
Thursday 10 July 2014


The LORD said, 'You have my thumb', and the thumb is about the will of God.

I have been pondering on his message, and it reminds me of the birth of my son.

New birth and new beginnings. When my son was born, and I held him in my arms in the maternity ward, I sang this song to him, over and over again. While we looked into each other's eyes, adoringly.

I was definitely swooning as I held the bundle of joy, love and light in my arms.

I was nearly 29 when I gave birth to my son, I had decided that I would not let him have a 'dummy' to comfort him. I would be his comforter whenever he required it. However, he took to sucking his thumb, and babies also do that in the womb. He sucked his thumb for much longer than I had hoped that he would.

Sucking the thumb is also to do with the energetic circuit, and children are usually touching the roof of their mouth when they're doing it. He was right on track with his growth, development, he was clean during the day at 8-9 months, clean at night time by 11-12 months. He was in a proper bed by 9 months, because he kept climbing out of the cot, he was talking and walking earlier than most, and everyone was impressed.

A clever little tot, at four years old, he would only wear the colors and clothes that he liked, he did like blue and using a computer. He was very active, he didn't like going to bed at bedtime in the evening. He liked to be with adults, he was beyond his years, clearly an old soul.

At five to six years old he was telling jokes at the dinner table, and entertaining our guests, he was a natural comedian, and liked to make people laugh. Especially, at his mum.

He liked football, and he liked to go to school because of his friends. Being an Aquarian, he was a very sociable child. Friendship was more important to him, than what he could learn at school, probably due to being an only child, and an only child of a single parent mum. Also Aquarians love friends, friendship is more important to Aquarians, than most of their relationships.

He was planned, and he knew that he had a dad, although his dad rarely turned up when he agreed to. So that was the end of that. Boys are only prepared to cry so many tears over a dad. Children have their own way of making up their own minds about people.

At that age he was also giving counsel and advice to his friends, he had become a comforter. I loved to listen to the boys talking about their lives, and what they working through. How they were rationalizing and coming to their conclusions about their life experiences.

Age 9-10 he was planning to start his own business with a friend. Alas, his friend was sent off to boarding school and that was the end of that. Then he began touring with me at healing exhibitions, on the Galilee of the Gentiles, in addition, to helping me with the businesses that I had at that time.

I was passing on different aspects of business operations to him. So that when he started work, he would have a range of skills to offer. It also gave him some pocket money to spend.

In his teenage years, age 14-15, I spent a lot of quality time with him, to review our lives and life circumstances in an adult way. It was a positive time of clearing up some matters, and adding clarification to the events. Review time is essential for children, to aid comprehension of the others point of view, and for parents to establish what memories children are holding onto, and how accurate they are.

In hindsight, allowing him to suck his thumb was natural and the outcome positive.

My son and I were best friends, I exalted him in equality. We chose our food together, our holidays and even the house that I bought. He was intimately involved, in as many life choices as possible. We were partners together, hand in hand, side by side, on this journey that we call life.

Single parents have a special closeness with an only child, it is an intimate love that is built upon a love of two. The son of selfless devotion is now a man, and the power of love beams from his eyes, like stars that sparkle.

I have been blessed that dogs love horses, and both are wonderful healers. However, that dog really licked it, when he arrived in my life. The son's rescue operation, of the horse that carried him, had begun. To live with such joy, I count my blessings, that I have a beautiful, healthy son.

He is 31 years old, doesn't drive, and he says that he has no interest in driving. He is like a young Buddhist in his gentle, polite, and loving manner He also started reading about Buddhism when he was young.

He did his Reiki first degree healing training course when he was just 14 years old. He was blessed to do it in the countryside, with a wonderful Reiki Master teacher that knew him prior to the training course.

Surely, he is, a new Jerusalem child.

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