
Thursday 7 August 2014


While sharing on skype and I wrote it feels like the 'End of the Road', 'End of my tether'. Then I suddenly felt 'sick.'  When I checked, 'End of the Road' there is a large music festival being held August bank holiday in Dorset, England called 'End of the Road', and I feel sure that this is a warning about that festival and that weekend.

However, there is also a new ground breaking international festival that confronts the physical, mental, and social challenges of life and death. It presents the opportunity for an outstanding international, cross art-form programme of performance, film, public installations and debates.  They've called it the 'Sick Festival'. The organizers of the arts festival are based in Brighton, Sussex, same location as Dr Ursula Anderson's (USA) publisher.

It surely is the end of the road for humanity, when the entertainment arts industry are engaged in the state of the nations health and consciousness. I wonder if they are doing something on life after death, and how people make a much faster recovery from bereavement, when they embrace the spiritual reality that has been scientifically proven for over 100 years.

Do you remember what the Pope said to Stephen Hawking? The Vatican didn't mind what Hawkings discovered as long as he stayed away from life after death because that was their domain.

Then in 2011, Hawking said that 'heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark'.

Sorry, I agree with the Greek philosophers, and Plato when he spoke of men being afraid of the light. Do you know why? What does the light shine on?  Jesus had an excellent reason for sharing with his followers to put their light on a lamp stand, because he knew that when they stood in the truth of the light, it shone upon others, deeds. and actions. That is why his magnanimous charity and healing showed up the rest of them. He was prepared to go further, deeper and higher than they had gone.

That is why Prophet Isaiah predicted that not everyone would walk on the highway of holiness, that leads to righteousness that is in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law. The dharma.

Reiki is a perfect example, the true light of love is a shower of sweet dew, that washes away anything and everything so that people can stand in the truth of who they are, and never be afraid of it. Reiki, the energy that promotes honesty, open heartedness, and honor. The energy that is empowering in the freedom that people can gain from it universally.  The love energy that is so pure, that Jesus is involved in its planetary expansion for healing humanity.

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