
Friday 26 September 2014


At dawn I had a nightmare, and it was a nightmare of a major attack. There were American models in the dream, and it was the models that were doing the 'attacking'.

I tried to communicate with the models, they were not interested in listening to reason. 

In the nightmare I saw gold clothes spread out on the floor in a line, when I went to get the golden clothes, they had been taken by one of the models. 

One of the models was doing most of the talking and shouting, she was 'hard-nosed', like an agent. In fact, they all looked and sounded like agents. It looked like Mary was in the background watching them.

Its hard to describe the location, it was like we were outside, and it was night time. Although there were some lights on. 

These American women were acting and speaking more like 'wounded' animals, than human beings. 

As Jesus said during the Rev 12 timeline, 'Wounded animals are dangerous indeed'. 

He was responding to those who 'opposed' the wondrous woman from heaven that was dressed in the sun.

I shared the fact that I had this 'model nightmare' with a man that is in New York City at this time, and he shared that they've just had fashion week in NYC.

When I woke up from the nightmare, my body could feel the 'attack', and my body was in 'anxiety', it was like a 'panic attack', but it was different. The feeling wasn't tight, it was fluid. This was showing me that this nightmare is about an actual 'attack' on people, by women that have been modeled to 'attack' others. 

Hence, FLUIDS is something to be considered, and what impacts on the water in the body. The scientists are fully aware that water carries memories. Hence, the fluids in my body, were impacted upon by the experience of the nightmare. 

Another reason why eating celery, is important for the adrenals and kidneys. Last night, for supper, I had some home made celery and carrot soup, with cream cheese, followed by a sandwich with the following:

Smoked Mackerel
Fresh garlic
Fresh green chili
Spring onion
Black pepper

Spring onion, first, and or red onion second, are important foods to be eaten after a meal, the onion breaks down the proteins; so that the physical body can process the food that you eat more easily. It aids digestion, and puts less pressure on the systems of the body. 

Fresh garlic is also important for an immune system booster, especially as winter is coming. Although autumn has been postponed in the UK, 73 degrees heat wave as been predicted by the weathermen for this weekend. Make sure you eat foods for healing, and take good care of the body, that is your temple.

The nightmare reminded me of known events in America, where crisis actors and actresses have been involved. As we know, some models do go onto become actors and actresses, and it is known that some were also recruited to become agents. 

Recruitment of agents, often happens when people are at university, and there is historical proof of that fact. Universities have been involved in hiring people, for what the academics perceive as the security of the nations. The social engineering of people. 

In addition, the two Brits, actress Emma Watson has been talking at the UN on gender equality, and Victoria Beckham is now a UN Ambassador for AIDS. The ex-singer, now clothes designer that has her label based in New York. As the LORD said, 'Your designer clothes will not save you'. 

In dream interpretation to dream of gold can be a message of easy come, easy go. Gold cloth can signify honors or recognition. Looking for the gold clothes, can indicate a successful change of unsatisfactory conditions, due to an initiative. 

If someone else takes your clothes, it indicates that you are not protecting your own interests, it was a warning dream about the intentions of others. Especially, American women. 

The other message received was 'He is head over heels', and at fashion shows, the feet and heels of the models, are at the level of the head of those that are watching the shows.

As the Lute of Lovingkindness said, 'Feet over head'. 



    British MP's have voted to go to war against ISIS. Paris Fashion Week is also on alert, and the advice given is to stay away from anywhere that is popular with models. Wherever it is in the world. Over and out!

  2. Miss Honduras and her sister. I was only thinking about Belize yesterday. The man in the press report sure does look familiar.
