
Thursday 21 August 2014


Following the car crash in Argentina of the popes family, another wake up call for the Church. There was also two Italian fighter jets that collided in Italy, fortunately, the four pilots ejected in time. The hearts of the Italians go on.

Last week I had written with a prediction, that another plane was going to go down, although I had not been given a location, just water up the nose. The nose of the plane also indicates the cockpit. After I had shared the news, Jesus spoke and he said, 'SPEED'.

In recent months I have been feeling like a baby, a new birth, and I had a dream of a baby. I discovered yesterday, that there has been a new addition to the family. A child that looks like it has a very powerful Buddha energy, it also has the name of an Irish saint, the child arrived on the 'Day of Receptivity'. I shall spread the paint for the precious child when I have some more card.


Jesus is with me during the still point of the end of endurance.
The power of his love comes like a splash and washes over me, 
for divine purpose and blessings in abundance.
In the stillness of the bodhisattva,
I live in our world of peace and love.
In the stillness of just being divine love.
I live in his love, in his closeness.


True faithfulness has rocked the worlds of others.
Righteousness of the spiritual law.
Forthright in its existence.
Upright in its integrity.
Noble in its holiness.

Defending the cause and glory of the power of love.
Giving from the heart of creation.
Healing in the pure intention.
Seeing the beauty in the creation of new life.

Knowing and trusting divinely.
Receiving the power of love abundantly.
Being receptive to divine will.
Accepting and allowing rest and recovery.
Renewal of energy of being and consciousness.

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