
Friday 15 August 2014


Its clear that Carl Jung had post trauma as a child, and that impacted upon his ability to go to school. He   was his own patient prior to his career success, although he had numerous relationships during his life, some more fraught than others. It wasn't an easy time for Jung's love and life, in a war torn era in Europe.

His studious nature compelled him to search and seek, and he did that a lot by investigating the different religions, philosophy and spirituality of different nations and cultures.  He understood that individuals of different cultures and nations, had different requirements. Hence, group consciousness that impacts upon nations.

An example of that group consciousness can be understood in the difference between, America and  England. Many Americans view a 'gun', as a symbol of 'freedom', where many of the English view it as a symbol of 'violence' and or 'oppression'. As I write this I am being given the word Caribbean.

His colleagues and students spoke of him affectionately, a man of transparency, who loved the super natural and its food. He was most interested in the unconscious, and in this BBC interview, those being interviewed discuss how if a person wished to discuss a relationship, they were passed onto one of his students. Reminds me of when I stopped giving spiritual guidance to people about their relationships.

In the previous blog post called, 'Wooden Door', a video about the visions that Jung received eight days before he passed over was shared, 'world hanging on a thin thread'. In this video another vision is shared. Carl Jung received a vision from God, and what he was going to do with the Church.

As the bible predicts, do unto others, as you would wish them do unto you. So it looks like the vision of Carl Jung is group karma for the Church, and its leaders, due to its co-creation. It seems they did not comprehend the consequences of their thoughts, words and deeds, and what that would manifest in the spiritual law.

So what else do we have on the keyhole, to do with 'unlocking' cellular memory. My birthday, birthday of daughter Zion, the anointed one. Micah 4, Psalm 89.

Partner locked himself in the toilet, while on the mobile phone to a girl whose parents are Church wardens. Those Church wardens encouraged and condoned the behavior of their daughter, knowing full well that he already had a life partner, and that they were trying for a baby.

Ever read Psalm 89, and what it says about my precious heart.

There have been some wonderful Christians, 
that gave 50% of their assets to help the poor. 
Some even gave a 100%.
However they are too few to list.

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