
Thursday 3 July 2014


Yesterday morning, I had a dream, and I was in the arrivals terminal with lots of people. Everyone was so happy, cheerful, and they were all saying their goodbyes to each other. There were people that I recognized, and there were a lot of tall people amongst the passengers.

I realized when I saw the tall gay couple, that this had been a recurring dream. There were a lot of couples on the journey, and we had reached the destination.

When I heard the people saying their goodbyes, I turned around, and people were smiling, happy, and waving to me.

There was also a tall man, dressed in a suit standing behind me. I looked at his face, and he gave me an innocent, shy smile. He had the light of the sun in his eyes, and smile. I gave him a great big smile back.

I then turned around again, and looked straight ahead, to leave the arrivals terminal.

Eternal love exists. 

There was a man in front of me to my left. He asked me if I was going with him. As the man was speaking to me, I could feel the other man in the suit, put his hand and arm gently placed on my back. He had made his move, and he let me know, that he was right with me.

Then the man on the left asked me again, to go with him.

I then put my right hand into the hand of the man who was wearing the suit, to let him know, that I was leaving with him. I was by his side, our bodies were touching, I could feel his suit, and I could feel the sheer strength of it, as we left the arrivals terminal together.

When we were outside of the arrivals terminal, it was a bright sunny day, like noon time, the sun was high, I saw the man on the left walking away, while I was walking alongside the man in the suit, with a white open necked shirt.

I began to be cheeky, and I asked him, 'Did you wear that suit for me?' He then responded, 'why did you ask?', with an embarrassed look, so he obviously did.  So I then explained, why I had asked him the question. Really, I was just making conversation, encouraging him to speak. Then the dream ended.

I stayed in the loving presence of the man in the suit, just wrapped in the energy of love. Then when I opened my eyes, on the ceiling of my bedroom, there was loads of pink energy. It looked like pink clouds in trails, like trails from the plane. Clearly, we had all been together on the plane of love, and these passengers had arrived together, at the same time, and in the same place.

In the dream, I had a choice between two men, I chose to stay with the one that touched me tenderly.

The one that smiled innocently, the one that was tall, strong and sensitive. The one that was right with me as we were leaving the arrivals terminal. A heartfelt connection, that required no words to be spoken between us. We both knew by our actions.

People in the arrival terminal were excited and happy, we had obviously landed in a new place, and everyone was excited, about what was going to happen next. Everyone that had been on that plane of love with us, were leaving the terminal, and starting a new adventure, a new beginning.

In dream interpretation, to arrive indicates that your efforts will be rewarded. To dream of people being happy is a good omen. Pleasant journey's indicate favorable changes. To dream of traveling, can indicate an increase in income or status. To dream of a man wearing a clean white shirt, indicates good luck, and if he is wearing a suit, it can mean a suitor has arrived.

Jesus once gave me a horse shoe for good luck, and this year is the year of the horse. When I was in Israel, I shared with the cafe owner, that they had to turn their horse shoe the other way up, so all of the divine blessings could come into the horse shoe, that they had placed on the front of their door.

The man was so happy that I had shared that with him, he was joyous. As Jesus said earlier this year, 'there is plenty of joy for everyone'.

The Son of Joseph always had a real horse shoe over the door where I grew up in London, and in the country of Kent.  He also used to say, 'the sun shines on the righteous' and 'you were born free'.

He had two real horse shoes outside, where he spent joyous time with his family.

If you put the Omega sign the other way up, it looks like a horse shoe doesn't it? We did it all for you, we did it all for love, the people that travelled all the way with us, now know how far they can travel, and what is possible. They feel the happiness, they feel the excitement of the anticipation of the new.

All so happy that we've arrived, and that they did get on that plane of supreme divine love, with a panoramic view of the holy Spirit, being the navigator. They loved the sacred words, 'You don't require a visa, to fly into heaven'. All that you require, is your heart compelled by love.

In the book of Genesis, they had prepared their gifts for Joseph's arrival at noon, and I was blessed with many gifts on the journey. I particularly remember being given the symbol of 'joy', that the man had made himself. The selenite crystal heart that a lady sent, and the poster of the Harmonic Concordance sent from an American lady.

I remember the holy water, and the soft pastel cashmere wrap that Jenny gave me. Another lady, Sue, gave me a bouquet of flowers. They were beautiful surprises of gratitude, compelled by the heart of divine love. I remember the scroll of remembrance given in Israel, and the Hamsas and fruit.

In the book of Acts, it mentions being received warmly on arrival in Jerusalem. When yours truly was in Jerusalem, Israel, at noontime, the greatest gift was to see the face of the joyous children when I met them. To see the faces of children so happy, and shining with the light of the sun. Israel did give me a very warm welcome, and I can assure you that arriving at Tel Aviv, always gives me a buzz. I simply loved it, and it always feels like going home.

The choices made on the journey of the plane of love, were very important, and it was due to making the upright choices, that everyone was happy. It enabled people to unite, and come together, in a way that they had not done before. They knew that this was a very special, cosmic journey, this is for eternity. It is the everlasting covenant for the children, and we led the way with the power of love.

So I say to the guys, let your actions show her that she has your support, and if she puts her hand into your hand, you know, that there is a heart connection. If she puts her hand on your heart, you know that she will explore it, and bless it, so that she can explain what is required to be healed.

In the dream, the man that took action, reached out to me, and let me know, then he was rewarded for doing so.

The prophecies state that the one that gets wisdom loves life, and the one that cherishes understanding, will soon prosper.

Love beyond measure to you all.

Thank you for being on the plane of divine love.

Thank you for sharing the journey.

We arrived home, safe and sound, in the arms of love.

This is a lovely video of the dolphins of unconditional love, energizing and encouraging a seal to live, and to swim. Such beauty, grace, and healing of creation, the dolphins that always help, if and when they can do so. The power of love that empowers, as the LORD said, 'Your love is as deep as an ocean, and as tall as a tree'. The creation of magnanimous love, that our Creator, created as an example to humanity.

'Love good, and establish justice in the gate, perhaps the LORD God of hosts will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph'. Amos 5:15

For salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion, and the LORD loves Zion, more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.


  1. Robert Wilkinson is also saying his 'goodbyes'.

  2. Orthodox Jews ask about the arrival.
