
Sunday 8 June 2014

Spider-Scorpion Dream

Last night I had a strange dream, it was a warning dream.

I was outside. I saw a large spider, first of all the very large spider was on its own, then it was carrying a different kind of animal.

The spider looked like a tarantula. It was coming towards me, then all of a sudden it appeared to turn into a scorpion, and it jumped up to my bite my hand. Its pinchers took hold of my forefinger, that has the mount of Jupiter, and the great star in my right hand on the mount. It is rare to have a star on that mount. 

The 'attack' from the Scorpion woke me up. In dream interpretation, it is a warning about friends or associates who are 'dangerous' or 'treacherous'. Scorpions are also biblical and it is has a timeline of five months.  

In dream interpretation it says that if the Scorpion bit you, then it means that you will overcome people that are 'hostile' towards you. In the dream, I shook off the scorpion, and it went back onto the ground.  So although it got a grip of the top of my finger, it did not bite me. 

Also in dream interpretation a tarantula can be specifically to do with health, and a strong warning to guard your health. As we know there has just been G7 and Obama has been in British news, in respect of Scottish Independence and the EU. 

Also last night, before sleep, I had responded to a person who had written on this blog, in reference to the babies that were killed by the Catholic Church in Ireland. Following the painting that I had of a baby, and the recent news last week of the babies being 'poisoned' in British hospitals. Hence, I can see the connection with the dream and health. 

I did not sleep well, it was a restless night, I was also restless about the man that is full of love, in the dream that I had a few weeks ago. 

If people are 'hostile' towards you, it does mean that they have some impending health issues, and we know scientifically, that 'anger', is the biggest predictor of heart disease. America also has the highest incidence of it in the world. 

'The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.' Romans 8:7. 'who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone. 1 Thessalonians 2:15 

Yesterday, Jesus said, 'This is law'.

Wisdom says, legally, scientifically, peacefully. 

The verse of the day is: 'The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.' Hab 3:19 


  1. I just looked to see if there was any news to do with Scorpio. I found that Hank Scorpio is a character in the Simpsons. See its to do with Homer.

  2. Comedian Rik Mayall has passed over. There is a link with the dream and he was only 56 years old.

  3. There has been numerous shootings in the USA, since I had this dream.

    Las Vegas and what has now become known as the 'Joker' murder of two police officers.

    School shooting east of Portland.

    As I predicted previously its going to be a hot summer.

  4. Following the two shootings, I've looked at the spiritual symbology of the Scorpion and J.C. Cooper wrote that it is symbolic of death, destructive force.
