
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Life or Death Mashiach?

Last night I had been invited to a reunion, I couldn't go, due to how I felt about it. I had a deep feeling of foreboding about last night, and there is no way, that was I was going to allow myself to be in that energy again. Doors and gates closed, I have dusted off my feet, no going back.

However, when I woke up today, I felt like I was dying again, a life or death situation.

What a year 2014 has been, first the baby, then David Green, Galaxy and Chance.

I am honestly speechless, Chance, such a sweet soul, the whole situation bizarre.

When it is a life or death situation, it is about survival, recovery or extinction and people were warned many times, what would happen, if they carried on doing, what they were doing.

Raising the standards of communication, and how people behave is essential, yet who has the ears to hear, the eyes to see, and the heart to embrace? As prophecy predicts, the kings and princes cannot meet the high standard in this timeline. Hence, they have to be willing, to go beyond where man is, and his realities.

The Rabbi's wrote that Mashiach goes through this process many times. As the Spirit of Mashiach ascends, descends and ascends again, dies and lives, many different lifetimes in one.  Does it remind you of relationships or how about career?

They speak of the 32 pathways of wisdom, the scribe, the book and the story.

The Dead Sea Scrolls spoke concisely of wisdom, and how when she came, the community must be willing to be corrected by her. The mystics, healers and scribes were fully aware that righteousness would come, and that the Islands would await the spiritual law, and its divine court.

Prophecy predicted that the LORD would betroth his people to him, in faithfulness, and righteousness, in the last days of the end times, and he spoke of her coming, the appointed time of arrival, and how it would happen at night time.


Jesus also predicted that wisdom would come, in the book of revelation it mentions that this calls for a mind of wisdom. Wisdom was called, to do the count. Wisdom with in sight. Wisdom is proven right by her actions, wisdom is proven right by her words. The one that gets wisdom loves life, and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper.

The woman of noble character is worth more than rubies. Yet, who truly cares fully for wisdom, in these last days of the end times?

Prophecy tells the people, 'do not rely on man', why is that? Do you know? Aristotle was correct when he said, 'men seek to know'. So why do they seek to know? Men like to be in 'control'', instead of surrender divinely. If man knows it, then he thinks that he can control it, including himself. Hence, the social engineering of humanity. Surrendering to the power of love, means total dedication, devotion and  faithfulness to the spiritual law, for love is the path of no return to man's realities.

Does it remind you of the leaders of the religions, and where they have taken humanity? The state of the planet, the health of the people of the nations? Remember this that America has the highest incidence of heart disease, now ask yourselves the question why?

Intelligence comes from the heart of essentials.

Do you know the difference between 'control', and 'self-discipline'? Did you die with Christ to the rules of man, and the elemental forces that impact detrimentally upon the world?

Was it easier for you to live by man's rules, did you arise to challenge it, then go beyond it, when you comprehended it?

The LORD has shown man, that at the end of the day, he has no control over the LORD's creation.

He sent wisdom to enlighten his creation, with a moral compass that is unsurpassed.

Last night, I was spreading the paint of gold clouds, so this video and song from DARE, feels appropriate. Man likes to have the keys, yet, if man, its church, and its followers, were with the true creation of the LORD, it would already have the keys for healing consciousness, on multi-dimensional levels.

As Prophet Isaiah predicted the day will come, when people will live healthy until the age of 120 years again, just like those that lived in spiritual community, in ancient times.

When ELIAKIM was given the key of David, as it is mentioned in Isaiah 22:22. She knew David, better than he knew himself. Some of the doors were opened, some were also shut firmly, especially, in his access to her, as the LORD said, 'It is not a one-way street'.

You see wisdom requires no props, due to the fact that she holds the keys divinely, wisdom knows that it is blessed by the LORD of all creation. Hence, the awesomeness of her confidence, to challenge those that have stood against her. Challenge moves them beyond their comprehension, and sometimes challenge is essential, to open up their creative potential that people hold within. A divine challenge is a worthy challenge, created to raise the people up, to a new standard that is healthy for consciousness.

Salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion, and the LORD loves Zion, more than Israel.

ELIAKIM did not prop up the marriage of David or anybody else.

Nor will wisdom and its integrity, prop up the harems of men. Due to the sheer implications on an energetic level, and what that co-creates for humanities consciousness, in the short, medium and long term.

So Islam, sorry, its NO! Just because King Solomon had many wives to keep the peace with the nations  for Israel, didn't make it right. Remember this that the Queen of the South has more wisdom than Solomon. David learned that the hard way, they found him hanging on an oak tree.

As prophecy predicts, 'Wisdom will protect you, love her and she will watch over you'.

Can you love her magnanimously, as Jesus said to yours truly,  'Your love was so magnanimous, they were afraid of it'. In April, in the public domain,  I shared the following with a man in the community.

'The love of a man can be greater than a woman, and when the love of a man, matches that of a woman, or is greater than hers. Then he keeps her. Now what happens to man, when the love of the woman is stronger than his? How does he feel? How did the priests feel, when the magnanimous love of Jesus was greater than theirs?

The man then asked me to rephrase it, wisdom responded, no!. Hold it, cherish it, keep it, give it love, until it blossoms in your heart.

'Love heals the world, compassionate action changes it'. Sacred Words

People speak of their mystical experiences of Mashiach.

How you doing with exploring hearts?

Is everything literal to you, or is it lateral?


  1. The Ruach is identified as "she" and is usually referred to as the Shechinah (the divine presence).
    When I use to eat the flesh of YAHS animals I noticed that I had less compassion and empathy and love for all creatures. Both animals and humans are called creatures in the Hebrew.

    I also could not smell the dead flesh being cooked on an oven. But now the Kadosh (holy) father has given me the attribute of smell.
    Now I can smell the dead flesh and it makes me want to vomit at times.

    I also learned that when one puts the Dead into their mouth. They make their body a grave yard for the dead.
    So, I eat the living food that grows on the trees and from the earth. That grows from the "light".
    Now I have so much more compassion and empathy and love for YAHS creatures. Human and Animal.
    So therefore be a child of LIGHT and not a child of Darkness.

    As a Man. I can say that it may seem that I have become vulnerable by removing my pride, ego, and lusts. But it only seems that way.
    It would be like Mike Tyson saying to someone "I love you" to another man. And the other man laughs at him. But Mike Tyson then says to the man. "You do realize that I am still the champ!".

    Do Teshuvah (repent) daily for actions you are aware of and the ones you might not be aware of. And make your yes your yes and your no your no. Anything else misses the mark.
    Eat the living food from Gan Eden. Be a good shepherd and care for YAHS animals. As he says in Job 12:7-10 Ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky and they will tell you. Which of all these does not know, that the hand of YAHU has done this? In YAHS hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all Mankind.

    Blessed be the Eternal One YAHU for HE IS YAH the King of the universe and Master of Armies and Wonders and Signs.

    Todah Le Havanah (thank you for understanding) and May YOU learn to be WELL Much Ahabah (Love) to you
    And may YAHU give you Shalom but most importantly may you ask HIM for that Shalom

  2. Shalom, Yeshua was a meat eater, he ate whatever was put in front of him. During the menopause I had no choice but to reintroduce red meat into my diet, the more I ate, the more my health improved. It was a blessing and a miracle that I came through the peak of it, has some thought I was dying at the time. The LORD raised me up again and where there is a will, there is always a way. When my hands were weak he strengthened them.
