
Sunday 17 August 2014


While writing on this blog this night I was given 'water up the nose' and that usually means that another plane is going to go down. I looked at the clock while posting and the first time it said 2012. Afterwards I looked again and it said, 2022.

Then I was questioned on the meaning of the numerics and I looked at the clock again, and it was 02.02. 22 is a Master number of the divine feminine, and humanity moved into the higher energies of the feminine on the 5th July, 2014, it will continue to soar into 2107, exactly as the cosmos indicates on a planetary and cosmic level.

While writing to a respondent, I felt my chair being pushed forward suddenly, as you feel when you are being pushed while sitting in your seat on a plane.

Then I felt the sheer power of the heat of love of Jesus wash over me, and he was showing me that he was hot for the person that was responding to me. I wrote that I would do a mandala and spread the paint for the reality that he has blessed, with the power of the heat of his love.

That I would move forward, has he was pushing me to do, by painting mandala, and sharing the divine experience with the person concerned.

After that I sat down to paint the sweets, and I was going to write about how when I was a child, sweets would go all sticky in the white paper bag in my pocket, due to me not eating them all at once.

I was going to call this painting 'Saving', and discuss the possible reasons why a child would save their sweets and not gobble them all up.


How the saving was indicative of a natural talent, something so simple, so easy for parents to see. It was also about sharing, she had sweets in her pocket, to offer another child if and when they may not have any.

It was clearly a sign to the parents that the child was a natural born giver, due to what she did with the sweets, when given the opportunity. Or was there another reality in another realm of existence,  that her soul was manifesting to remind people of Seebohm Rowntree.

It was due to Seebohm, and his English father, Joseph, that an 8 hour day was introduced, pensions and free access to a doctor was provided to employees.

As I wrote to a man recently, truth is as close as their noses, as close as their hands, as close as the food on the plate in front of them.

Then after I spread the paint of the sweets and pondered on their meaning of life, and the treasure from life that they hold.  I then settled into spreading the paint for the CTC News respondent, that had been promised a mandala. I have called it the Quaker Mandala.


17th August, 2014 

The 17th August is the 'Day of Power'.

The two main colors in the mandala are yellow and turquoise. Hence the mandala is about direction for creative transformation and transformation of the creativity of the person that the mandala is for.

Its also about the thymus and acceptance, going with the flow of where this person is being directed to go in the next phase of their evolution. Yesterday, Jesus also spoke of the 'endocrine system' when I was about to email a blog post, and the thymus is to do with that as well. 

While painting the mandala, I felt a powerful Quaker energy with me, and this person has certainly had a past life of being a Quaker, they also have powerful spiritual guide with them that is a Quaker.

The energy of the person in this mandala is like the energy of the sweet maker, Joseph Rowntree, and you can see the charitable heart in the centre of the mandala. It is a heart that has compassion for the homeless and the poor.

In the painting, the heart is connected to the physical shape of the spine, and I am aware that this person is a chiropractor. As we know scientifically, the heart is the seat of intelligence, and that intelligence can also impact on what happens in the body.

There are sea shells and star fish in the painting, so this person does have work to do with those that are feeling 'emotional', about physical realities. 

First healers heal the way that they think, based upon the true Christ teachings, and Buddhist-Tao philosophy, then they heal the emotions to transcend them, e.g. the wondrous woman from heaven, has the moon under her feet.

Does the moon impact on the oceans, its waves, and tides. How about the sun,  and how it gives its light to the moon, that impacts on the emotions of the people.  

Then the soul is healed and purified of the memories it brings forth, from the unconscious, memories that impact on the choices that people make for their own lives, depending on the time and date of arrival on the planet. Memories of past lives that impact on all physical realities, including the health of the people. For as Jesus spoke of the spiritual law of giving, so it is true, it comes back to you 30, 60 or 100 fold.

I recommend collecting sea shells and working with them when working with the energies of the mother to heal emotional memories of what the body holds. I found the work with sea shells to be very powerful when giving people healing.

While the Quakers are sitting in their silence and peace, many of those that followed Jesus all the way, are out there healing in the community, as he would wish them to do. 

There is a reason why he sent out his followers two at a time, for you shall find him with the heat of his love for the healers, and those that have the humility to seek healing modalities. Spiritual disciplines, that he has blessed to raise up the poor and their vibrational energy. 

Seashells and the spiritual journey of the bodhisattva of mercy and compassion, not only brings forth a healing technique, it also brings forth to your remembrance, that Michelangelo and other Christian artists featured sea shells in their paintings for good reason and purpose. It was to bring it back to your remembrance.

It is natural science, that was, and is embraced, by the healers that work holistically with the nature, nurture, and environment, all at the same time. It is no coincidence that Jesus taught on water, and on the seashore, Jesus fully comprehended the scientific aspects of what he was doing, and the reasons why. Ultimately, water holds memory, and that as also been proven by scientists. 

It is clear to me that there are many Americans that incarnated in America for a specific purpose in this timeline. Intuitive, and very susceptible to the energies of the land on which they walk, due to their unconscious memories of dying in earthquakes and floods in past lives.

Many people will be brought to this person to understand what is manifesting in their physical bodies, and the reasons why. She will unlock their potential as people, by helping them to recognize that their past life memories, are impacting upon them, due to the unconscious and group karma of their nation.

In the mandala, I also see the earthquake and water energy and it is very powerful indeed. I see the waves and that is also to do with sound. The scientific aspects of this are available for this person, and they also have creative writing opportunities on this subject matter. The mandala is directive, to opportunities and divine purpose, in the next phase of the person's journey of peace and well-being.

The star fish in spiritual symbology, has also been linked to Mother Mary, and there are three star fish in the mandala. Two sea shells that also links us to divine mothers of other cultures, that are at the same high vibrational frequency.

The two sea shells and the three star fish, give us the numeric of five, in my humble view,  that is also to do with the help that is being given to the physical world, in an intelligent way from the heart.

In the painting the heart is formed by two different energies, both male and female that unite at the godhead in the heart. In so doing, they become one in the flesh, like husband and wife that are unified together in their frequencies. Inside that unity, there is another heart of creative yellow, the color of flowers, and that color often reminds us of spring time. 

It is a color that cheers everyone up, and this person certainly has a cheerful personality. Its a great color for a class room, and or kitchen, this person is a teacher, and is meant to teach what they know to be true in a creative and compelling way. I would like to hear this chiropractor do a radio interview.

Sound will come in powerfully with the healing process, as the pushing forward of the movement forward, ordains it. I recommend that CTC wear these colors in this mandala, while going through their own transition and transformational time. 

Last but not least, there is a sacred hoop, a sacred ring in the mandala and it indicates the creative sphere of life that CTC is in. It is a unique mandala for a person with a unique journey. 

Blessings in abundance to you. 

You have been blessed.

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