
Saturday 16 August 2014


A few weeks ago, I received an email from a man in Holland, and he wrote to me, 'Don't let me be concerned about you'. Seriously speechless, by that comment. I wonder what would've happened if I had given that response.

Would the miracles have manifested, if I had replied, 'Don't let me be concerned'. Goodness gracious me, its taken awhile for it to sink in that someone from the European community, don't wish to be concerned.

Is that why humanity is where it is, that people are not concerned about what is happening to the planet and its people, surely, it is true. If there is no concern for the anointed, who do they think will help them, when they require it.

So what does scripture say about concern. Abraham was concerned about his son.

In the book of Exodus, the LORD is concerned about people suffering. 3:7.

I am concerned for you. Ezekiel 36:9

You know we can close doors as well as open them, and doors are closing on those that have not been concerned about the sheer endurance of the 'suffering' that many witnessed. It mentions the precious heart in Psalm 89.

Some seem to think that positive thinking and love is going to get them through what is coming upon humanity. I can assure you that there are a lot more wake up calls coming. The LORD began calling out the SOS in 2004, and weeks afterwards the Asian disaster happened.

It  also looks like Carl Jung gave a prediction about Fukushima, and he was provided with visions about what was going to happen to this planet eight days prior to his passing. Carl Jung also provided a 50 year timing, and as we know it happened in 2011, incredibly accurate! Carl Jung was correct, the world is hanging on by a thin thread.’s-prophetic-visions

The summer prior to the event in Japan, I also asked, when are you leaving Japan, you know what the prophecies say about it. After the event, they were also advised to evacuate.

The environment is a major reality, that humanity cannot afford to ignore. All nuclear facilities must be closed immediately.

1 comment:

  1. I just read about the Missouri,USA shooting of Michael Brown, 18 years old. I listened and watched the account of his friend that was at scene when it happened, he sounded and looked genuine to me.
