
Thursday 14 August 2014


Following on from the dream about the musician that also mentioned electricity, cables, and a white hat.  

A lot has happened.

1. 250,000 people were without electricity in East Ukraine. That could also link in with the dream that I had about Eastern Europeans coming through the front door.

2. Comedian Robin Williams passed over and he appeared in a film 'Happy Feet'.

3. When I wrote about the dream, I wrote the word 'Bizarre'. After the dream, the granddaughter of Audrey Hepburn appears on the front cover of Bazaar Magazine, wearing a white hat, like the one that I saw on the grass.

4. Then Lauren Bacall passes over, and in that Hollywood era, the actresses wore those elaborate hats in the musicals and movies.

5. Those hats also remind me of 'Round Table', and my days in the business community, at social charity events. At one of those events we all dressed up in Edwardian clothes with big hats for an Edwardian picnic to raise money for charity.

6. A friend also wore a hat like the one in the dream at her wedding.

7. The musician in the dream was from the North of England, and the football supporters have been standing against the protestors that stand against Israel, in support of Gaza.  It is written in the constitution of Gaza, that Israel has no right to exist. Will that satisfy, the international community in regards to the existence of Israel, certainly not. Israel has the right to exist, in the same way that musicians have the right to exist.

When a person has healed the the way that they think, then their emotions, then the soul. They can then find themselves in a position of healing the physical and the cellular memories. I have been working with healing cellular memory for quite a few years now, especially after the accident in the bath in 2009, and the event that followed in 2011.

I give you this analogy: You have to unlock the filing cabinet to release the cellular memory held in the files. I have no wish to carry those memories in my consciousness. Now sometimes, if someone else unlocks your filing cabinet, to see what you have in those files, it can trigger a person to respond to it if they haven't been invited to do so. Privacy can be a major issue for people in different ways. Also, people heal the individual layers, as and when they're ready to do so.

If a person asks you for a lantern of light, they're more willing to listen to, and accept expert advice and the view of a healer of consciousness. Just like when people asked Jesus for healing, they were asking for his help, and in so doing, he was able to help them. In effect, they were giving Jesus their permission, in the same way that people do, when they come to a healer of consciousness for help.

There is a major reason why, most people don't like to share all of themselves. However, the more healed a person is, the more open they are to sharing all of themselves. You can understand then, to a teacher of healing therapies, if a person is unable or unwilling to share their realities. It shows the healer of consciousness, how 'closed' those people are to actually getting healed. 

Also, if you begin a new relationship, memories can be triggered to do with circumstances, so isn't it more productive to have the willingness to heal. 

Although in this process of cellular healing, that I am sharing with you, there is no 'attachment', to the memory, or 'emotion', relating to it. Due to the intensity of your previous healing process, that has been carried out on in-depth and in-breadth levels. Once you become an objective observer of your realities, the easier it is to heal those realities. 

However, your dreams can show you that there is still memory there, and your dreams can be asking you to look at it, to see what it brings forth for the final healing of your physical, that is impacting on your consciousness. The physical is the most dense in its energy, as such, it can take a lot longer than most people would like.

Hence, dreams can have an influence upon you multi-dimensionally, depending on how you view them, and what they mean to you. That is why it important to look deeply into your dreams, the reason and the meaning. 

Electricity is clearly to do with energetic power, and I can see the importance of the cables, and why the cables were an important aspect of the dream. In the dream, the electricity cables, actually led to the musicians, and the meridians of the body are also like cables for the electricity. The body is also like fine tuning an instrument, due to energy being vibrational. So are you making an harmonic sound that everyone can understand, or does your instrument require fine tuning.

I am also friends with a local musician and his lady, and he was also an electrician that worked in communications. So I can see the connection between the musicians and the electrics, with happy and fun memories of romance. Another local friend is also married to a drummer, that teaches drumming at the local college. The same college where my son just passed his exams.

In the plane dream, I was waving goodbye to a couple of gay people, as I entered the terminal building to leave the building. Since that dream happened, it has been written that a gay person in the community has passed over due to 'cancer.'  I felt speechless, and speechlessness, can also be to do with 'bereavement', and love relationships.

In the recent dream of the musician, I gave the hat back to the drummer, after I had worn it for little while. So I will give you another analogy, I had to put on the white hat that I found on the grass, on my head, so that I could feel what that white hat would bring forth as far as memory is concerned.

However, all the white hat did in reality, was to show me that I did not require the white hat.

Hence, I did not go to the reunion organized by the business woman that wore the white hat at her wedding,  there was no requirement to do so. I did not go to round table either, there was no requirement to do so.

In the dream, the free flowing electricity, the natural resource was from my home. It was my son that gave permission to the musicians, to have access to the energy that we pay for. As such, it was the loving kindness of my son, towards the musicians, that made it possible for their music to be heard.

When you live with love beyond measure, anything is possible, due to the power of the energy of love.

However, the white hat was keeping the cables in place, so that the musicians could have access to the energy, that other people could hear.

Bodhisattva still point.

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