
Thursday 10 July 2014

Diana, Dodi, David - Ringing Bells

On the Thames river in London, near the Houses of Parliament there is an obelisk, either side of it is two  lions. On the obelisk there is a plaque that state that the hieroglphs mention King Solomon. The obelisk was given to England by Islamic Egypt, and it is known as 'Cleopatra's Needle'. 

There is also a 'Cleopatra's Needle' in Paris and New York. Coincidence? It is written that the obelisks in London and New York are a pair. Wiki share that the inscriptions were added by Ramesses II to commemorate his military victories. 

As we know Cleopatra went to Rome, had a son and afterwards, she then had a relationship with Mark Anthony. They both died within a short span of time. Princess Diana and Dodi were getting engaged to be married, Egyptian Dodi. 

Diana and Dodi were both loved sailing, and that is how they were first introduced, on a boat. 

When I first saw the pictures of our Queen of Hearts and Dodi, on the boat, splashed all over the newspapers, I had an overwhelming ominous feeling, and I knew that something very serious was going to happen to her. Dodi also had a diamond ring designed for Diana, a four pointed star, and stars are associated with Queens of Heaven and the Gate at night time. 


In Egyptian spiritual symbology, the four pointed star, can also be symbolic of the pole star, and the Pharaoh after death, like a cross and it did become the Maltese Cross. It is also associated with Shamash, the sun god, god of love and justice. So why would Dodi give Diana such a diamond ring, and are they both depicted on the Thames as sphinxes?

It has been proven that our beautiful Diana and Dodi, passed over in what is known as a 'sacrificial' way, and so did David John Green from Cowes, that was found hanging on an oak tree in his garden.

Does that make up the trio of obelisk and two lions? The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy.  

They won't be able to mop this one up, or put it under the carpet.

In the 90's a woman brought me a smokey quartz obelisk, and I remember I gave her eight pounds for it. It was a smoky quartz. I kept the beautiful crystal. However, it did not stay with me for very long, after a few weeks, it was simply gone, and I never bought an obelisk again. 

Did the coming and going of the obelisk hold a message for yours truly, about what was going to happen to a man?

David John Green was the CEO of a sailing charity in Cowes for 16 years, prior to leaving and starting his own business. The charity is partners with Prince Charles and the Princes Trust. Does that ring any bells for you? In the most recent painting, ISLE, there is a crab in it, and Prince William was born in the sign of the crab. Queen Victoria also had a residence on Cowes.

This song reminds me of David, because it mentions the crack that I saw in his heart in 2002,  Cohen sings of how the light comes through the crack, he sings of the dove, and he sings about the bells. 

In ancient Greece the prophetess was known as a dove, and the bible describes how it was a dove that was over the head of Jesus.

In Gabriel's Revelation, it gave a prophecy about David and the prophets. 
Was David John Green, that man mentioned in the revelation?

David was warned three years in advance,
 that his life was not safe on Cowes, and that he must leave the Island.

I embrace, life after death, and I was blessed to have communication with Princess Diana after she passed over, she travelled with me, while my son and I were in Australia.

However, it is the nature of the passing, and who and what caused it, that brings sadness to my heart.

While I was in Australia, one of the things that Princess Diana asked of me was to write to Prince Charles, I did as she asked of me, and duly wrote to Charles with her request. After I returned to the UK, some time later, her butler and her things were in the news. 

2012, Prophetic isn't it?

In 2010, bells were given divinely as a call to duty. Did you start ringing those bells everywhere to wake everyone up? Did you start giving people bells as the people were asked to do?

Leonard Cohen is also singing about the bells in that video.

David was found hanging on an oak tree after three days. In the book of Genesis it mentions Joseph, speaking of the three days, and how 'the Pharaoh will lift off your head, and impale your body on a pole'. Genesis 40:18 

Didn't they put Jesus on a pole as well? Didn't they go after David John Green, in the same way, as they went after Jesus? They sought to 'destroy' him, that is 'Corporate Manslaughter', in legal terminology.

So who is the Pharaoh? The Qu'ran mentions the last days of the end times prophecy; about the Pharaoh and the honored Apostle.

In November 2008, the LORD referred to Obama as the 'Pharaoh', and he showed me Chinese New Year. I immediately contacted a Pakistani doctor, to let her know that there was going to be an 'attack' on her country, and we spoke about the assassination. Chinese New Year, 2009, Obama gave the order to strike Pakistan. After that they gave him the nobel peace prize.

In the biblical prophecies it is 'Esau', that does the 'attacking' and in the prophecy of Obadiah, it states that Jacob is a fire, Joseph is the flame, and Esau will be stubble, USA.

Did you notice that it was the British Geese that brought down the American military in January, 2014, in Norfolk. The American military shall leave this land of Joseph, for daughter Zion is upright, wisdom has been proven right by the actions and words.

Joseph is a fruitful vine. 

In 2007, Jesus said, 'Those that remain silent, are compliant to the suffering in the world'. 

How courageous were you? Did you walk the spiritual path of mashiach? Did you step onto the highway of holiness? Did you comprehend the teacher of righteousness, and what it really means in these last days of the end times. Through my merciful eyes, David was an innocent man. He did his best in the only way that he knew how, to put his best foot forward.

Do not forsake wisdom, for humanity will face the consequences. Prophet Malachi gave prior warning what would happen in these last days of the end times.

Wisdom will protect you, love her and she will watch over you. Proverbs 4:6

1 comment:

  1. Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 8, 73

    Soldat barbare le grand Roi frappera,
    Injustement non esloign de mort,
    L'avare mere du fait cause fera
    Conjurateur & regne en grand remort.

    The king is struck by a barbarian soldier,
    unjustly, not far from death.
    The greedy will be the cause of the deed,
    conspirator and realm in great remorse.
