
Monday 18 August 2014


I had a bizarre dream at dawn, it was so bizarre that it woke me up from sleep.

A cousin, who I've called auntie during my life, was with me at home, I was pleased to see her.

I asked her how my mother was, she said that she had seen her a couple of times, and that she was sad.

Then she had two children in her arms, and one of the babies was mine.

I asked her if I could have my baby and put the baby in my arms.

I realized during the dream, that this was a recurring dream.

The baby looked exactly like my son, he was the second born child, and he had a cheeky face, smiling with laughing eyes.

While I was looking at the baby, and the baby was looking at me, the baby then began to point at the wall.

On the wall there was a wonderful photograph of my dad, the Son of Joseph. The photograph was taken by a photo journalist, when he was in management, and he was so happy to be in the office again. He has a large smile in it, and he is wearing a suit, The photograph captured his loving essence that shone in his smile, and eyes.

The baby then said, 'that's my daddy', and I looked at the child, and then he said, 'that's my granddad'. Then the child said, 'We bought a daddy'. Then the dream ended, how bizarre is that.

After the dream, I wondered if the children that came out of a test tube, will grow up to say, 'we bought a daddy'. You know like buying a dog. It sounds to me, that this dream, is what I refer to as a dream of morality. A dream of conscience.

Does the LORD view humanity as being people that go to a supermarket, and buy children, mummies and daddies off the shelf. Is that what humanity has become. Is that what science has created, is that why my mother was sad in the dream.

In dream interpretation, to dream of an aunt means to 'curb a tendency towards impatience', and nowadays, if people don't a have a baby when they decide to have one, then they engage in human intervention. Does that please the LORD.

I wonder did the RAB give his sperm to the sperm banks, and that is why my mother is 'sad' in the dream. Now that she has passed over, she knows what he did. Food for thought on the nature of morality, and where people are coming from.

Sometimes, men do not always tell their wives about their actions. Especially, if and when they know, that their wives would not approve. Each have to live by their own conscience and heart of it, Whether they are pure intentions or not. Was the granddad concerned about the future of the British nation, and its people on the land of Joseph, due to what was happening with immigration.

If we look at the 'sadness' of the grandmother in this dream, then we have to look at what type of sadness it was, and the reason for it. In her youth she was a sunday school teacher, a Christian, prior to my birth on the planet. If the photographic portrait is of yourself, it can indicate, 'disenchantment in love'. Hence, her 'sadness' was due to 'disenchantment' with her husband, due to her embracing of becoming one in the flesh.

I do not judge her, for how she felt about her husband, that was her entitlement. However, how she viewed her husband, after he passed over, did impact on her views about relationships. She was blessed     that younger men were attracted to her, and she went on many dates, men were always interested in her.

However, she never had a serious relationship with anyone again after the RAB died. There was only one man that ever shared her bed, and there wasn't anyone that could replace the man that she loved.

She was surrounded by family and friends, so a relationship, ceased to be important to her. He was the life and soul of every party, and after that, there wasn't another person to match him, due to the sheer size of the character that he was. It was the era of 'I did it my way'.

In dream interpretation, if the baby was pretty, you will be fortunate through the help of friends. It seemed to me that the baby was talking fully, much earlier than other children. To dream of parents that have passed over, it can relate to important news, and the RAB worked in the news media.

To dream of being a parent, augurs a surprising turn of events concerning a cause. To dream of a person sitting in a photographic portrait, can indicate a rise in status, and that is what that photograph meant to the family. A portrait of the head of the man, that did it his way. Smiling, engagingly.

In the dream, I was asking for my baby, and then the baby was pointing at something that he wished for me to see. A photograph frame with a photograph of a man. The baby boy remembered, the baby held the memory, so of course the child would recognize him, after he had passed over. The child had been born with excellent communication skills, and that is one of reasons that he was talking so early.

In real life, my womb delivered a boy, and due to life circumstances, I never did give birth to another child. The mother yearned for a little girl. Is the dream telling yours truly, that if I had been given the opportunity to have another child, then it would have been another son.

The dream, and how I view dreams, hold many messages for humanity. Some dreams come from the unconscious, some come from the sub-conscious, and some are given to you by Spirit for divine purpose.


Mum was a great saver, and she saved dad many times from himself. So I will dedicate the painting of the sweets to mum. When they were first courting, he used to give her sweets. So may the sweetness of their love and lives be forever in our hearts.

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