami in 2011, an energetic explosion. Hence, this is further confirmation of the timeline.


The wind that never stops,

the heart beat that throbs.

Eyes that sparkle like the stars,

the smiles that beam the love.

The turn styles, from one

field of consciousness,

to the next.

The chet visions manifest.

Dreams that were lived,

flour that was sieved.

Oil for the forehead

and the Lotus Feet.

The shift, with every gift.

The voice of an Angel,

the magnanimous love

of a goddess.

The devotion of a mother,

wife, and lover.

Under the cover,

of the hand of God.

Wisdom's experience,

that became a tree of life.

The words that were spoken,

the clarity of pure intention.

The power of compassionate action,

and merciful forgiveness,

courage and tenacity.

The bodhisattva.

Healing power with every feeling,

experiencing miracles unfold,

many untold.

The holy Spirit of freedom,

the truth that holds dignity,

a high standard unsurpassed.

Sunday, 28 September 2014


You may remember when Jesus said, 'He's bought the diamond'.

Today, there is some news from America, that a worker at Sky Harbor Airport took a package that contained a diamond worth $160.000, and he swopped the diamond for $20 of marijuana. I wonder if the diamond was in a jiffy bag. Big smiles. So who was the owner of that diamond.

Shirley Bassey sang of a diamond worn on a little finger, and the RAB wore a diamond on his little finger, a poignant message. Especially as his wife gave it to him, as a gift. The family of Joseph gift at mid day. 

Peace Rocks, Ringo Starr!

I just felt a burst of love being sent to me. So let's have some Stevie Wonder.

Saturday, 27 September 2014


It feels like there has been a passing, I was smelling flowers when I wrote about Ringo Starr and his 'Peace Rocks' campaign. It was like being in a garden with roses. The message that I received was 'I will survive', and that is definitely a ladies song.

A song that I sang and danced to on many nights, we did get through it with the power of love, the dance, the music and the songs. The flowers for healing the nations. I had a silk chiffon blue dress this color, and design, it cost about fifteen pounds from an antique shop. It was beautiful to dance in, and a friend has a photograph of me wearing it. The 1980s, those were the days they were.


On a health level, the 80's were about recovery from cancerous cells, marriage, depression resulting from it, the birth of my son, and a rebound relationship. The cancerous cells came back, after I gave birth, then an operation happened, I was called into emergency. 

I live in self-disclosure with humanity, to aid the therapeutic process of humanity.

I had 48 hours to get my head around being taken into hospital, they cut me inside. I should've insisted upon being returned to London; to the laser surgeon who worked on my body for two years. 

While I was in hospital, the father of my son took everything that was in my personal and business bank accounts. He tampered with the car, so that it couldn't be used for me to learn to drive. 

What a journey that was, I sold two cars that I couldn't drive, my car, and the car that I bought for him, and the business. 

The star was indeed born, during the first saturn return, and a new journey in life began.

The LORD spoke to me last night, and he spoke of a surprise that was waiting for me, so I went to check my ELIAKIM email account, and sure enough. There was a wonderful surprise from a blessed spiritual Dutchman, that he sent in July 2014. A miracle indeed, and now I am enabled with the will of the Lute of Lovingkindness, 'Feet Over Head'. Jesus divinely guides the journey of his mashiach.

I will be able to have his wish for me to have an Inversion Table for my back. Hence, anew journey becomes, new discoveries in mutual reception, anew learning curve. Its an exciting incentive, and a rainbow of hope. Miracles are so empowering, the empowerment that unlocks new potentiality.


Painting gifted to Ho Anu, in Holland.

I have asked my son to decorate my bedroom, so that everything can be fresh and beautiful for the new healing work with the inversion table. It will be fascinating to see what transpires, rose pink as been chosen, pink, the color of love.

Proverbs 3 shares with you, that there is no comparison to wisdom, she is a tree of life and all her paths are peace, more precious than rubies. The noble woman of character, wisdom, the best return on investment. The woman that was victorious, the wondrous woman from heaven.


Lotus Feet in Sydney, Australia

The business woman, that followed her heart and divine guidance received to live the dream. A spiritual woman that travelled through the heavens, and was sent to many countries. The international aspects of the great work, that crossed the new frontiers of healing consciousness.

