
Saturday 5 July 2014


Following on from the passing of a beloved friend David John Green from Cowes, and the 'Cowes Conspiracy'. I was listening to this song today from Peter Gabriel and it immediately made me think of the Isle of Wight and what has happened there.

Even to the point of it mentioning the metal, and the metal is symbolic of the military and its vulcanic energy. The giant 'metal lemon squeezer' was given in a vision received in 2009, and the post did mention Iran. It was posted on the Christ Vision of Peace blog.

No surprise then, that Captain Jimmy Chestnutt was a naval commander of war ships for 32 years of his life. There is plenty of metal there for you.

A few years ago I was also given a vision of a world turtle and a boulder. The little animals that were trying to knock the boulder down died trying to do so. The advice given at that time, was to go into the other direction, and follow the world turtle.

The world turtle is a symbol of the indigenous peoples, and conservationists, that stand against the corporations. In the vision, there was a large cosmic broom attached to the world turtle, and when the world turtle moved, the cosmic broom moved with it. Then the skies were cleaned up. There are now over a million Americans living off the grid, ecologically, and self-sustainably. Well done to you all. 

Of course in the story of Snow White, she also had a broom, and seven little helpers. The vision of Snow White was received in numerous Chet Visions received in 2010. 

I have looked at all the paintings and messages received prior to David's passing and in hindsight, the dreams, the divine messages, and paintings, were all leading to the same conclusion, about the community of the Isle of Wight and its 'Green Leader'.

David received regular email messages from me, and he would've received the 'Jesus Christabel', message that mentioned that there was a 'shock coming', 'explosion', followed by floods.

That message was sent out, a couple of days prior to the arrest of David. Three years ago, he was also given the testimony of warning to leave the Island, due to him and his family not being safe on the Island. At that time, in addition, I had also delivered the Isaiah Island prophecies that had been posted at DTV, and distributed around the world. 


6th October 2013

17th September, 2013. 

As you can see from that navy painting, 
David John Green was besieged, and it was planned by those that stood against him. 

There is a biblical prophecy that the LORD put an ocean between us, and they couldn't cross it. 

There is also an ancient Gabriel prophecy and it mentions David and the prophets. 

It is certainly worth reviewing that original translation of 'Gabriel's Vision', again, in light of current events. 

Here is a review of it: 

Prof. Israel Knohl, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Gabriel Revelation and the Birth of Christianity
The Gabriel Revelation 
is an apocalyptic text, inscribed in Hebrew on a stone. It was first published by B. Elitzur and A. Yardeni in April 2007. Dated to the earliest days of the Common Era, it was probably uncovered in Jordan.

The Gabriel Revelation is divided into two parts, each focusing on a different subject.

The first part describes an eschatological war: the nations of the world besiege Jerusalem, and the residents are expelled from the city in groups. This description is followed by a passage in which God sends “my servant David” to ask “Ephraim” – the Messiah Son of Joseph – to deliver a “sign.” From the context, it appears that this sign heralds the coming redemption.

The second part of the Gabriel Revelation focuses on death and resurrection – and the blood of the slain. The last paragraph cites the words of the Archangel Gabriel who commands a person to return to life after three days: “By three days, live.”

In my lecture I will deal with the possible connection between the figure of Ephraim, the Messiah Son of Joseph, and the image of Jesus in the New Testament. I will also explore the possible link between the resurrection “by three days” commanded by Gabriel in the Gabriel Revelation and the resurrection of Jesus “on the third day.”


The Gabriel Revelation mentions 'the sign', and a sign did come when the whale turned up in Israeli waters in 2010. In the scriptures, Jesus shared that the sign of Jonah, would be the sign that the judgment had begun.

Later that year, 5 million trees burned to the ground on Mount Carmel, after yours truly, asked the LORD to give the people a sign. I was posting at an internet location at that time, and David came to Disclose TV to see what was happening. It was due to what was happening on the internet at Disclose TV, that I asked the LORD, and down came the fire upon Israel, just like in the days of Elijah.

The biblical prophecies predicted that it would happen, the fire began on Mount Carmel, Isaiah warned Israel, if they did not turn their hearts. The war would come, that happened in 2006 after the first mission to Israel. If they still didn't turn their hearts, then the fire would come next. Finally, the floods. Also mentioned in Amos 8.

'You set a boundary they cannot cross: never again will they cover the earth' Psalm 105:99

'Was it not you who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep, who made a road in the depths of the sea, so that the redeemed might cross over?'  Isaiah 51:10

'Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it" Jeremiah 5:22

The biblical prophecies predicted that the LORD would circumcise the hearts of the people.

Just seen the news for the Isle of Wight, on the 4th July, it was reported that a man jumped over the Culver Cliff. The next day, the 5th July, a man was found on the pavement and in the news report, Cross Street is mentioned.

The pavement reminds me of a dream that I had earlier this year.

This painting came in this evening, so I have called it ISLE. In recent days I was also given a location in Scotland, Fife, and it felt like it is also connected with the case. Now the word Isle also reminds me of builders and property developers. They won't be able to mop this one up, or put it under the carpet, due to its global implications for the survival of humanity. David Green was fully aware, that this is the timeframe of 'Recovery or Extinction'.



  1. The blood of David's life, dropped out of the wood, is to do with the Ezra Prophecy.


  2. Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 8, 73

    Soldat barbare le grand Roi frappera,
    Injustement non esloign de mort,
    L'avare mere du fait cause fera
    Conjurateur & regne en grand remort.

    The king is struck by a barbarian soldier,
    unjustly, not far from death.
    The greedy will be the cause of the deed,
    conspirator and realm in great remorse.
