
Friday 8 August 2014

Espresso Spirituality -v- Serious Spirituality

Human nature is interesting to observe in this timeline. The amount of spiritual people that read about spiritual concepts that were conveyed to them. Then what they did with it. Some considered the spiritual concepts deeply, some invested in oil for their lamps, so that they could see the way to working with wisdom deeply.

Some followed those that sought the easy way, and those that did it the easy way, soon found out that life isn't as easy as they would like it to be. Especially when 200,000 Christians are fleeing Iraq, and the  blood faced children from Gaza, are spread all over the front pages. 

For how long can the people ignore their co-creation, and how the easy way does not eradicate what humanity is forced to look at. It is the end of the road humanity, recovery or extinction, life or death. 

So you can understand then why Jesus said to his followers, 'Did you not know, that I was not speaking about bread?'. He often called his followers out, when they weren't getting his real and true meaning, and the challenges that he laid before them.

He challenged his followers to rise up to the challenge he bestowed upon them, and with each challenge, people like myself became stronger in our spirituality. Our comprehension of Jesus and the sheer depth of what he conveyed and the reason why.

Jesus often gave his male followers what is known in the UK, as a good bollicking, why? They were talking balls, and playing catch the stone to take the sword from it.

This is the analogy, what Jesus was asking them to do, was to help others, work at the stable all weekend, muck out, clear up, then they could have a one hour ride as a reward. 

That is why some of us received the divine ride with the divine, compared with those that didn't. That is why some of us got to dance with Jesus and some didn't. 

Instead of playing with their balls, that was easier, than what he asking them to do. Of course, the guys didn't like it when Jesus gave them a bollicking. As righteous love tends to do at crucial times in the development of the people, when their life is at stake! 

You could view it as being disciplined, corrected, or you could view it, that Jesus was at the end of his tether, with his students, friends and colleagues, due to the bloodshed on the land of Israel. 

It was only the humble hearted that were willing to integrate the true teachings, to assist them with their development.

So for instance, modern day, when the concept of 'letting go', was given to the people, serious spiritual teachers were asking their students to 'let go' of the 'emotion' and its 'attachment' to life experience, that was creating realities for their being, and where it was going. 

However, some turned that concept into an espresso coffee, drink the coffee, all better now. You know,  like how some Americans ask the Indians and Africans to 'forget and forsake' their heritage, and to seek no gain from it. 

If there is no gain from the past, why then do people still read the classics? Or go to museums, or art galleries. Or even keep photographs of beautiful memories. Ponder upon it. 

That's what happened, it was because they drank the espresso coffee, that they didn't gain from the heritage of what their 'emotions' had co-created. 

Comprehending the power of emotion on the health of the being is essential, and I can assure you, that coffee does not wash it away. Even chicken soup is better for you, than an espresso coffee.

What yours truly was asking people to do, was work with the root causes of what created the emotion in the first place. So that people could become an objective observer of the self and their realities. To enhance their repertoire and comprehension of it. 

That is why he asked his followers to do the necessary inner child work, and become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Without any 'attachment' to the life experience that they were experiencing. To assist them to transform the energy, and afterwards to transcend the emotion of where they had been. Why was this imperative and crucial to the advancement of humanity?

Some might remember the Rev 12 timeline, and the Archangel Michael divine teachings, about becoming an observer. However, becoming an observer, doesn't mean that you just sit and watch, humanity destroy itself and its planet. 

So while some thought that they could cure their emotions with some absent healing and a few prayers, 
and that's it, all that was gained was an espresso coffee and corporate Starbucks.

Well do you know what Jesus would say to the Starbuck crew?

I didn't ask you to go to Starbucks, and the galactic spaceship will not save you.

The first place that an American spiritual leader took his client, was to Starbucks. Now, he was also a worshipper of ISIS.

You can understand why Jesus and his lamb were not impressed with him. 

His life partner was another one that came out of the American theosophy. Does it remind you of Rev 2,  Elizabeth Claire Prophet and her followers that think that they can just sit on the mountain top?

I have to say that I am really getting into this divine comedy. When I was about to send out this article, I was divinely given the word 'UNCLE', now uncles sit it out a lot don't they,  even when the children are covered in blood. As Jesus said in 2007, 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'.

You know sometimes, I have to be mum and dad, that's why my son is doing the washing up. He knows what has to be done, and I don't even have to ask him.

You see my son doesn't sit on the mountain top, he rolls up his sleeves. As I shared with people years ago, Jesus didn't sit on top of the mountain top, praying and singing OM. He rolled up his sleeves and went out there to help the poor.

Jesus really does have the WOW factor, his magnanimous love, and its charity beyond measure. Give, give, give, and more giving. As he shared with his followers, it comes back to you 30, 60 and 100 fold.

That is why 2,000 years later we are still giving his teachings of giving, in his magnanimous, righteous love. Our unbreakable love, and trustful loyalty to loving kindness, that honored the holy and its presence in a divine way.

Praise be to the LORD, that he blessed humanity with a daughter and a son. Praise be to the LORD that the daughter was blessed with a son. The unbreakable love of the flame of Joseph.

Give thanks for all that we have been given, give thanks for all of the blessings, divine and otherwise.

Give thanks for all of the miracles and that we still exist on this planet.

For that in itself, is a miracle.

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