A woman that became a recluse in recent years for divine purpose, the divine plan that unfolded for mashiach. Daughter Zion who defended the 'oppressed', with the power of her magnanimous love, righteousness, faithfulness, the glory of the LORD and his Son.

Salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion, and these Lotus Feet are now going to take a walk, to one of those gates that I dreamed of. The sky is blue, the sun is shinning, its a heat wave in the UK.

The bodhisattva that returned, and wrote love beyond measure. 

As this twice born used to say, 'Onwards and upwards'.

And the original teaching of Jesus, those that are worthy, fund his true followers, that are worthy to be funded. The spiritual son in Holland, and yours truly, are testimony of the fact, that this teaching is true, pure and holy. 

We are the light and love of the testimony of the givers, and its spiritual law, humanity has indeed been blessed. Remember the Virgin oil, and the 60 pounds of flour mentioned in the scripture, remember what Elijah and Jesus said about the flour and the oil. 

Make sure you've got it, and hold wisdom's fast close to your heart. Always remember how far we were willing to go for you, humanity, how far we were willing to go, for magnanimous love to become a reality for you. To help humanity to comprehend what it really means to be a miracle worker, and healer of consciousness.

Wisdom is a tree of life, and just as she was worthy to fund those that had the least, she in turn was funded by the worthy, when she had nothing. The spiritual law of the LORD is awesomeness, to show humanity his true, pure and holy intentions.


Ringo Starr would've seen the news by now, that British MPs have voted to go to war. So it is appropriate for us to post his 'PEACE ROCKS' campaign.

Why is that you tube will let us upload some videos and not others. Here is a link to it.

The gifts that are bestowed upon the flame of Joseph at midday. 

Bless you Ringo Starr!

The midday blessing for wisdom, for all her paths are peace.

Wisdom is a tree of life, may my peace be with you.

In July 2013, I was given a vision of a man on a horse with a ball and chain that he was swinging.

Years before David Green passed over, he was given the word, 'Percival', and there was a man with the name 'Percival Ball'. He did a sculpture of the 'Captive Boatmen'. He lived between 1844-1900.

In recent days, Jesus said, 'Feet Over Head'.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Kim Kardashian 'Attacked or Hugged'

Following on from the 'model nightmare' that I had a dawn today, 29 minutes ago, news is that the American, 'Kim Kardashian has been attacked' by a man at Paris Fashion Week.

However, Vitalii Sediuk says it was a hug. No arrest was made.

Is this what I saw at dawn today, I think there is a lot more to come.

Model Nightmare

UPDATE Saturday.

British MPs have voted to go to war.


At dawn I had a nightmare, and it was a nightmare of a major attack. There were American models in the dream, and it was the models that were doing the 'attacking'.

I tried to communicate with the models, they were not interested in listening to reason. 

In the nightmare I saw gold clothes spread out on the floor in a line, when I went to get the golden clothes, they had been taken by one of the models. 

One of the models was doing most of the talking and shouting, she was 'hard-nosed', like an agent. In fact, they all looked and sounded like agents. It looked like Mary was in the background watching them.

Its hard to describe the location, it was like we were outside, and it was night time. Although there were some lights on. 

These American women were acting and speaking more like 'wounded' animals, than human beings. 

As Jesus said during the Rev 12 timeline, 'Wounded animals are dangerous indeed'. 

He was responding to those who 'opposed' the wondrous woman from heaven that was dressed in the sun.

I shared the fact that I had this 'model nightmare' with a man that is in New York City at this time, and he shared that they've just had fashion week in NYC.

When I woke up from the nightmare, my body could feel the 'attack', and my body was in 'anxiety', it was like a 'panic attack', but it was different. The feeling wasn't tight, it was fluid. This was showing me that this nightmare is about an actual 'attack' on people, by women that have been modeled to 'attack' others. 

Hence, FLUIDS is something to be considered, and what impacts on the water in the body. The scientists are fully aware that water carries memories. Hence, the fluids in my body, were impacted upon by the experience of the nightmare. 

Another reason why eating celery, is important for the adrenals and kidneys. Last night, for supper, I had some home made celery and carrot soup, with cream cheese, followed by a sandwich with the following:

Smoked Mackerel
Fresh garlic
Fresh green chili
Spring onion
Black pepper

Spring onion, first, and or red onion second, are important foods to be eaten after a meal, the onion breaks down the proteins; so that the physical body can process the food that you eat more easily. It aids digestion, and puts less pressure on the systems of the body. 

