
Saturday 7 June 2014


Following on from receiving this lovely mandala for a new forum last night, and the instruction "Farmers", received prior to painting it.

While I was posting today, I was given 'Angels of Change'. As we know the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, and uranus is the planet of change.


6th June 2014 

'Day of Vision'

So one could say that the 'Angels of Change', are the angels of the new Aquarian age, that is all about change. Prophecy also predicted that change would come in the twinkling of an eye, and the old heavens and earth would pass away in this timeline.

Its such a lovely mandala with the rays of the sun going in to it. I see a square gemstone ring in the centre of the mandala,  like an emerald. It signifies that the farmers, the angels of change, have been chosen to manifest the will of the heavenly Father.

I see the celestial spears, forming the cross of protection to uphold it. I see the beautiful fruit that has grown, and eight different compartments, that come from four. I see the branches of the trees, and all kinds of farms. It was in 2005 when Archangel Michael began working with what is known as the eco and rainbow warriors. That is when he began working with, the new teachers of ecological, self-sustainability.

There is everything from nature and environment with this mandala, that is surrounded by the turquoise blue water, symbolic of the age of the water carrier. Water is very important in this timeline, and so is food. Christians might like to read Matthew chapter 12. There is also a biblical prophecy about the farmers. I see healing herbs and healing foods, I see that it has been blessed with something fresh.

As natural, and as alive, as fresh food that is eaten raw. As juicy as the most amazing fruit. As sweet as you like, depending on what fruit you choose from which compartment.

Jesus is speaking to me as I write this, and he said, 'This is law', he is clearly speaking of the holy law of nature and that which is natural.

The mandala as a streamline to it, a specific purpose, and it is compelled by love, for nothing can grow without love, the sunshine and water. Food and farming is important to all nations. Hence, articles should be made available in different languages. Important, scientific articles. News, interviews, etc.

This has an ecological appeal to all of the nations, it reminds me of kissing at the gates on the borders of the farms, where lovers meet. Lovers of our countryside, lovers of that which is upright, good and healthy for well-being.

It is very grounded in all that it does. Its like a basket of organic fruit or vegetables in a farmhouse kitchen, on a pine wood table. Now it reminds me of the dream that I had in October, 2013.

A friend and I were driving through the countryside, and we stopped to ask about what was happening with some land. Then the people invited us in to their farmhouse kitchen.

At the table Rupert Murdoch was sitting there, and he handed me a chocolate, on the gold paper it had the word 'president'. I will have to find a link to that dream, and post it here for you. Due to the timeline of G7, and Obama being in British news about Scottish Independence and the EU.

I have just read the original on the dreams received at the time of the one that I've mentioned. It also mentions the babies and how the baby didn't get to wear the baby clothes. That also applies to current events. As this week there was the news about the babies that have been 'poisoned', due to what they were fed in British hospitals. The mandala that was posted with the dream, was Sara's mandala, and it was called, 'Mothers Table'.

Since Sara's mandala was painted in 2013, I have also been to a funeral of a baby, that died in the womb, and it was due to historical genetics. So the baby didn't get to wear the baby clothes, and the name of the mother is Sara. In the dream I mentioned my son, and my son returned to me in the timeline. He is a precious soul.

Now the first person to respond to the message that I had received for the cantina mandala, was a person that went by the name of Sara. Coincidence?

Another Sara was also given a mandala recently, 'Queen of Fire' and her fire of love is powerful, she certainly has important work to do.

I felt Omega with me as well while I was painting, and some people may remember that his sister/friend found that he had left packets of different seeds. At the time, I shared with them, that I felt that it was important, and that it was a message. Its like he knew what would happen after he left. They would find  the seeds to plant them, in fertile soil. There is now over a million Americans living off the grid, so there is certainly a lot of potential, for the new forum, if they take the advice and instruction on board.

It would mean a change of graphics, and that would be good, for a new and fresh approach.

The more I look at the mandala, the more beauty I see in it. I've just seen the four sacred ankhs, four keys of life. In what is known as the womb of creation, you can see the fruit and vegetables.

This post is the 22nd post in June, and 22 is the master number of Angels, Leadership and Charity. There have been a few other beautiful mandalas with fruit and vegetables in them, so we're definitely in the timeline.

Magnanimous love to you all.

1 comment:

  1. More on the rock dream, 30 Rock Star in crash in New Jersey.

    In the last 48 hours I was sharing Tracy Chapman songs.
