
Monday 18 August 2014


While reading a post about the 'rebels' and what they do on the internet with tracking peoples IP addresses and locations, Jesus spoke and he said, 'You have hit the mark', I looked up its meaning and it means to be correct, to be accurate, like firing an arrow at a target.  and the verse of the day, just happens to be 'the one that the Lord commends'.

Just seen the American news and two women in America have been 'strangled', a jogger and a different woman in her home, in a location with an Eastern European sounding name. Yes, I can feel the heat of Jesus with me, and the power of his love. He is confirming that I have found it.  This is to do with the nightmare that I received in July, 2014.

The 'act of violence' against a woman, happened in Pulaski County, and the man that did it was a 'Paul Katschke'. Another Eastern European sounding name.

'Acts of violence mark their ways'. Isaiah 59:7

How did that white pillar arrive, do you know.

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