
Thursday 7 August 2014


The LORD gave an important message about closeness and a person that I have been close too. The exact words have been delivered as ordained, the paint has been spread for closeness.

Closeness is also associated with Joseph and the coat of many colors. Joseph said to his brothers, 'Come      close to me', Joseph brought his children close to him. The LORD is 'close to the brokenhearted', the people 'close to his heart,' salvation is 'close at hand', healing hands indeed.

The word in Hebrew for 'Close', is also translated as 'approach', 'to draw near' or 'come near'.

In the painting it brings forth the closeness, the hearts, levels of depths of consciousness, the fountains of wisdom,  on a magenta pink background of the power of love.

The yellow zest of creativity, the fruit of goodness and nutrients. Arms and wings embracing in closeness, the sacred ring of transformation that endorses and encompasses the closeness, its fluidity, flexibility, and uniqueness. Its colorful, bright and beautiful, filled with hope in its glory of color for healing purposes.

Its vibrational in its magnetism, and all embracing Joseph in its forgiveness and creativity thereof. Its aliveness, life, living, picturesque in its openness and honesty. Its a readiness of acceptance, allowance, and receptivity.

Westlife also sang a song called 'Close'. Enjoy!

The power of love of Jesus is with me in this moment, the sheer heat of his love, tells me he likes what is written and the song. He is giving confirmation of this closeness that the LORD has spoken of this day, and what that closeness means to those that are close for the will of God to manifest. For in this closeness he is with us, supporting and encouraging the momentum of the heart vibration.

In the uniting of the hearts in closeness, he draws close in the sheer power of his love for those that are close. The immensity of his involvement in being close, can only truly be known when people are as close as he would like people to be. The integration of the power of love is crucial, to the closeness of the heart connection, that he embraces wholeheartedly. Its empowerment is beyond measure when it is allowed to be free flowing with the ability to flow like the fountains in the painting.

It is a closeness that overcomes any obstacles due to the sheer trust involved. When hearts are open to trusting then they can, and do come very close indeed. A closeness such as this, that has been blessed by the LORD and his Son, enriches those that come close to it.

In individuality there is uniqueness, and in uniqueness there is individuality.


After rest today, when I woke up I was given a spiritual message FUCHSIA

Hence the color pink in the background of the mandala of closeness for these two people,

is Fuchsia Pink. The pilots badge painting was the same color.

It is a past life connection to do with the flowers vibration for healing.

It is also a past life botany connection with the Caribbean, and particularly what is known as the Dominican Republic today. There is a very close and strong heart connection with the Caribbean soul group, for these two people who are close in heart.

When I first started spreading the paint in 2012, I did receive a painting of these flowers, and at the time I called the painting 'Dancing Ladies'.


During my life and different careers, the Fuchsia pink was implemented in a strong corporate design for the launch of a new local business in the 90's.  It was for a 'Jacket Potato' restaurant. Following the successful launch of the business,  the small business owners quadrupled projected sales turnover during the first year of trading. Hence, business is mentioned in the biblical prophecy in the context of noble woman of character.

Corporate design is far more important to the success of a business, than most people realize, and corporate design was one of the specialities of my company and life experience.

The company was in successful operation during the years, 1989-1998. After that, I spent a year in Australia with my son, where I was also involved with vibrational medicine and flower essences. In addition to healing therapies. Whilst in Australia, the first manuscript was written in response to clients requests. 

In addition, this specific fuchsia color was selected for the information folder design provided to health and education workers on training modules during 2003.  The folder included articles on the cutting edge science, that supports the self-development work, that had been implemented on a commissioned project to help families. The project for the families was titled, 'New Empowerment Model' and the fast track results of the methodology implemented is provided on the Spiritual Psychology website.

The original creative design developed for the work, then went onto form the basis of the new spiritual psychology website, due to the sheer numbers of clients that were attracted to its modern style and energy. The intention was to bring forth the cutting edge science into the work as divinely briefed to do so.

A CD was provided with the research results of the work.

The original banner heading.

After the launch of the 'Spiritual Psychology' at London Excel Personal Development exhibition, and at a Mind, Body and Spirit exhibition in 2006. Yours truly was then divinely sent into the global Middle Eastern crisis. Whereby the work and mission with Israel  began, and that was followed by the USA.

In 2006, the meditation of the heart mentioned in the biblical prophecies, was still at number 1 at Amazon in the UK. Many more people had heard her voice for healing purposes. The Rev 12 timeline was completed in December 2008.

The mission to the USA, is mentioned biblically in Micah 4, and it is due to the work helping America and Americans, that the two people found themselves in the same location at the same time. Hence, the connectedness in this 'Closeness Mandala' was brought into existence.  In 2013, I also had a dream whereby, the English and Americans were healing together. 

The other person who lives in the USA, also has a career and background in psychology, both have been professional teachers in their own right. Both have different experience and methodologies.

Hence, the connection between these two people, can be viewed in different realities, that relate to each other in a powerful way, the voices, the sound, and the music is an added bonus.

It is a matter of energy and energetic heart intelligence, and how that intelligence is utilized to help humanity to make a breakthrough, due to impacting on how people view the world and its realities.

Ultimately, the true teachings of wisdom bring freedom to humanity, in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law. In trustful loyalty to loving kindness.


Both are experienced skilled professionals, creative writers in their own uniqueness and realities of existence. However, the combination of these two energies on a work level is very powerful, one could say it is a creative existence for both them, although it often manifests in different ways.

Its easy to see why the LORD chose to bring these two dynamic, and charismatic people close together, it was, and is divine providence for divine will to be done. Two people with the land of Joseph heritage.

The power of love that these two people feel for those that are brought close to them, is beyond measure.  

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