Fresh garlic is also important for an immune system booster, especially as winter is coming. Although autumn has been postponed in the UK, 73 degrees heat wave as been predicted by the weathermen for this weekend. Make sure you eat foods for healing, and take good care of the body, that is your temple.

The nightmare reminded me of known events in America, where crisis actors and actresses have been involved. As we know, some models do go onto become actors and actresses, and it is known that some were also recruited to become agents. 

Recruitment of agents, often happens when people are at university, and there is historical proof of that fact. Universities have been involved in hiring people, for what the academics perceive as the security of the nations. The social engineering of people. 

In addition, the two Brits, actress Emma Watson has been talking at the UN on gender equality, and Victoria Beckham is now a UN Ambassador for AIDS. The ex-singer, now clothes designer that has her label based in New York. As the LORD said, 'Your designer clothes will not save you'. 

In dream interpretation to dream of gold can be a message of easy come, easy go. Gold cloth can signify honors or recognition. Looking for the gold clothes, can indicate a successful change of unsatisfactory conditions, due to an initiative. 

If someone else takes your clothes, it indicates that you are not protecting your own interests, it was a warning dream about the intentions of others. Especially, American women. 

The other message received was 'He is head over heels', and at fashion shows, the feet and heels of the models, are at the level of the head of those that are watching the shows.

As the Lute of Lovingkindness said, 'Feet over head'. 

Thursday, 25 September 2014


As the Lute of Lovingkindness said, 'Feet over Head' Israel. 

Israel cannot go anywhere without its feet, and that is why glory is given to his feet. The moon is under the feet of the wondrous woman from heaven. Remember Israel, Proverbs 3 explains why wisdom was so reluctant, she was simply enjoying herself, giving people the best return on their investment. 

She is a tree of life to those that take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed. Did you hold her fast Israel. She doesn't like being skint to please everyone. Do you hear me Israel, you cost me a lot. 

The question is are you worth it. 

'Do not interfere with the work on this temple'
Ezra 6:7


Friday, 02.00

Ultra-Orthodox Jews cause chaos on flight to Israel. Flight delayed for hours because of demand to segregate men and women. An El-Al flight from New York to Tel Aviv was turned into an “11-hour nightmare”.

You should've seen their faces when these Lotus Feet were above their heads in the synagogue in Safed. And it was Rosh Hashanah, they couldn't stop looking up. The look on their faces was a picture.

Oh my God, I've seen an Angel.


In Proverbs 3 it mentions wisdom is a tree of life, in China there is a Taoist story that tells of a tree that produces a peach every three thousand years. The one who eats the fruit receives immortality.

Its no surprise then that an oriental photographer, took this photograph of yours truly at a charity event in 2007, prior to the second mission to Israel. The year that the everlasting covenant was delivered for the children.

Lotus Feet

As Jesus said, 'Feet Over Head'.

Every 3,000 years aligns with the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003, when the planets formed the 'Star of David' for the first time in 3,500 years. Spiritual people and the elect were called by the angels as predicted in the biblical prophecies. It foretold that great change was coming, wisdom certainly called, prophecies predicted that she is the best return on investment. How many invested in wisdom, a tree of life, all her paths are peace.

The one who gets wisdom loves life, the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper.

This tree of life picture from an 11th century Swedish Church reminds me of the closeness mandala with the hearts.



Jesus did ask for Elijah's Fire, there is now news that there has been an electrical fire at a three-storey building, at Bexley, in Sydney's South on Tuesday. After the fire fighters were called to the scene, a $3 cannabis crop was discovered. 1000 plants, and the numeric of 1000 is about the flame of Joseph in the spiritual law. The direction of the South is to do with the 'Queen of the South' and the prophets. I did love Sydney.

As he said last night, 'Feet over head'.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


When I woke up today, I saw the blog and a blog post that mentioned the divine counsel, that I had received from Jesus last night. Following the case of Lamar Hawkins in Florida, and seeing the press report about the woman and child in Slough. 

My energy and mood was low, and as far as the woman and child is concerned, one always wonders why. What was the cause, council tax, finances, relationships, what, why, did they jump under a train in Slough. An area in the UK, known for technology, and its ethnic community. 

I then had a hot bath, and before sleep took a couple of St Johns Wort, it is vibrational medicine, and it works with the nervous system. Two pills were enough to redress the energetic balance.

