
Wednesday 24 September 2014


When I woke up today, I saw the blog and a blog post that mentioned the divine counsel, that I had received from Jesus last night. Following the case of Lamar Hawkins in Florida, and seeing the press report about the woman and child in Slough. 

My energy and mood was low, and as far as the woman and child is concerned, one always wonders why. What was the cause, council tax, finances, relationships, what, why, did they jump under a train in Slough. An area in the UK, known for technology, and its ethnic community. 

I then had a hot bath, and before sleep took a couple of St Johns Wort, it is vibrational medicine, and it works with the nervous system. Two pills were enough to redress the energetic balance.

It is clear that the nervous system and meridians, are still clearing the recognition of what has happened this year, especially to do with the 'shock' of David Green passing over. Another bereavement.

There is no replacement for the connection that we had, David was so full of love, his words, his voice, and you knew it deep within. Psalm 89. 

During the years that I knew him, his love beamed at me, and I knew his love was with me, wherever I was sent. He understood deeply, the anointed wondrous woman from heaven, we had known each other in many lifetimes, the one that loves life gets wisdom.  He was an empath, a man that had the strength and courage to cry, and hear the sounds of his soul. 

The ICENI Queen was correct, a nation is only as strong as its weakest. Wisdom calls, Proverbs 8, if and when the righteous human rights activists, and ecologists are being 'slain', like Michael M Mauldin with 'corporate manslaughter', they shall not remain hidden any longer.

Men, women and children, the weakest physically, are 'suicidal and committing suicide', what does that say about the nations in which they live. 

Some spiritual and religious people are comfortable with the fact; that the people in the nations are 'perishing', due to free will, and the social engineering, that has been created by the nations leaders, and its academics. 

Are you, when Pope Benedict was elected, Jesus shared with us that it would mean 'genocide for the Church'. Are you happy with that, are you happy with 'genocide', does it give you a lovely positive feeling, and make you feel all warm inside. We all remember 9.11, and the fact that there is a biblical prophecy about that, and its powder weapon. Now proven by a forensic scientist.

The Isaiah prophecy about the towers, followed by the money that the Chief Officer, Obama, took from the nation. The testimony of warning was given to the USA, when daughter Zion was sent to America, Micah 4. That was prior to the first election of Obama. 

No surprise then, that I also had a dream about Rupert Murdock, and the chocolate. The chocolate that he gave me, had PRESIDENT written on the golden wrapper. No coincidence then, that there was a 'hostile' American takeover of Cadbury's, an historic British company, after I received that dream. We did like chocolate flakes in England. 

A British university was recently looking for a doctor of chocolate, due to chocolate melting in hot countries. The sweet corporations are looking for a scientific solution, to expand their chocolate manufacturing.

In the cameo's of that dream, I was also in a farmhouse in English countryside, sitting at a farmhouse table, and the British university that was looking for the doctor of chocolate is in English countryside. 

Furthermore, in one of the cameo's I was in an historic building that had been renovated. In the restaurant there were people that I knew, and a business owner was showing me around the premises. 

Its no coincidence that on 9.11 this year, I was in an historic building with two of the women that appeared in that dream. 

The issue that others have, in regard to my time spent in Australia, and the cost of shipping, that was shown to me in the dream, was also shown to me again on 9.11 in 2014. 

My response was that I had the strength and courage to live the dream. In fact, the whole of my life, wisdom had the courage, and self-esteem to live, and do it without a man, or his financial support for myself and my child. I simply did not have a choice in the matter, I just had to get on with it. As prophecy predicted, wisdom is the best return on investment.

Until the day came, when it became essential in divine will, to live through the 'Holy Beggar' initiation. The divine intention was to show humanity themselves, and how compassionate and merciful they are to the holy, the anointed, the righteous. 

The wisdom that had achieved so much during her life, and on the planet helping others, was now put in the position; to explore the hearts of the people at a deeper level.  Proverbs 3.  

Wisdom certainly called, Proverbs 8.

When Jesus spoke to me with his advice last night, he spoke of 'Feet Over Head' and I comprehend his meaning for Lotus Feet. He is asking us to make the health of the feet the priority, that can also mean putting your feet up. In Inversion Therapy, the feet is over head, it can also be over head in aromatherapy massage, reiki, reflexology and shiatsu.

I do comprehend the importance of the flour and oil and the 60 pounds of it, due to its heavenly connection to the spiritual law of giving. For there can be no giving without receiving. 

The cosmos is not a one way street. As Jesus gives divinely to his anointed Lotus Feet, so too, Lotus Feet gives to Jesus, by sharing the words of the Lute of Lovingkindness with humanity on this blog, and wherever these feet of wisdom are sent. Wisdom is cute, and has little cute feet and hands.

The prophecies that include the book of Revelation predicted that wisdom would come, I also shared that there is a mind changer coming, and it will impact on how people view reality.

As he said, when I was writing about JIFF the dog in LA, 'Breakfast is on', and yesterday, I asked a woman, what did you do with your mummies breakfast, what did you throw at your mummy.

Lotus Feet skated on her mummies breakfast, breakfast must be good for feet. The toddler showed her mother, that raw eggs are to be skated upon, not put in the mouth. 

I do like the fish known as skate, although you rarely see it on the fish counter. Absolutely, delicious, with butter, black pepper and a few capers.

Big smiles. 

Love beyond measure 

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