
Thursday 3 July 2014


As Jesus said in 2007, 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'.

Did David Green commit suicide and hang himself on a tree or was he taken out? The message that I was given was 'Woodland', and yesterday I felt a 'knife' wound under my ribs on the right, and a 'knife' in the back. Was it symbolic or the reality of David Green? I will share with you what I have been given, then it is for you to know in yours hearts compelled by the love within.

Just days prior to David's arrest by the police, he received the 'Jesus Christabel' message that there was a 'shock coming, an explosion, then floods would follow'.

The date of David's passing was given by the press as the 7th of October, 2013. That week I had also sent out a post called 'City of War', and the Trees Prophecy'.

David Green was a deeply spiritual man, a great Spirit having a human experience on this planet we call earth. I have known him since 2002, a client that I was blessed to know as a friend. A man that knew the consequences of suicide in the spiritual law, and also the consequences of martyrdom, for I had shared it with him long ago.

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy, and David was a very merciful, and graceful man, a king among men. He and I both knew, that David was the reincarnation of King Solomon. He also knew, that yours truly had more wisdom then Solomon, has Jesus predicted that I would have.

Wisdom has been proven right by her actions, wisdom has been proven right by her words. How was that? David was given the testimony of warning, that he and his family must leave the Island on which he lived. David said, that his wife would never agree to it. As such, we now have a 'Cowes Woodland Conspiracy' of who done it?

In 2012, I also had a dream about a film director, property refurbishment and a cryptic message, and I've covered that information and how it relates to David Green in a different post. He also received a copy of that dream.

David Green giving a TED presentation in March 2013

Does that look like a man that would commit suicide to you?
His passion, his vigor and commitment. 

Does it remind you of what happened to the 
Irish-American Andrew Breitbart?
Do you remember what happened to him and his coroner?

In the March TED video, David tells us that he had received 2M investment. 
There is three staff, he was clearly very happy. 
October David is going into liquidation for 400,000?
How, why?

In 2013, I was compelled to make a post 'What kind of nut are you?'.

Now we know about the CHESTNUTT

So what's the timeframe?

September 29, David's last tweet. 'Sorry for the offcomms have had some stuff spinning - the worlds climate scientists now claim that Global Warming is real + man made. 

David in 2012 
Bless his heart, he appeared before this flame of Joseph in integrity. 
He was not afraid of the divine exploring his heart. 
The power of love that compelled us.  

7th October 2013, David is found hung on an oak tree. 

19th October, Jimmy Cheshnutt featured by the BBC. 
Chairman of Solent Future Partnership, refers to Mr Green's death as a 'real tragedy' and 'as a visionary'. That is very carefully worded. He also spoke of the 'failed aspirations'. 

29th October, Jimmy Chesnutt announces his retirement as the chief of  Hampshire Chamber of Commerce. So who is this Chesnutt? He is Captain Chesnutt, commander of three warships in his 32 year career in the navy. A military man, the giant metal lemon squeezer seen in a vision in 2009? At that time, I wrote, 'the man of metal, is not the man of gold'. 

The Chestnut Hugenot, the original Chestnut family came from Touraine in France, the name has historical connections to the Lords in France, and some of their descendants went to Ireland and America. The leaves of the chestnut are also in the coat of arms of Annot in France where the boulders went on the train of religious pilgrims recently.  Annot is famous for its historical 'war of religions'. 

18th November, report Hampshire Chamber of Commerce. 
Jimmy Cheshnutt and Carl Churchill make a presentation. 
Carl Churchill owns Netpay and has been hailed the new Bill Gates. 

Cheshnutt says that 'the chamber has stepped out of its comfort zone'. 

Yea, I feel sure that they felt comforted by the fact,
 that David Green was the 'Green Leader', 
'energizing people to innovate change',  years of work, that would've cost them billions. 

19th November, Cheshnutt honored with 'Doctor in Business' degree from Southhampton University where David gave his TED presentation in the March. 

Chestnutt mentions how 'flattered' he was. 

Romans 16 ring a bell?

Daniel 11:32 

Job 32::22

Who looks innocent to you? 

The Rainbow Warrior, David Green 



the Naval Commander, Jimmy Chestnutt? 

Do you know what the Chestnutt has been involved in?

Just found this newspaper article from 2001. 

Dibden - The New Environmental Battleground. 

Captain Chestnutt plans to build a giant container port, in our national park, 
the historical New Forest. Do you remember when I saw the 'antelope' this year?

David John Green was defending the tree of life. 

20th May, 2014, an antelope appeared before me when I woke up.

This is what was written. 

Why hasn't there been a full murder enquiry into the death of David Green?

Why is the internet silent about David Green?

How about the media?

Remember what they did to Princess Diana, our Queen of Hearts?

Does this have something to do with it? 

Or how about how the Met had to carry out Operation Elveden?

Do you remember how the south of England was flooded?

I predicted that there was a shock coming, an explosion and floods would follow?

Jesus had spoken, 'CHRISTABEL'. 

As David put on his presentations, 'BEST FOOT FORWARD'. 

He put the tree of life in his presentations, and the world tree holds up the heavens. 

Isaiah 8, now my children come. 

Last night the LORD said, 'Now its going to get crisper'.  

I do like crisp fruit, do you?

I heard this song again today.


  1. Character Assassination by the Utility Trade Press on Valentines Day, prior to the inquest in March. Even his son Luke Green did it as well. If I put my old business management hat on, I have some views and comments on what has been written. Especially, as some don't seem to know the difference between Marketing and PR. However, I will save that for a later time. I should add at this point, that I don't remember David and I ever discussing my business career. Although from looking at the article and the series of events, he could have done with the sheer depth and breadth of my business experience and wisdom in that respect. This is a sad, sad, story, and as David mentioned in the March TED presentation, there were many stakeholders involved.

  2. I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.Isaiah 22:22


  3. Nostradamus prophecy: Quatrain 8, 73

    Soldat barbare le grand Roi frappera,
    Injustement non esloign de mort,
    L'avare mere du fait cause fera
    Conjurateur & regne en grand remort.

    The king is struck by a barbarian soldier,
    unjustly, not far from death.
    The greedy will be the cause of the deed,
    conspirator and realm in great remorse.