It is clear that the nervous system and meridians, are still clearing the recognition of what has happened this year, especially to do with the 'shock' of David Green passing over. Another bereavement.

There is no replacement for the connection that we had, David was so full of love, his words, his voice, and you knew it deep within. Psalm 89. 

During the years that I knew him, his love beamed at me, and I knew his love was with me, wherever I was sent. He understood deeply, the anointed wondrous woman from heaven, we had known each other in many lifetimes, the one that loves life gets wisdom.  He was an empath, a man that had the strength and courage to cry, and hear the sounds of his soul. 

The ICENI Queen was correct, a nation is only as strong as its weakest. Wisdom calls, Proverbs 8, if and when the righteous human rights activists, and ecologists are being 'slain', like Michael M Mauldin with 'corporate manslaughter', they shall not remain hidden any longer.

Men, women and children, the weakest physically, are 'suicidal and committing suicide', what does that say about the nations in which they live. 

Some spiritual and religious people are comfortable with the fact; that the people in the nations are 'perishing', due to free will, and the social engineering, that has been created by the nations leaders, and its academics. 

Are you, when Pope Benedict was elected, Jesus shared with us that it would mean 'genocide for the Church'. Are you happy with that, are you happy with 'genocide', does it give you a lovely positive feeling, and make you feel all warm inside. We all remember 9.11, and the fact that there is a biblical prophecy about that, and its powder weapon. Now proven by a forensic scientist.

The Isaiah prophecy about the towers, followed by the money that the Chief Officer, Obama, took from the nation. The testimony of warning was given to the USA, when daughter Zion was sent to America, Micah 4. That was prior to the first election of Obama. 

No surprise then, that I also had a dream about Rupert Murdock, and the chocolate. The chocolate that he gave me, had PRESIDENT written on the golden wrapper. No coincidence then, that there was a 'hostile' American takeover of Cadbury's, an historic British company, after I received that dream. We did like chocolate flakes in England. 

A British university was recently looking for a doctor of chocolate, due to chocolate melting in hot countries. The sweet corporations are looking for a scientific solution, to expand their chocolate manufacturing.

In the cameo's of that dream, I was also in a farmhouse in English countryside, sitting at a farmhouse table, and the British university that was looking for the doctor of chocolate is in English countryside. 

Furthermore, in one of the cameo's I was in an historic building that had been renovated. In the restaurant there were people that I knew, and a business owner was showing me around the premises. 

Its no coincidence that on 9.11 this year, I was in an historic building with two of the women that appeared in that dream. 

The issue that others have, in regard to my time spent in Australia, and the cost of shipping, that was shown to me in the dream, was also shown to me again on 9.11 in 2014. 

My response was that I had the strength and courage to live the dream. In fact, the whole of my life, wisdom had the courage, and self-esteem to live, and do it without a man, or his financial support for myself and my child. I simply did not have a choice in the matter, I just had to get on with it. As prophecy predicted, wisdom is the best return on investment.

Until the day came, when it became essential in divine will, to live through the 'Holy Beggar' initiation. The divine intention was to show humanity themselves, and how compassionate and merciful they are to the holy, the anointed, the righteous. 

The wisdom that had achieved so much during her life, and on the planet helping others, was now put in the position; to explore the hearts of the people at a deeper level.  Proverbs 3.  

Wisdom certainly called, Proverbs 8.

When Jesus spoke to me with his advice last night, he spoke of 'Feet Over Head' and I comprehend his meaning for Lotus Feet. He is asking us to make the health of the feet the priority, that can also mean putting your feet up. In Inversion Therapy, the feet is over head, it can also be over head in aromatherapy massage, reiki, reflexology and shiatsu.

I do comprehend the importance of the flour and oil and the 60 pounds of it, due to its heavenly connection to the spiritual law of giving. For there can be no giving without receiving. 

The cosmos is not a one way street. As Jesus gives divinely to his anointed Lotus Feet, so too, Lotus Feet gives to Jesus, by sharing the words of the Lute of Lovingkindness with humanity on this blog, and wherever these feet of wisdom are sent. Wisdom is cute, and has little cute feet and hands.

The prophecies that include the book of Revelation predicted that wisdom would come, I also shared that there is a mind changer coming, and it will impact on how people view reality.

