
Sunday 17 August 2014


7th August, 2014. End of the Road. Tanned feet painting.

11th August 2014, Drummer Dream, and Carmen music.

14th August, 2014, Keyhole painting.

15th August 2014. 'Are U Concerned'.

16th August, 2014. shooting of Michael Brown in Missouri, USA.

Singer Emanuel Freeman, aka Thee Pharoah, apparently "live tweeted" the shooting of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson which has prompted anger and rioting in Ferguson, Missouri.

UK news report mentions dancers and a drummer at the peaceful protest.

The news report that I watched earlier, of the boy's friend giving his account of the event that took place, spoke of the police officer being in his car at the time of the shooting. Carmen.

There is also drummer with the name, Michael Brown.

Psalm 89 the anointed one and the fleeting life.

'Remember how fleeting is my life.
For what futility have you created all humanity.
Who can live and not see death?

I remembered this evening, that the best man at my wedding also died due to the police.  

He was a drummer. 

America certainly got the drum roll for Michael Brown. 

Just 18 years old. 

Remember in the dream of the drummer, the cables were giving the energy to the musicians to play their Carmen music. Cables, TV, media, internet, mobiles. Did you get the picture, my son gave them the energy that they required for free. How many papers, magazines, TV networks will attract audiences to listen to what they wish you to hear about Michael Brown. What cost is a life in the USA, a land were they kill 18 year olds on sight, and execute people. Are the corporations worth more than the life of a child. Where are your priorities Obama. 

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