
Wednesday 9 July 2014


News today the outcome of an enquiry in Norfolk. It was the British Geese that took down the American military helicopter in January, 2014.

'This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a elohyim in Israel'. 1 Samuel 17:46

In 2004, a friend and yours truly carried out an harmonic epiphany in Norfolk, as divinely instructed, for the second harmonic concordance on the 1st October. Afterwards over 300 birds came from two different directions, and danced in joy above our heads. That was also the day, that when we put the holy water in the sea, it formed the cross three times. Both Toni and I saw it with our own eyes.

As we were leaving, we saw two bird watchers, and they shared with us how something must have happened for the birds to fly together like that, they said, that they 'hadn't seen the birds fly together like that before'.

We smiled as we left to return home. The full report of that mission was called, 'Zealous Compassion', for they were the words that Mother Mary had given about our work that day.

Archangel Michael also appeared that day, and gave a message.

When I arrived home, the LORD spoke and gave an important message to humanity. The message was shared with the spiritual in Israel in 2006. Prior to that it was published on a spiritual health forum, and distributed around the world.

Also in 2006, prior to the first mission to Israel, Archangel Gabriel had spoken, and he gave a message about the geese, how man thinks that spiritual people are a speciality of geese, and that man likes to eat meat every day. He was asking the spiritual to be more practical in their communications, to reach a wider audience.

The other news from the UK today, is that 1 million public sector workers are going on strike this Thursday. Good for you, about time, that Cameron received a reality check.

Sadly, the reality check that the American military received in January, had the cost of four young lives. I hope that Obama got the memo, to remove the USAF from the UK. For daughter Zion lives on the land of Joseph, and Joseph is a fruitful vine.

Jesus shared with his true followers, to 'look at the birds in the air', Matthew 6:

"Like birds hovering overhead, the Lord Almighty will shield Jerusalem; he will shield it and deliver it, he will ‘pass over’ it and will rescue it.” Isaiah 31:5 

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