
Tuesday 19 August 2014


In the news today, at the BBC, it shares a report that the health of Julian Assange that is 'declining' due to the 'denial of freedom'. Assange was born in Australia, as such he has been used to a lot of bright sun  light, and a lot of freedom to move. I looked at the comparison photographs of him, taken by the photo journalists, and I can see in his eyes, that there is truth in the report and news of him.

As we know, Assange has been locked in the Ecuador embassy now for two years, and my morality dream this morning of the babies, also had the numeric of 2 babies..There was also two adults.

The dream also included a photo taken by a photo journalist. The day of the press report publication, 18th August, is the 'Day of Endurance'.


It was a colleague that 'stabbed' Assange in the back, when the grace of Assange was under pressure.

I can feel it in my body,  where it went in. Top of left shoulder blade, inside edge. Another went in left side, centre of the rib cage, they made sure that they turned that sharp point around, again and again. Just to make sure that he got the message. The third, went in centre back.

The 'denial' of his freedom, and justice, has impacted on his health, in the same way that it impacts on the health of the poor. First the financial freedom was 'denied', then they 'denied' freedom of justice, they 'denied' him, his physical freedom and mobility to move.

Assange was 'denied' three times, does it remind you of yours truly, how about what they did to Jesus. It is the end of the road for humanity, Assange has reached the still point of his endurance. The keyboard is not enduring anymore. Those responsible will pay the cost, and the cost will be very high indeed.

This was the painting that I did previously.


Now the other day, I was sending an email and Jesus spoke of the 'Endocrine System', and the situation that Assange has found himself in, would certainly impact on his endocrine system, and immune system.

Assange requires some serious healing therapies to unlock him, in addition to his freedom. He also requires a tailored made diet, to address the deficiencies that he is suffering from. 

Positive thoughts, pure intention, and healing for Assange, may the LORD and his Son help him to be unlocked, to ensure that his freedom is assured at the earliest opportunity.

May the door of opportunity be opened for Assange, may he have the freedom to be, and do his God given work, and mission on the planet.

May peace be his governor, and well-being his measure. May he raise the standard in investigative journalism, internationally. May he come forth for our children that he has inspired, with his willingness to share the truth with the world.

May he be love beyond measure, and be compelled by love. May the LORD ensure that he can walk in freedom, for his glory.  May the LORD hear my prayer and action it for Assange and his freedom. May the will of LORD be done, as it is in heaven.

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