
Saturday 16 August 2014


In the dream that included the puppies, I was holding the two puppies in my arms in front of my heart. 

The female peacemaker asked me if I had cleaned my teeth. As we know teeth and the mouth is to do with communication and how one communicates. Is your communication coming from your heart, where are you coming from. 

Hence, if a person writes to you, 'Do not let me be concerned about you', ask them where are you coming from, and what would love say now. What would the heart say to such a person that has no concern for the anointed, and a life or death situation. Psalm 89.

If I was in the same room with that person, I would come close to them, pick up their hands, connect with their heart, look deeply into their eyes with love, until their heart was circumcised. So that they could truly feel the love vibration that really does exist in their heart. 


Sorry, there are no question marks in my recent writing, the keyboard of the computer has had it.

In dream interpretation, the 'brushing of teeth' also indicates 'the clearance of obstacles that have been holding you back', and that is what the peacemaker viewed as standing between the two women. 

I replied to the peacemaker, that I had only just got up, and I was going to do it in a minute. Well there you go, we have been brushing the teeth with the coconut oil, in more ways than one. Teeth are also connected to the organs, and my organs are in good order. So far, so good. So near, so good. 

If a person has been up all night communicating and writing until dawn, like creative writers often do. What say you to the person that is sometimes up with the midday sun.  Do you view that person has having to clear the 'obstacles' that you view has been holding them back, or do you embrace the uniqueness of the person that did it all for love. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. 

I once worked for a creative writer that worked all night and arrived at the office at midday. It became an issue for his partner in business, the creative director who was working 9-5. So the creative writer left the company, to pursue his true love, that is, and always was creative writing.

If a person flies in on a night flight, like I did to Israel, been traveling all night to get to you. How do you respond to the person that you picked up from the airport. 

Did you do as the female Israeli healer did, sit, talk and have a drink to relax.  Then let that person sleep for as long as is required into the day time. How about a long haul flight, after traveling for 24 hours. 

What if that person asked for you to get a bottle of wine in, to help her to relax after the long flight. 

How would you respond. Would you appreciate how important your communication responses are to her, would you appreciate the importance of your communication, and whether you communicate from your heart. Would you be willing for wisdom to correct you, as the Jewish mystics spoke of it. 

When wisdom asked the Israeli author for a bottle of red wine, he triggered all over the place. Why did he trigger, ELIJAH, that asked him to turn his heart to the children. You see some Israeli's know who Elijah is, they know who the flame of Joseph is, they know who the mashiach is. 

I am carrying on with the cellular healing memory today, in the cells that is related to the laser treatment, and the wonderful doctor that worked to save my life. You see sometimes, we have to accept that a doctor is essential to save a life, and I found that working in self-disclosure, is the most powerful in the healing process. It provides a wonderful, safe space, for others to share themselves, when you share all of yourself.

I actually, feel the cellular memory in my body, and exactly where that cellular memory is being held. In so doing, I can work with it, to heal the cells of that memory, to remove it from the body. Hence, my relationship with the doctors have been mixed. 

During my life, there have been good doctors, and there have also been doctors that I would never wish to see employed in a hospital again. The governor would have a good clear out, and I would engage the genuine nurses in the decision making process. Peace will be your governor, and well-being your ruler, the prophecy of Isaiah is true.

Why people choose a particular profession, is a major key to the success of it. Hence, we can view the state of the medical profession in the Western nations, and the fact that disease is increasing amongst the people, and not decreasing. Of course, the 'atheists' are not interested by the fact, that it is a biblical prophecy, that it would happen to the nations in this timeline. Humanity simply will not survive without the twice-born. 

Now I can feel water up the nose, and that is usually to do with planes, and it means that another plane is going to go down. Sinus anyone! 

Hence, you can appreciate that when I was 'locked in a cell', and I was 'refused' a doctor for my back.

It didn't go down well with yours truly. They didn't let me have access to the doctor, because they knew that the doctor would save me, and ensure that I was 'released from the cell that they had locked'.

You see, they wished to have access to my DNA, prior to any court hearing. What does that tell you about freedom and free will. Currently, there is no free will in the nations, and anyone who thinks there is, best they think again. 

Jesus warned his followers about the 'arrests' that would come in this timeline, he also mentioned the local councils that fund it. So folks, the money that you pay in council tax, what are they doing with it, do you know, they're collecting DNA, in case humanity gets wiped out.  Are you ready to listen to wisdom yet. 

Remember they 'arrested', David John Green, another innocent person, and afterwards they found him hanging on an oak tree. Psalm 89, how do you feel about that. How about Hab 3, the sun and moon are  still. The still point time for the bodhisattva.

The song that Jesus gave to his anointed one, on Christmas morning, 1am 25th December, 2008. 

When your life is on the true line, and it is a life or death situation, nothing else matters. 

Hence, Christmas time has wonderful memories of being with the Lute of Lovingkindness, the Son of God. For truly I know, that the divine do have concern for me, for the prophecies speak of it.

I also remember when Jesus appeared before me with his mother during the Rev 12 timeline, his mother was praying for me, and he spoke of the reason why. His sincere and profound words are always in my heart. For how could I ever forget, his on-going presence with me on this, a divine journey with him. 

He even briefed me prior to the mission to Israel, and was with me on the mission to the USA, there he was at the side of me, whispering in my ear. I have been truly blessed, to be in such good company, and to help to bring his true followers back to remembrance. 

'Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.

Thanks for Their Gifts

I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me.  Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.'' Philippians 4:9-11.
After I had written the post, I was just about to email it, then he said, 'endocrine system'. 

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