As he said, when I was writing about JIFF the dog in LA, 'Breakfast is on', and yesterday, I asked a woman, what did you do with your mummies breakfast, what did you throw at your mummy.

Lotus Feet skated on her mummies breakfast, breakfast must be good for feet. The toddler showed her mother, that raw eggs are to be skated upon, not put in the mouth. 

I do like the fish known as skate, although you rarely see it on the fish counter. Absolutely, delicious, with butter, black pepper and a few capers.

Big smiles. 

Love beyond measure 

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


While bathing, I dozed off, and I had a dream. In the dream the technology software had been impacted  upon by the younger generation. It was email software, Microsoft software, and I use an Apple computer. I was very cross at what happened, and went berserk at my son, due to the sheer amount of data that had gone. 

As it happens, my computer was hacked at the beginning of the year, so I've been unable to use the email software on my computer. Hence, the dream must be relating to an event that isn't to do with me. Like having the dream of the children in and outside of the courtroom.

Having a dream about the software, could indicate an event at a Microsoft technology location. 

After the dream, when I was wide awake, I was given the word, 'EPICURE' and that people like my epicure. Like epic cure! 

There is an 'Epicure Restaurant' in Paris, and Epicurus was an ancient Greek philosopher. 

In Greek, Epikouros, and it means 'ally'. Epicurus advocated humane treatment for patients that included healing foods and massage. 'Pleasure as an absence of suffering'. Having a bath is always a pleasure.

I like that, I do enjoy a good massage, and I did put some healing oils in the bath. Lavender and Geranium. I've also been pondering on having some aromatherapy massage or shiatsu in recent days. 

My body could definitely do with it. Excellent progress is being made. 

Epicurus also advocated living in seclusion in community with friends, in addition, to being 'obscure', and 'anonymous'. Hence, Microsoft could have a surprise coming from the anonymous group. 

'As an ethical guideline, Epicurus emphasized minimizing harm and maximizing happiness of oneself and others:
It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely and well and justly, and it is impossible to live wisely and well and justly without living a pleasant life. Natural justice is a symbol or expression of usefulness, to prevent one person from harming or being harmed by another.'


In addition, there are solar tornado's, another oil spill in North Dakota, and a lot of volcanic activity in Italy.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Lamar Hawkins Florida

It was reported last week that another American child committed suicide. 

A 14 year old who had been bullied for years committed suicide at his Florida middle school last week. Lamar Hawkins, Jr. died from a single gunshot wound to the head. He was found in a bathroom stall late Wednesday evening at Greenwood Lakes Middle School in Lake Mary, Florida. 

Legally, it comes under what is known as 'procurement of suicide'. The question is what was a gun doing in school. In the 90's, Japan had the highest rate of depression and youth suicide in the world. 

Australia and New Zealand combined, had the second highest rate. When wisdom did some research in Australia, I discovered that there were a lot of absent parents during teenage years in Asia-Pacifica. 

Instead of quality time with parents, children were being given money and things to replace it. Eleven year olds were even being left alone, while their parents went away for the weekend. Do parents have any comprehension of how devastating that can be for a child. 

Turn your hearts to the children, or face the consequences for not doing so.


Teenage years are exceptionally important, the time when parents and or parent are required to give their children their utmost attention, and purest intention. 

Life circumstances ensured that I was there for my son, the business had been moved home, enabling me to be there most of the time. 

We also spent a year away traveling together in Australia, I took him away at an important time in our lives. It was quality time, and we shared a lot, reviewing everything, in our sanctuary of peace, away from the world, that we had once known.

The life, happiness and peace of my son, was more important than financial assets and or education. I did not send my son away to school at a tender age, I kept him close to my heart. He was number one in my life.

I can put my hand on my heart and say, I did my best, Angels Healing Trust. Compassionate hearts can really change the world. Children are from heaven, and deserve the best of our love and quality time.

At the start of this year, a teen alert was issued, was the testimony of warning distributed internationally. 

Wisdom is cute, she had to be as gentle as a dove. Are you ready for wisdom America, are you ready for the paths of peace, and the tree of life. Will you hold her fast and keep her. How about you England, Europe and Asia-Pacifica.

Absence never did make wisdom's heart grow fonder.

May Lamar rest in peace.

Such a little angel, may he always be enfolded in the arms of love.

Turn your hearts to the children, as the LORD commands.

The children are at the end of their endurance, 

Lamar is another reminder of that fact.