
Sunday 6 July 2014


This morning when I woke up, David came close to me, and he showed me the core of my heart. In my heart there were two seeds.

I wondered about the two seeds.

I loved people and brought them back to spiritual life. Just has Jesus had taught me in his holiness.

Trustful loyalty to lovingkindness, and its power of love that creates miracles.

In the core of my heart, is the fruit of magnanimous love, of the true seed of Jesus, that was conceived in the nature of an orchard, surrounded by trees. It was planned to come to be, as nature intended, organically.

The organic seeds of the power of love. The tiny little girl, that brought the attention of the medics, because she refused to eat, or drink milk from the cows after WW2. The sensitivity to the energy, that enabled her to just be who she is. Born a free Spirit.

The fruit of the lips, faithful and true, that dared and challenged people to love beyond measure.

It was the seeds of this magnanimous love, that had a resounding impact on David.

David had explored my heart, and that is what he found, he had been looking for it during his life, due to his experience of it, in many past lives, that he willingly shared with me.

Once he found the seeds that he was looking for, he felt he could then create a fellowship, a heartfelt connection with the people, that was compelled by the power of love.

From 2002, he witnessed the actions of wisdom, and he understood the reasons for it.

David knew that this higher wisdom would be proven right by actions, wisdom would be proven right by her words. However, I know in my heart, that he did do his best, in the only way that he knew how, to transform the 'way of sorrow to the way of love'.

He was an Ox of a man. However, when that gemini made his move, he certainly knew how to plough those fields of consciousness magnificently.  The comprehension of the importance of the Zayin, and its 'woman of valor' had been essential to him. The purest essence of being, and the science of happiness that Jesus taught.

He knew that yours truly, had prayed with an Israeli musician in East Jerusalem, Israel. To the LORD, and we promised that we would do our utmost to fulfill it, and transform humanity for his glory.

We did it all for the power of love, for the children of the world, and many new rainbows were born, on the land of Joseph due to it.

David knew that when God gave everyone in the spiritual community a wish for themselves; prior to the gathering for the Harmonic Concordance in Florence. It was an engagement with God, and a sacred love union with the divine for the elect. Spiritual people around the globe were excited by its arrival, and I could feel the sheer power of the heat of the love, that was being sent to me from around the world. The fire of Jacob and the flame of Joseph, were burning brightly with the sheer power of its love.

Yours truly did not choose something for herself, the wish that she asked the LORD to grant, on that beautiful sunny day, was for world peace for humanity. It was on that day, her life was impacted upon, in harmonic concordance with the divine plan. It was on that day in Florence, in 2003, in my presence, that a young Italian girl, shared with our group, that she had seen Archangel Gabriel for the first time.

That beckons the question, was David the third instrument mentioned in Psalm 92? Was he the David mentioned in Gabriel's Revelation, that would come and ask for a sign? Did the reports of the missions that I sent to David give him the sign that he had asked for? Or was it when the 'Star of David' was formed by the planets? Or when the sign of Jonah, the whale that Jesus had spoken of, turned up in Israeli waters in 2010? Signifying, that judgement had arrived.

Was David John Green, fertilizing the soil for the third person? Was he preparing the people for what he knew was to come?

Is the third instrument still to manifest in my life in a powerful way?

Did you come to this heart of wisdom for its seeds of empowering love; to energize people to innovate change? Did you put your best foot forward, and/or go the extra mile?

The seeds of perfected love, and its awesomeness. Did you come to connect in the heart with yours truly? What did you bring in your heart? Did you bring your heart to be healed like David did? How about your soul?

'The one that gets wisdom loves life, the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper'.


"You set a boundary they cannot cross: never again will they cover the earth' Psalm 105:99

As I used to say when I was young, 
'If a man really loves you, wild horses won't keep him away'. 

What greater testimony would you like?

What greater honor, could we have bestowed upon the Son of God?

Blessings in abundance were given.

People were redeemed in the power of love. 

People were healed and raised up.

The power of this celestial supreme love will prevail,

 it is beyond most people's comprehension. 

Eternal love exists. 

'The seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. 
This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” 
Matt 13::23 

Do you understand that phrase from the parable?
It is about the spiritual law of giving. 

'It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest on all seeds on earth'. Mark 4:31

Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, 
it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree. 
So that the birds come and perch in its branches'. Matt 13:32 

As the LORD said, 'Your love is as deep as the ocean, and as tall as a tree'. 

In the film director dream, 
the film director said, 'I will have a protege every year'. 

Prophet Isaiah also spoke of 'the least of you will become a mighty nation, 
I am the LORD, in its time I will do this swiftly'. Isaiah 60:22. 

The Parable of the Growing Seed
26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head.
Mark 4:26-28 (NIV)

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