
Monday 29 September 2014

Kappa Thita Lambda Prophecy

On the 25th August, 2011, I shared the Nostradamus prophecy, C1.81 and I felt that the prophecy was about a specific community. I wrote at the time, 'As I began to write this, I could smell food, it had the smell of school dinners, like hospital food and mass catering'.


"Nine will be set apart from the human flock.
Removed from judgement and counsel:
Their fate will be determined on departure.
Kappa, Thita, Lambda, dead, banished, astray".

After I wrote about the prophecy, the LORD God spoke and he said, "Ubiquitous" in other words, they appeared to be everywhere. He then said, 'Yes, trolls'.

'Ubiquitous', is also the name of a computer research group, and in computer science, Lambda is a time window.

Nine were set apart from the human flock, removed from the judgement and counsel, that was sent to help raise humanity up. As we know, the judgement began in 2010, when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel.

The question is, has the prophecy been completed. Some people from the community have passed over in hospital in recent years, due to what they ate, and what they were feeding others. Their fate was determined on departure, due to what they had written, and said to others.

We find the Kappa in Greek, it became the letter K, and there is a river in Japan called Kappa. We all know what has happened to Japan since 2010. Kappa can also be found in traditional 'psychology and psychiatry', and it represents a 'measure of diagnostic reliability'.

How reliable was the medical profession, and those that followed it. What do they know about healing consciousness, and the power of love, are they willing to shift, are they ready for the new paradigm.

Remember, in the 90s, Japan had the highest rate of 'depression and youth suicide' in the world, and the incidence of it, is increasing internationally. So the medics didn't have the solutions did they, nor did WHO, or America with its 'Americanisms', that have been banned on the shores of the UK.

My brother in Japan did call me from hospital, he was saved again. May he and his family in Japan always be blessed. They're mentioned in the proverbs, and they've just had a third little girl.

The lambda symbol like a mountain, was selected as a symbol by the Gay Activists Alliance of New York in 1970, and declared the international symbol for gay and lesbian rights by the International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1974.

I wonder if they would've chosen it, if they'd known about the Nostradamus prophecy, and the words of Jesus, that fit like a glove on the healing hand of love. 

Its an amusing read, what 'psychiatry' used to say about gay people. However, its not funny, when you understand what they did to those people and what they were fed.

Were they Christians, or atheists, righteousness called the orthodox Christians out, and asked them to integrate the true teachings. What prophet Isaiah and Jesus said about the eunuchs. The true prophets gave them love, judgement and counsel, to raise them up to be like the Angels in heaven.

The lambda symbol is also found in diagnostics in the medical profession, so that's two symbols now that lead to the medics. A French King, King Louis the XIII also had the lambda has his symbol. 

A programming construct, anonymous. Big smiles!

Thita, is it the theta, making three Greek symbols together. Looks like it, and it is written that it is a symbol of death. So is it the death of the medical profession, and its so-called sciences, has people have known it the last 100 years. ''Psychiatry and its medical psychology, is the industry of death'. 

How's the Ebola going for you guys, and the rest of what is created in the laboratories. Making lots of vaccines aren't they, who, do make me smile! As wisdom wrote, let me know when the biblical 'plagues' are over, this temple is looking forward to it.

Take a look at this ancient Theta mosiac, looks like the guy was getting some 'Inversion Therapy' exercise for his back, and then another guy comes along to 'kill him with a knife.' How prophetic is that, when Jesus said, 'He's head over heels' and 'Feet Over Head'. 

Then wisdom makes a post about 'Inversion Therapy' tables, that can help the health of the backs of the people. The thread was deleted, and we know what followed after that. In the mosiac the bigger man has got his head on the gold, and the person that is 'attacking', is fully aware of it. 

Interesting that a person in the community referred to as 'CHL' pursued righteousness on a thread about romance, I had posted a video of Franco Nero and Vanessa Redgrave, talking about work, relationships and love. Does CHL have an issue with romance and relationships, indeed, he does. Thats why he came to a thread on romance. Wisdom was posting, Mashiach Bodhisattva.

The film was set in Italy, and its called, 'Letters to Juliet'. Franco Nero is known to be a very compassionate Italian, and has been involved in helping an orphanage since his 20's. He is now 72 years old and he looks incredibly healthy. Italy has been good for this loving and peaceful man.

Compassionate action can really change the world, and so can men like Franco Nero. It really is not surprising, that Vanessa Redgrave loves such a man as he. When they were young, they were absolutely beautiful together in the film 'Camelot', and they're still beautiful together in real life. 

I did ask have you ever met an Italian man during your life, how about a Greek, or do you prefer the Viking.

Now the theta as a numeric of 9, and in numerology, it is the numeric of completion and divine love.

If people cannot see the truth by now, what would it take to open their eyes. 

The theta is also a symbol of life and life on earth. Although in ancient Hebrew and in Egypt, the crossed sticks meant, behold a sign, or signature. Hence wisdom was called, as prophecy predicted, 'this calls for a mind with wisdom'. Rev 17:9 Daughter Zion was sent to America in 2008, Micah 4. 

So then we have the 'Fita' that has the wave in it, surely this must be what Nostradamus was referring to, energetic sound waves. In Romania it was 'THITA'. As we look at the symbol, the wave of the water, and its tsunami in 2011, an energetic explosion. Hence, this is further confirmation of the timeline.

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