
Monday 30 June 2014

DAVID GREEN - 1-7 October 2013
  1. Following on from the in-depth post on 'David Green - Rainbow Warrior' 
    I've just looked through the archives from the beginning of October, and found a Jesus 'Christabel' post. This was just before David was arrested, he would have received a copy of this, that there was a 'shock', coming. An 'explosion', and floods would follow.

    4th October, 2013. 
  2. 'City of War and Trees Prophecy' and that is about what the corporations are doing.

  3.  7th October, the heavenly Father spoke, and he said, 'They blame it on the sun' 

    This painting had been posted and the song. Press reports say that David was found hanging on an oak tree on the 7th October. The sailing charity say it was the 8th. So who is correct?

    The following words are found in the post. 

    'This picture reminds me of an elephant although there is a lot of green in it. While I was painting it I could feel the water of the oceans.  It also looks like a snorkel that a diver would wear'.

    On my birthday this year, this painting was posted. 
    13th February, 2014. I posted the 'Oceanic Painting' and described a 'war of kings', 'war in the ocean'. Looking at it now I can see Australia in the painting.

    Oh David, David, David. 

    Last couple of days, I have been wearing fawn, 
    a fawn fur throw to keep me warm. 

    As I sit here, pondering about you, 
    it reminds me of a Native American lifetime, 
     of 'White Dove'. 

    My partner went to hunt for food in snow covered mountains,
    food for us and the children, and he never came back, 
    because the other hunters killed him. 
    I did meet him again this lifetime, on the galilee of the gentiles with my son. 

    It was during that past life healing in the 90's,
    that I was first shown the rainbow, and given a message about it. 

    You ask for forgiveness David, due to the testimony of warning that you were given many times. So many lifetimes I tried to save you,  Of course, you have my forgiveness, you know that in your heart. I just wish things had been different, and all of us together had built New Jerusalem, ending our days in happiness of the city of enlightenment. I know that you will be with the righteous and loved ones in Spirit, and we will never ever forget you, and the power of your love, that you poured out onto the planet in the last 52 years. In addition, to many lifetimes. 

    David said, 'It was a disaster'. 

    You will heal David, you will heal. 

    I have known David since 2002, he was a client that became a friend. He was sent regular information Around that time, my son developed an ecology website for my brother, the website was for the building of an eco-village and this was the logo that he designed. 

    The website had a vision. 

    It also included the photographs and information of a project in Costa Rica.

    In 2004, I received a loud message from the LORD. 'Humanity needs you now', and an SOS. 

    The information was sent out to my contacts globally, including David. We were then told what had to be done. However, few listened and did what was asked of them, and I didn't see the article posted on the internet. 

    Within months the 'Asian disaster' happened on Boxing Day, 

    In 2004,, I shared with David that it was time to move forward with his divine mission. 

    In 2006, David was reminded of it again.

    Prov 27: 19 

    Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative’s house when disaster strikes you— better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away. Proverbs 27:10 

    Hold the dream for all of us on this planet. 

    For the survival of humanity.

    Life after death David, you have proven it. 



    At once I was in the Spirit,and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. Rev 4:2-4 


    Don't you think it strange, that apart from the press reports up to October, 2013 and a single obituary from the sailing charity in Cowes. There doesn't seem to be anything else on the internet. I couldn't even find anything on the funeral. I hope he had a gold eco-pod filled with white feathers.  There seems to be silence on the matter, is that because the case was referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission?

    Rainbows will always be a wonder to me.


    One of David's previous incarnations, he was Lord Byron.

    Love beyond measure David 

    When I woke up today, 1st July, I was given the word,'Woodland'. 

    Yep, found the old Chestnutt! 

    David was a man 

    that dared to allow himself, to be sensitive and loving enough, 

     to know Spirit.

    Biblical David the King of Spades.

    I only have ACE cards in my upright hand. 


  1. 15th October I had a dream about local business people, charity and it mentions a publisher.

  2. This morning I had a dream, and in the dream, I was in an arrival lounge having got off plane. Everyone was happy and there were loads of couples and some gay ones that I recognized as well. This had been a recurring a dream. Everyone was saying their goodbyes, there was a man on my left just in front of me, and a man on right just behind me.

    The man on my left asked me twice to go with him. However, the man on my right touched me, I felt his arm around my back, after that I put my right hand into his hand, and we left together. I did speak to him about what he was wearing outside the arrival terminal, question was asked, there was a response. Then the dream ended. After that I stayed in the arms of the man of love, just enjoying being in the presence of love. When I opened my eyes, there were pink energetic trails on the ceiling of my bedroom, like pink clouds created by the plane.

    This light of magnanimous love, must stay on this planet for as long as the LORD allows me to do so. I must concentrate on my health and recovery for now.

    While bathing, I saw a large block of emerald green energy appear before me. It was awesome.

    Love beyond measure everyone, love beyond measure.

  3. Just found this link on the Hampshire Police.

    It sums up the British Police Force exactly, and confirms my experience of it as well.
