
Friday 15 August 2014


August has included the 'unlocking' creative potential mandala for a colleague, the dream of the musician and the different realities that pertained to the dream.

I have now spread the paint of the keyhole, and we often see doors with these kinds of keyholes when we do in-depth work with past life healing therapy. Its a combination of a brass keyhole, and a lock in wood. Have you ever been locked in and can't get out of somewhere,  have you ever been locked out of your home and can't get in. What did you do, I had to have the locks changed, and I received new keys.

Funny, verse of the day, 'I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me'. Rev 3

Prophet Isaiah spoke about the key to the treasure and chapter 33 also mentions the towers, does it remind you of 9/11.

It also describes a location that includes a place of broad rivers and streams. There is a place in Norfolk, and you have to go through a wooden doorway, to get to the remains of the Abbey that is outside.

A place where spiritual people congregated long before the Church arrived. In fact, the Church built upon the existing ancient site. They made us very welcome when we paid them a visit. Of course, you require a car to get there independently. In 2007,  I was photographed holding my car keys, I was at a charitable event at the time.

However, what else do we have on the wooden doors, there is a local arts centre with a large wooden door, and many ancient churches. I had a dream of that arts centre, and two Israeli's had come to perform there. A singer that danced, and her life partner, the sound man, was also a renovator, restorer, builder of ancient buildings.

My reflexologist (she is also a Reiki Master teacher) sings in a choir, in an ancient Church with a large wooden door. I really would like to see that lovely healing angel again. Such a sweet, compassionate, and merciful heart. She really helped with the physical process, the reflexology was confirming, what I knew to be true, about my body, and its responses to what had happened to it.

The edema now appears to be healed, it is rare that I have a flare up. Time can also be a great healer, time to recover from life experiences, as mentioned in Psalm 89. It explains what happened to the anointed one, in the timeline of David and his Sons. It was all about the heart, that shielded the sanctity of others.

A colleague asked if there was a convent  that I could go to for a healing retreat. I did meet some lovely nuns at a Catholic school, and they were eager to hear of my divine experiences.

We hired the premises, and that is where I did my Reiki Masters training course, in the year 2000 with Peter. One of the nuns was an amazing artist.

It was wonderful to discover that the reflexologist had trained in Reiki with Peter, we had so much to share, and I gave her his number. Peter also taught massage and aromatherapy, and I haven't heard from him for a long time. So many wooden doors that are connected with Reiki healing. Salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.


It was Christmas time when I was with the reflexologist, such a lot has happened since then. From sharing hearts, to solicitors, to bereavements, and eight months later, bodhisattva still point.

Christmas time, it always seems to be Christmas time. Grand mother Sophia and the Son of Joseph both passed over at Christmas time. The event in 2011 happened at Christmas time, Kern County prophecy in 2013. Is it any wonder that people were saying, 'No Christmas 2013'.

Most Christmas's during my life, I spent alone with my son. That is often the case for single parent mums. While most people are busy with their lives, the single parent mums, and those that live alone, are out of sight, out of mind. So I made my Christmas's productive, I was on the internet for anyone that just wished to chat, sing or pour their hearts out. The anointed one was with the orphans, and people knew that they had not been forgotten by yours truly.

13 years later there is a crowd of people that are on the internet for each other, being supportive and loving of each other. Miracles really are possible. The social networks and their communities, became their families to care for each other.

My energies are very low today, and I can the feel tears of the holy ones. Some are hanging on with just a thin thread to life.

There has clearly been divine intervention, for that line appeared on this blog post.

I went to see if there was anything about the line, and Carl Jung spoke of it, he was shown visions of the future and what humanity was co-creating. He gave a timeline of around 50 years, as such, humanity do not have much time.

So what do you say to the heart of the anointed one, and the two sons of David that was found hanging on an oak tree. Psalm 89. David is gone, he too was a very busy man, busy with his life and family. 

So what does your heart say to the anointed one now.

What does love say now to the holy ones that were sent to help you all.

1 comment:

  1. I just read about the Missouri,USA shooting of Michael Brown, 18 years old. I listened and watched the account of his friend that was at scene when it happened, he sounded and looked genuine to me.
