
Thursday 21 August 2014


The green energy has been with me in my room most recently, and the green turned yellow and lime. Today, just before I woke up, I had a dream and I was writing on this blog in the dream. I was ranting in righteousness about governments, councils, tax men, the medical profession, and what happened to David John Green. 


21st August 2014 

Then I gave a new artwork to a man, a new mandala, and it had a yellow background, and a green cross on it. Then I was writing on the blog again, and suddenly a picture of him arrived on my blog post while I was writing. His smiling face was on the front cover, of what looked like a magazine cover, or cover of a newspaper magazine.

The headline on the cover was 'HE'S DONE IT'. 

Then everyone was celebrating and happy due to what he had done. That was the end of the dream, everyone being happy.

In dream interpretation if an artist creates an artwork, it can mean that the artist may have to revise their plans, if the artist gives an artwork to another artistic person, it can mean that due to the giving of the spreading of the paint, that the receiver will have to revise their plans. Artistic and creative abilities are about natural talent and the development there of. 

However, in dream interpretation it can also be to do with recognition.  Hence, the green cross mandala with the fertile green leaves around it, is to do with the healthy growth of people and the healing energies that empower it. It also indicates that those that went into the artistic professions, whether it be musical, theatre, media, film or TV, chose it on a soul level due to the recognition that their souls required this lifetime for divine purpose. Hence, the sheer importance of the healing process, to ensure that intention is real, and pure in its intention.

With many people it is unconscious, and most people are not aware of the impact of the unconscious on  their life conditions, and why they do what they do. So people can often seek professional success yet wonder why they are not attaining it. It can have a divine purpose for being, whereby, the soul has to learn why it came to the planet in the first place, and what it has come to do. Why it was given the natural creative talent, and what its divine purpose is for.

Once a person understands and aligns with their divine purpose, then they can achieve the professional success that they require. So for instance, a composer keeps on writing music, yet, is it the music that the Creator would wish him to write and for what purpose.

The dream featured media coverage, and anything to do with the media can be to do with business, news, and or public relations. Creative people are creatives, and in my experience, very few creatives, have true business acumen, that is essential for any venture. Even less have professional public and press relations experience. 

The man that I know was on the front cover in the media, as such, he was given the recognition for his good works. Hence the headline, 'He's done it'. 


I looked at the meaning of the 'Green Cross', and it can be found in at least three different realities, that unite South Africa, UK, and the USA. One of those realities is to do with 'feet', the second is to do with 'trauma', and the third is to do with 'de-militarization'. 

Now, that reminds me of a message from Melchizedek that I received during the Rev 12 timeline, when he spoke to me about my feet, and what I had to do with them. He gave an important message and analogy to do with relationships, it has to be a perfect fit, due to the importance of the feet, and the direction of humanity. Hence, the man in the dream, and the receiver of it, do have work to do with the relationships of humanity.

In the dream, the success of the man on the cover, was instrumental in the success of the happiness of other people. It seems that it wasn't just that he attained success, it was how he attained that success. 

He did reach the heart of yours truly, and that is a success in itself. The people that are happy, know very well that I have a heart of compassion and mercy for the people, especially for people on the African continent. Africa is in my heart, and some know that I have a colleague with the name of Joseph who lives on the Ivory coast. He is also a healer, God bless him.

The dream was about writing, communications, ranting righteously, artistry, giving, and receiving. The cover arrived suddenly, as such, it indicates what Jesus said, 'SPEED'. He said, speed, after the two  Italian fighter jets collided, and four pilots managed to eject. The hearts of the Italians do go on, and so does the heart of the man, that the mandala painting is for. 

In dream interpretation, writing in a dream can also be a warning about being impulsive and I have warned people about being impulsive recently. 

What is going on in the USA right now over Michael Brown, is a perfect example of impulsiveness. No, thank you, Obama, we are not coming to the Gaza shot gun wedding. We are consciously aware, we know it was pre-planned, because we received the drummer dream prior to it.

This is a time of the still point, and to think about your actions prior to moving forward or writing something. In the dream I was typing on this blog, so that is another connection to speed. I type between 40-45 words per minute. Hence, it doesn't take me long to write a blog post and clearly the words are important and that is why they were being written. 

Dream state was manifesting real life, real happenings, real rants of righteousness. Real artwork. Hence, another message, dreams are as real as the words that I write on this blog. Dream can be viewed as activity, reality, existence,  and it does cross the boundaries of consciousness. 

Art in a dream can also be symbolic of a step-up, in business or profession. The man was given the art in the dream, so it does have an important meaning, and it was a step up for him in his life.

The crossed sticks in the ancient pictographs, also indicates a sign, or can mean a signature. Behold, a sign. The mandala looks like a crop circle, and the yellow can relate to the crops, with the green forests that surround the crops. 

So many trees, so many green leaves, so many crops. Hence, the mandala is also connected to the food that people are eating. Biblically, the leaves are for healing nations. 

Yellow and green are two good colors to wear at this point in time. Also good to eat foods with these colors due to the nutrients that are required. 

The green cross in the mandala dream, can also indicate that the mandala is giving direction for the work with the Christians. 

2 Corinthians 6 indicates the importance of the work, and the reason for it. 

The 21st of August, is the 'Day of Privacy' and Assange has quite a lot to say about that, and the UN Privacy laws that have been buried by governments internationally.

Best wishes everyone, onwards and upwards.

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